Grymm Ramblings
Hope you enjoyed the self-serving strips last week folks. We certainly did. They were a fantastic fusion of time saving and entertainment value, and that's just what we need during October. Creepy Hollow is just now cranking into high gear, so we're going to be even scarcer for the rest of the month seeing as how this Thursday through Sunday and the following Thursday through Monday we'll be out there spookin' the unwashed masses. No worries though, we might not be around the castle, but Friday's Walrus is done and ready for upload and the next's week's strip will be done soon. And no worries, we're back to the core cast for this little story arc. Yep, this is the new arc, it won't be very long, but it will be very informative. It'll answer some of those long lingering questions we received concerning how we go about crafts to create comics. Enjoy!
0 thoughts on “How to Make A Comic 1: :Tempering the Artistic Spirit”
NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! WHY must Dalek month end so soon?!?!?!?!?
But it was never Dalek month. It was just Dalek week!
I love my shirt.
So there’s stuff?
There is always stuff.
I have stuff.
*giggle* Does it make me weird that I’m glad it was soul sucking and not kissing? You guys are both sexy in my book but some things just should not happen.
Wouldn’t sucking out your artist’s soul be a bad thing?
It doesn’t make you weird. It just means the High Over Council of Fan-Girlism will have to bump you down half a rank!
Oh drat, and here I was supposed to learn the ultra secret, ear bleeding shriek that denotes my status today. Guess I’ll have to just go back to the decorative and eye catching cleavage displays to catch the eyes of potential celebrity crushes. What ever shall they do?
but once you reduce him to a soulless husk the Hanna-Barbera people start trying to recruit him as an animator.
Oh Hanna-Barbera doesn’t actually hire people with art skills. They hire barely functional hobos. Pre-broken, easy to control, and will work for styrofoam packing peanuts colored to look like circus peanuts.
You’re implying studio executives can tell the difference between a real person and a hobo.
Of course! Real people make occasionally make word sounds that give executives headaches. Hobos just moan a lot. To be be fair though, once the real person has been under an executive long enough, they’ll be reduced to pained moaning too, but we’re talking about right from the get go here.
Clearly you’ve never heard of the Law of Soul Proximity which states that the degree to which a soul can or cannot be used by its original holder is directly proportional to their location of said soul. Given that we live in the same location, there is little doubt that he would have full access to his soul, although I would retain its ownership, thus having full control of my artist while he maintains full control of his abilities.
I majored in Necronomics in college.
You have a point. I’m still against non-consensual soul sucking. If there’s a contract Grymm signed that’s his fault though.
Its not soul rape, its symbiosis.
That’s either a t-shirt, a band name, or the title of a Panic at the Disco track.
Does that make you Arkham alum? Or are you a graduate of another fine institution?
I hardly see what Batman has to do with the day’s proceedings. The fact of Batman being awesome not withstanding.
yes but fan service is good! if only for those who like to suck souls out of mouths in this case.
Exactly the fans we were targeting here! After all, the soul sucking fandom is still huge right?
If you hadn’t made that pun, I would have.
I made a pun?
Look at it… very closely.
Soul sucking is my fandom, if there was any doubt. I’m sure there wasn’t.
That is also the best goddamn pun I’ve ever seen. Well done, sirs.
“stop resisting or I’ll get the straw”
I will now try to include that in at least one conversation a day. I look at it as providing an economic boost… to those in therapy business.
We approve of this course of action!
Ya know, it doesn’t look like Creepknight is the one doing the slurping in the third frame. Just sayin’….
Hey, how did you know that right off panel Napoleon was slurping up CreepKnight’s tomato bisque?