Grymm Ramblings
Sorry for the mini-blackout there folks. Backlog of pages ran out and work and sickness blindsided us. Regardless, let's get back in to it. Rip Flintlock's finally dead! This is our gift to you, dear readers, during this lovely holiday season! The last we saw him, Cyradwee was welcoming him as a cellmate. And now we'll never see him again. Except for maybe in more high school flashbacks... As far as talk of prophecy and a "Dark One" goes, it's been a while. Perhaps Cyradwee is referencing the same topics Mirth and her Dad discussed oh so very long ago. And once more, not nearly as long ago.
0 thoughts on “KIll Your Heroes 69: The Doctor Is Out”
Ahh worm birthed from a lowly worm. Makes sense to me. Sad part is I could sense in Rip the potential for greatness… too bad that ego got in his way. It’s kinda funny how often that happens to Villians, they get a power or magic item and while someone might say “I could make TONS of money in a legit way with this thing!”… instead their ego goes “POWER! LET’S TAKE IT!” I mean… imagine how much money flash could make delivery newspapers. Not glamorous but you could drop off an entire city’s papers in one morning and rake it quite a bit of cash. Also remember in old flash comics there was a group of speedsters who defected from russia to become the Kapitalist Kouriors. I was like “Makes sense to me.”
That’s one hell of a sound effect. My eyes. I don’t need my eyes anymore.
Oh, and happy holidays, guys.