Grymm Ramblings
First of all, to all of you who chimed in and answered the reader feedback questions this past Friday, you have our thanks. Your data has been fed into the giant statistics computer we lashed together out of driftwood and abortions and is being processed to better entertain everyone. That said... All right kiddies. Sit back. This is gonna be a long one. I'm not referring to the current story arc. I'm referring to this newspost cause I'm usin' it as a soapbox for sheer artistic venting purposes. "Oh shiiiitttt.... Grymm's about to yell a lot and call people cunts for a while isn't he?" NO! Well... Maybe. We'll see. It's come to my attention over the past few years that there is a distinct percentage of the population out there that, when encountering art, writing, music, movies, animation, or just about any other creative media, will, on occasion, look at it and say something to the effect of "How high were they when they made this?", What were these guys smoking?", so on and so forth. I call bullshit on these ignorant douche-dams. Friends... Just because a a creator is able to craft something a consumer has never before experienced does not automatically mean that the creator in question was on some kind of mind altering substance. It just means that said consumer is an uncreative, mentally dead-end waste who, since they've never had a single original thought in their head, believe that no one else is capable of creative thoughts without substances directly causing it. "Fucking Christ Grymm. That's kinda harsh... Not everyone can be creative and artistic you know. Some people just don't get it!" Sorry. I guess you're new here. Hi. I'm Grymm Grymmowski. I do the art end of things around here, regularly speak in extremes to drive home points (such as I just did above), and tend to look down upon people that draw nothing but fan art or who abuse net slang like "LOL". I'm a wonderful, sweet, endearing person in... uh... person. But give me a word processor and I can be horribly caustic. That said, back to the topic at hand. I am not anti-drug. I believe that to an extent, occasional mind altering can be a good thing if you're into that and you're safe and responsible about it. After all, what comic creator doesn't want to eventually road trip out to Nevada, wander into the desert. duct tape their clothes to their body, and take some mescaline in order to reenact scenes from The Invisibles or Altered States. Just once. Just to say they've done something of interest. Many drugs have their place in a whole wide wild scheme of things. Others should be avoided at all costs. Namely the ones lashed together in the dilapidated toolshed of that creepy old incestuous family that lives out where the buses don't go and the roads are still unpaved. However, if you believe that the creation of anything new, artistic, and/or interesting hinges upon drugging one's self up, I pity you. You probably also believe things like pens labeled as "Ultra Manga Archival Pen, Just Like the Pros Use" make you draw manga better. Because you're a goddamn idiot. "But Grymm, what about that one artist, that did the stuff, with the things, and everyone knows they were on that stuff the entire time?" Your point? Ever think that maybe whatever that work had been, might have been far more interesting had the artist been in the stable mindset? Maybe the reason it looks so out there and strange is the fact that they were actually trying to draw a bunny and instead it turned out looking like some kind of invert toilet robot shitting itself in a moebius strip of godawfulness. "But Grymm, in some cases altering the mind can relax inhibitions on creation and let things flow!" Yeah. I've done that. In a way that's completely free and still allows for what's being produced to be from you and not from your body fighting out some kind of fucking poison. Stay awake like two or three days straight running around, pumping your senses full of stimuli, working your chosen craft and such. Then, sit down between 3am and 6am and let things flow. I've written page after page of fascinatingly surreal, offbeat, and occasionally nonsensical stuff through that process. It works. It lowers the mental defenses. Tires 'em out. Shuts down the brain filters and just let's shit ooze out of you. All for free. These past few years, I've noticed again and again the occasional comment popping up in regards to the Walrus. "WTF are these guys on?" Such a comment is actually the only summary description that exists for the Walrus on one of those many websites out there that catalogs and links to countless webcomics. And seeing such amused me. Because don't me wrong, it doesn't anger me when people have that reaction to the Walrus. It angers me that so many people believe that drugs are the only way to produce anything interesting. We're not on anything outside of CreepKnight pumping coffee and nicotine and Mountain Dew through his body and me mainlining Coke and chicken prepared in a variety of ways. We don't need to be on anything because we're genuinely interesting and creative. It doesn't take much. Just try digging a little past the fog of mundanity that's been allowed to settle on your brain. You can do it. I believe in you. Except for those of you who have been writing atrocious fan fiction and drawing fan art of Pokemon and Yugi-Oh for the past decade. You fuckers are all lost causes and completely irredeemable. *No. I am not accusing you personally of being uncreative. When I use the pronoun "you" is directed at the people its directed at. I'm not pointing fingers at any Walrus Embracers. **No this is not me being angry. This is me just laying things out for you to ponder over. ***I really should have made a pan of chicken parmigiana last night so that now at 5am on Sunday morning I could shove it in the oven and reheat some of it and feed. That little chicken frien rice skillet dish thing I ate a bit ago just wasn't all that interesting to the palette. I mean, it fucking had peas in it. PEAS. And carrot slivers. That is bullshit. Peas and carrot slivers do not belong in proper meat fried rice. Onions, yes. Little fried eggy bits, yes. Some other random things I can never satisfactorily identify, sure. But if you put fucking peas and carrots in my fried rice I will rain down the pain and despair of a thousand flayed schoolchildren upon you and nail sharp pointing things into your molars!Musings of a CreepKnight
A few separate additions:
1) Just because he said it first doesn't mean that I don't agree 100% with what Grymm said. Yes, on occasion I do drink; I'm of legal age and almost always maintain the line of "legal and ethical responsibility." I don't write or do drugs when I create. I've read "On the Road." Have you (you in this case meaning the same thing as Grymm stated above)? It is not a work of literary genius; it is a rambling tympani of self serving bullshit described as prose. Kerouac wrote a number of better pieces... and all of them when he was comparatively sober. To put it simply, no one is better when they're chemically altered. Period.
2) You remember that poster that Marron did for us a little over a week ago? I sure do, because it stares back at me every day when I get on my computer. Well guess what kiddies; IT'S NOW A T-SHIRT! So hustle on over to her Zazzle and pick it up. Cause it's awesome!!! THE CREEPKNIGHT COMMANDS IT!!! NO EXCUSES!!!
3) I hope you're all having a glorious day. I honestly hope I am as well.
4) That is all.
Grymm Ramblings 2: Electric Boogaloo
So its 5:44am and I've finished working on a commission piece and I thought to myself "Grymm, old bean, you should go in, scrap your Grymm Ramblings for Tuesday and promote Marron's new t-shirt design." So I logged into the interface only to find the above edition from CreepKnight and huzzah'd that he was quicker on the ball than myself. Thus not only does my original tirade remain, I've also gone in and fixed some errors and added a few sentences. Because I want to offer the very best of my mad, foaming rabid ramblings to you. Because you're all pretty, pretty trinkets.
I would like to add one VERY IMPORTANT NOTE though:
All profits made from said shirt are going to be going to help Marron's adorable cat Padfoot who recently experienced a spinal infection that rendered her temporarily paralyzed from the waist down. So if you want to help out not only one damn fine lady, but her beloved feline assistant AND get yerself one damn fine shirt design all in one go, snag one for yourself.
0 thoughts on “Bad Cheese from the 5th Dimension 3”
Comic related: Awesome hat summoning powers!!
Ramble related: I agree and hold MUCH more respect for the artists that don’t credit their works to chemicals processed outside their own body. I wish I could help out but at the moment what little funds I have are tied up in this damn convention I have to host a tea party and fashion show for (never trust the head of a convention when they tell you all you have to do is read from a script and wear something low cut it’s always a lie)
ALL HAIL THE TOPHAT AND THE CLASSINESS IT REPRESENTS!!!!! On a side note, I agree with Grymm on the drugs issue. Doctors use drugs all the time. And some of those drugs are even the illegal ones that the arrest people for. However, i will personally never take any drugs not prescribed by a licensed doctor. I have other ways of see cool shit in my head. Staying up for 3 days straight on a combination of sugar, caffeine, and Robin Williams. Many people don’t like him, but I tell those people to go fuck themselves. Robin Williams is awesome.
awesomely fun rant to read, sorry to hear about the kitty:(
And here I thought we were rid of you.
Unlikely, I enjoy this comic,lol… just cause some people seem to take fantastical joking seriously, does not mean im gonna stop reading an awesome webcomic,lol… I found it tons of fun till i realized it started to seem like people where taking it seriously, when I thought we where all just joking… so now im bored with it,lol… no more pretending to be a transdimensional megalomaniac for me:P
haha, yeah…sorry, I know megalomania is always missed terribly, but I have got to live a bit more in reality…I know thats frowned upon at the walrus, lol… but with the way all my real life responsibilities are piling up, I seldom have time to even read till2-3, or more, comics have already built up…all those intricate insane rambling where fun, I will miss them… but I put to much time and energy into it, hahahaa… people could almost make a book out of all that crap we typed up,lol…
I’ve spent the past 5 hours straight coloring Friday’s page and listening to the brand new My Little Pony cartoon because for some reason its fascinating. I would make some kind of joke about what’s that word? Right! Forfeit. I’d make a joke about forfeiting the rest of my man points, but that would imply 1. I had some in the first place. 2. I actually care about things like Man Laws and Bro codes and Man Points and the rest of that bullshit.
Oh right. I came here to express my pleasure over the fact that Walrus embracers not only like to read huge news posts but can also respond in complete sentences with proper spelling. It pleases me.
My eyes hurt. I’m out of Cokes. Why do I have so much to do?
Because you are our god of humor. That’s why. Well, one of them. There’s also Creepknight.
Well, god of humorous art at least. CreepKnight’s really in charge of all the word humor.
True. But with Voodoo Walrus, the words don’t work without the art. Besides, everyone knows that you get into more wacky hijinks then Creepknight. Case in point, YOU SPAWNED A TOP HAT!
Heh. I would pay to see your expession if you walked into an art store and saw a banner like that. Once again great job boys. And sorry about Marron’s cat.
Comic note: That magic color looks hiiiiighly familiar. Though yay for grandiose and classy top hats! GO GRYMM! Buy to your hearts content!
On rambling note: Drugs are baaaaaaad for creativity. I prefer to get little to no sleep, hop out on Hot Chocolate and Daft Punk and go from there. Though when I do sleep the dreams are so straaaange…
*hugs Marron* I’m so sorry about your cat. No good pet owner deserves that sort of stress.
…Does the nutmeg in one’s chai-spiced hot chocolate count as a stimulant in this case? I like doing weird things to my hot chocolate in the name of flavor.
Oooo~ You have some good taste, I like adding peppermint to mine usually, though when making Mexican Chocolati I add nutmeg and cinnamon with a scoop of Vanilla icecream.
ooh… I haven’t added icecream to mine before. I have discovered though if you’re too lazy to make your own Chai spice mixture “pumpkin pie spice” mixes work in a pinch.
Oh that’s a good idea. And if you do try it, take a dark chocolate Hot Cocoa, and use 1905 Vanilla, or Vanilla bean, nothing else. The artificial vanilla in the other ones is cheap and unappetizing.
Yay! New Hot Chocolate experiments! CK? Grymm? Are your fans allowed to steal each other? I like this one!
I am kidnap worthy? When did that happen? *bemused* I would hope so since I already told March I’d kidnap him if I make it to the Austin Devmeet. Which sadly might not happen.
“Which sadly might not happen.”
Damn, that was going to be the highlight of the evening. I’ve even been practicing my shocked face for when the chloroform comes out!
You know March…I was prepared to get up on a table and shout MARCH~! Out into the crowds as I do not know your Dev. I planned on wearing a corset even, with my best fedora. Problem is, at this point I have no one to go with me.
My avatar and name link (should) to my dA page. I leave the fashion to you.
I found thee~ what glory.
Your suspicions regarding the magic are most likely correct!
Thanks, I appreciate it! My kitty has started to walk again, a little bit. We’re just taking it day by day.
I will murder your spleen.
Will B
May I suggest a spoon when you do?
Suggestion noted!
@Akonite and @Rose My better judgment is nudging me to say “We at no point encourage any of you to meet and if you do we can not be held responsible for your actions in a court of law nor have we previously been aware of the 2009 Statute of Non-Fraternization Between Walrus Embracers that was passed without our knowledge.”
Off the record though, I say go for it. Just remember to send us pictures in the event of anything amazing happening. Such as the mass infection and conversion of many to the Walrus, or random occurrences of people cosplaying Walrus cast members.
…You read minds now? How did you know that at some point I fully intended to invade a Con dressed as one of the amazing Walrus Crew?!
And your on the books comment is noted, off record…*evil smirk* There shall be mass carnage of normalcy and stupidity. So mote it be, The Walrus…will have new converts.
Its one of my super powers. I have moments are awesome psychicness when it comes to things related to my art. Its how I can make so many commissioners happy.
I always take pictures if only for blackmail at a later date. I, of course, have no shame and welcome the tabloids.
Whee Cosplaying! *blink, blink* waaaiiiit…. there’s only one member of the walrus cast with obscenely long hair like mine. Anyone want to see how many brains will be broken if I gender bend? I also need a bulk crate of ace bandages.
Pft, but I was gunna be Grymm! *pout* …*evil grin* Let’s be evil girl twins! *high fives* We mistresses of Corsetry and fancy hats must stick together no?
That we must. Especially since someone bought me my own top hat (under the stipulation that I “stop making people tape things to their heads for my amusement”… I made no promises but got the hat anyway)
oooo, excellent~! Though I tend to lean towards those pentacles of Mobster head Fashion, the Fedora. I have a lovely collection of them, its just so /hard/ to find top hats in Texas you know?
So now…we must plot! For we are the sisterhood of evil, and we are wise and pretty and well dressed. We are deadly.
Just don’t forget the top hat. The top hat’s important.
I too support this maniacal co-op. Just as long as there are pictures.
IF we ever manage to meet, there shall be picures aplenty…likely in the news.
Your words make my head spin. Have you dosed me already?
I wish, it would make kidnapping you that much easier if I could slowly dose you through usage of the internet. Alas, it is not so. Tis simply the amazing charm of two women plotting world Take Over in high Fashion.
I love how people always factor me into their plots to take over the world at this rate no matter who wins I get a cushy spot somewhere either in a harem or with one of my own.
As to the main article: I generally agree with your thesis. Art can only be appreciated if it can be understood to come from the human mind, rather than a coked up fantasy spewed into the medium in question. Art is among the highest extensions of the human consciousness, and can be recognized and appreciated of itself. It need no other help.
And surely the religious uses of peyote need no tampering?
Truly sorry about the cat. Been there.
And if I’m a pretty, pretty trinket to you Grymm, does that mean I get to lay upon your chest tied to a chord wrapped around you neck?
If so, I look forward to it……
That… that is quite possibly the kinkiest thing anyone has said to me yet their week. Be it whether it was meant that way or not.
Well, there is the blatant spout of innuendo always coming out of Rook… but that’s not really directed at anyone. So it doesn’t count.
Why do I get the feeling there be a trap somewhere in that store?
Probably because it seems like the perfect bait!
Will B
Gentleman of the arts, storyteller and drawing artist, I have appreciated your comic for many months now. Your wit and satire is well applauded. And yes I fully agree as a writer myself, that using substances to alter your mind to create is a cheat not only to your audience but to yourself as well. Unfortunately your point of manga drawing fan artist is lost as your ad right next to your rant is and I quote(if not copy and paste. I’m lazy like that) “Click to enter the official Bakuman fan art contest.” Irony your name is paycheck.
Oh no. That’s not irony. That’s everything going according to plan. Taking the ad revenues of the manga and animes people to fuel our own campaigns of infecting the masses with the Walrus.
Will B
Hmmm using dirty money to fund a dream of domination. Have you been taking notes from the cia??
Nah. Just coming to the only logical solution of taking advantage of our number one enemy!
Ladies and gentleman, as a proud member of Melbourne, Florida, I would like to announce the successful launch of the last space flight! AND I GOT TO WITNESS IT!!!!!!
You got to watch the death of America as a world superpower. This means that we will not be the ones to build the first colonies on the moon or Mars. While we had a chance now we’ve been set back a century…. and the other 2 countries racing for the stars dislike us enough to nuke us from orbit.
Pssst! Hi! Just stepping in for a quick note to all concerned parties. While I’ll never be one to outright say “Don’t come here and talk about X subject”. I will put out that I personally frown upon broaching the topic of politics. American or otherwise.
Day to day life is too full of politics this and economy that and the soup du jour of the day in regards to what new thing the media wants people scared shitless of.
I like to keep the site free of that.
That, and nothing can start an ugly clusterfuck quite like any kind of politics being discussed.
*hangs head* I’m sorry.
No no no. No need for head hung apologies. There’s no set rule list around here for anyone to follow, thus there’s only trial and error. All we can do is occasionally step in and nicely ask that certain topics not be broached. Ya didn’t know before. Now ya do. Now go! Prance! Be merry!
Sorry that I accidently involved politics. But the last shuttle launch is a fairly momentous event for me. Some of my close family used to work at NASA. But enough of that. I managed to trick a guy at wal-mart to give me an entire box of M&M’s for $7. Hell of a deal.
Mercenary Clown
Alas, i have returned….noting all of the above comments (which took me a bit of time to read).
on the drugs, agreed….while i daresay recreational use of drugs in small and safe doses (and by safe…i mean certain natural and safe drugs, not so much to the homemade stuff which is made of roughly 75% stuff that can kill you) is agreeable and can even be therapeutic (holy crap i can spell). as for alchohol, personal experience has taught me that, while great for ridding one of Bad memories and making him/her a fool (for short periods of time) it isn’t so good for the creative process….hence why drunks tend to get slapped across the face at bars alot…..
that being said……
Love the comic still, and i apologize publicly for my absence, as well as any and all other wrongs i may or may not have committed
From the lovable (and yet not so huggable)
Mercenary Clown