Grymm Ramblings
Its that time again! Be it due to too many good ideas, a rift in the space time continuum, or Marron calibrating her illegal and experimental Star Trek style transporter on us with out consent, there's a bonus comic for today. This one has a purpose though. This is what Mirth and Bowler were actually talking about. Despite Kaboodles' perspective. Also, very special extra thanks beyond the usual to Marron for taking care of the flat colors for this one! Its saved me some much needed to time spent on making sure I knew what I was doing for Tuesday's comic which I hope will come as a bit of a surprise to everyone.
0 thoughts on “Drivin’ Miss Spooky 4: Badger-o-vision”
Mmm… Vito’s… you know I don’t think I’ve actually been back there since my new office opened right beside it.
… weird, I should change that tomorrow.
Oh, I’ve got a meeting from 10-2… damn… we’ll probably eat lunch during the meeting.
Unless I get them to go to Vito’s. Hmm…
I was about to suggest getting Vito’s to deliver right to your office, but they don’t do delivery until later on in the day.
What’s up with the tornadoes this month, where is they all coming from? It seems like there has been an unusual amount these past few weeks.
Today I was in my office looking out the window and the radio said the
tornado storm was on top of the little town 2 miles away that minute. 10:32 this morning.
I’m looking outside, it’s sunny above me. I look north, solid green. Nasty color.
It’s been nice chatting with myself, I should make new Walruses my new blog. Who needs livejournal or facebook really? Never post anything on either of them anyway.
Guess I will go do my daily peruse of Geek Life. You know… I don’t think I’ve ever actually typed that word, peruse. Had to google it.
I like …’s though instead of comma pauses.
No more caffeinated blood for you Vensik. I’m cutting off your supply.
Good luck with that. I’ve watched him absorb caffeine from the very air and people within his vicinity. Its amazing.
BAD who-mans! Stop giving your badgers the soapy stuffs and give them more of the crispy!
You have no idea just how horrible a SCIENCE BADGER smells after a few days of having locked itself in a secret room playing with science and chemical things. Soap is a necessity.
*giggles* Gotta love the add combination that come up over to my left haven’t had a repeated link yet. I did spot a Voodoo Walrus add yesterday on one of my other webcomics I read (it was part of a PW add cluster)
One of the very first text ad listings I noticed was “Learn How to Be a Wizard” thrown in amongst ads concerning learning more about voodoo. I was amused.
Hmmm…though the who-mans should give their badger more meats stuff and crispy I do have to wonder why he has a camera.
And Vensik you get a gold star for using the word peruse…it should be used more often.
To take pictures of course!
YAY! BADGER! *hug and squeeze* HE will fit in most well with my ninja ratties, he can make them adorable outfits and equip them with such wonderful things! I missed Kaboodles. He’s such a silly creature, and Bowler your jokes are in good taste, for they are far more subtle than the average bear.
Just a tiny bit of news. After much pain in the neckocity, we finally have the Voodoo Walrus Paypal account properly verified! So to that one person that donated weeks ago, thank you! You pretty much covered half our monthly hosting cost! To anyone who was waiting until things were properly sorted, now your chance. Click on the big Walrus head donate button and send us some love if you want. Now I have Tuesday’s comic to go draw.
Walrus trying to get money stuffs together. That’s got to be interesting, oh… I guess we have a pretty good example of that in the last few panels.
Where is CK lately? Is it just me? He not post no more? Getting ready for the Fair?
Yep. He’s been in the recording studio prepping new albums for fair and gearing up for the Creepy Hollow pre-season.
Will B
Well break a leg CK. Hope it all goes well.
Glad to help.
And, hey, I always call CreepKnight up and ask permission first before I run my experiments. He always says yes. Must be the phone porn voice.
Truly you use your natural talents to their fullest!
Mmmm… natural talents.
Will B
Okay gotta sing it. “Some balls are held for charity, and some for fancy dress, but when they’re held for pleasure, is the balls I like best”
“My balls are always bouncing
To the left and to the right
It’s my belief that my big balls
Should be held every night”
-Sing it loud.
Mercenary Clown
ahhh….love the AC-DC….
Will B
Well ladies and gentlemen of the Voodoo Walrus community, I have just reread most of the comics and comments that survived the transfer to the new site. I would like to say that reading comics is fun but rereading the comments section is almost as fun. Thank you Gentlemen creators and staff for giving us such a wonderful place to enjoy.
And thank YOU and other readers like yourself for the continued patronage of the Walrus! Cause if it wasn’t for the fans, there’d be no audience to entertain would there? Except for the cold, binary minds of the search engine spiders that scrape the site every day or so.
An achievement in of itself, my friend. I do hope you enjoyed the rambling insanities, the obscure references, and the admissions of ungodly power.
For once good sir, I am in agreement with you.
Even fools have tongues, so that they may speak truths.
I really ought to drop off a keg at the nearest military base.
Am I a fool merely because I support the greatness that is Rook?