Musings of a CreepKnight
...and that's the last Walrus of the year.
Not to worry, we'll be back on Tuesday with another exciting installment. But, alas, 2011 is over.
Thank fucking god.
Quick bit of business. Some final edits and technical difficulties continue to plague the Year Zero PDF. I anticipate about a two week delay at the moment and I'm hoping to have all problems on my end cleared out by Monday. In the meantime, Season 1.5 of "Ask CreepKnight" starts filming after the PDF goes live. I have enough questions for 3-4 episodes, but if you have anymore I wouldn't mind rounding it out to an even 5. Send them to me at
0 thoughts on “Twas the Night After Crispy, Or Some Such…”
Who’s the lady? Is she new, or has she appeared before and I’ve just forgotten?
She appeared recently as a chick Creepknight seduced at Club Tesla shortly before kicking Rook! in tthe balls with steel-toed boots. Lucky bastard.
I AM an exhibitionist anything higher than first floor isn’t flashing anyone…might as well be in private at that rate.
Mask? Wait, are we talking the gimp mask or some other sexy mask?
BrickJAK BouncerPants
I dunno. I’d say it still classifies as exhibitionism … at least in the legal way. I mean, that’s the reason the hotels in Atlanta painted the floor (and in some cases room ) numbers on the outside. So the cops knew what floor people were flashing from during Dragon*Con.
(- As if that has ever stopped us. -)
I have just read the entire span of Voodoo Walrus in the space of a single day, I feel this sense of accomplishment. I’ve noticed that Grymm started out as being almost completely divorced from reality to casually acknowledging it.
You should feel accomplished! That’s a good little chunk fo reading you just did! And yeah, Grymm and reality seem to at least respectively consider each others’ existence now.
No offense, but that ain’t much of an accomplishment. I read the entire archive while simultaneously saving it to my laptop in a single day. And, to be fair, I think the early Grymm’s craziness was due to an over-intake of DOOM! cola.
Bravo you managed to take in that much awesome and you head didnt explode!!!!
Yay after months of non-internet access and dealing with hiding from a stalker ex I finally have managed to get caught up on all the Walrusy goodness. Hopefully this year stalkers wont interfear with my ability to keep up with you peoples wonderful genius!!!!
Oh yeah Happy New Year all you beautiful peoples!!!
Happy new year for you too! Welcome back!
Yes, Happy New Year to all.
Stalkers can be dealt with by way of bamboo under the nails and poisonous things in…. other places. Also, welcome back to the fold.
Will B
*crawls out from under the pile of Irish whiskey bottles.* New years Happy *passes back out*