Grymm Ramblings
Based on this War Wisdom post, we can conclude that there were at least two different incidents involving Heinrich, a beloved letter opener, and a gruesome murder.
It's very likely the Uncle Franzibald CK refers to here is also War Architect Franzibald from this War Wisdom entry. The mention of crimes against Florida and the existence of this WW entry back it up fairly well.
Aunt Natricia is most definitely the Hog-Lord Natricia "Bloodburn" CreepKnight mentioned in this entry.
So far, Hrumbolt and Cravus have not been mentioned in the War Wisdom. Then again, their claims to fame may just exclude them from having anything to do with family wisdoms.
Okay. General updates time:
-The next comic is currently being roughed out and I'm hoping to have it done within a few days (famous last words I know). I'd love it if I could keep this back and forth going every week. There's really only a handful of pages for both these arcs and I can't wait to see them in all their glorious glory.
-The tradepaper back volume 1 collection is still in the review phase at the printer. I'm not really surprised by the wait since I'm sure they've got far more urgent orders to get through from upcoming con seasons that are more pressing than my one proof. I'll keep you all updated as things develop.
-I am HOPING. Fingers crossed. Knock on wood. Polite request to the the simmering brew that makes up existence. I have zeroed in on a new-to-me Surface Pro to replace my current seven year old machine. If it turns out to be real and not just some shitty scam, it'll be a massive upgrade for me and it should mean I'll finally have the horsepower to more easily do things like livestream art and not worry about the computer shitting itself to death while working on big projects like the tradepaper back or the beasts that are the ConQuest pages. Oh. Also the roughs are coming along now for the next ConQuest. Almost a year after the last one.
That's all from me for now.
I love you all. See you here in a week or so.