There’s always been a certain some about that page I’ve always loved. Hmmmmmm. What could it be? 8: D
Rook! getting kicked in the balls? Again, big Rook! supporter, but that was hilarious. Anyways, what’s the tattoo? It looks like some kind of steam tentacle thing.
Will B
It’s tophat chuthulu. Aka the voodoowalrus insignia.
I’ve thought for years that the Cthulhu Tophat required a bit of explaining…
FUN FACT 71: The Cthulhu Tophat isn’t the Voodoo Walrus insignia. The Walrus Head logo is the Voodoo Walrus insignia. The C.T. is CreepKnight’s personal sigil and the manner by which he marks the faithful (down the line this will be a rather important bit of information or, as River Song might say, SPOILERS).
Hope that clears everything up because I don’t think we’ve ever explained it.
Personally I’m digging the name “Hathulhu” that someone threw out a while ago in reference to the symbol. It just sounds neat.
Baby, this is why I heart you. I heart you so bad.
Awww! I think I’m going to go with texting you my reply to this. I don’t trust your readers to know my dirty, sexy thoughts 8 ;D
Just for the record Ona, the way you cropped your avatar makes it look like you’re look down upon all the comments beneath you with an air of amused superiority.
Damn you emoticony thingys! You ruined my goggly face with your automatic smiley face conversion magic! How do I make a growly, angry goggly face? D:{ 8 That’ll do.
I envy that you get paid to do it…but I’ve got crippling shyness when it comes to dancing in front of people. Naked, no problem; but put on music and expect me to move to it and I’ll freeze.
I use KMFDM’s “Professional Killer”. Nice solid beat, hot singer, easy to practice to.
Marchosias as a boylesque dancers? Pics or it didn’t happen.
don’t you worry none mirthy-sweets. gramma’s gone get so many piccys of my jeffrey doin his dances . i got the cutest little things for him to wear. gone show off all his sweet bits
“Boylesque”? I just think a guy should have some class.
mm mmm mmm. just the thought of jeffry there with his lil sunnyglasses dancing to his little kmfdeedee songs in his nonno’s makes Gramma all warm inside. you come see your Grammamma Marchie-Jeff. i’ll make things yummy for you
You’re Rook, aren’t you? No other being could summon such a diseased imagination.
no need to be mean to yourself honey! i’m sure you don’t look nearly as bad and as “diseased” as you think. come on up to canada and help keep gramma warm with your dancin.
Okay, just for everyone’s education. I WILL NOT MAKE THOSE VOODOO WALRUS SPEEDOS!!! I have to draw the line somewhere. And no man should wear that cut of undies for any reason.
Also, just for everyone’s education, I WILL NOT BE WEARING THOSE SPEEDOS SHOULD HE ONE DAY GET A BUG UP HIS BUTT AND MAKE THEM!!! I’m not drawing a line, I just don’t wear banana hammocks unless there’s comedic value to it.
ooh all you boys are givin gramma so many yummy thoughts tonight. you can give me your wiggle anytim you want vinnie.
Had you posted this link two weeks ago, I would have deleted the comment while imagining that I’m doing so with a giant orbital death ray and made a little VvvvvvvvvvvSHABOOOOOM sound while foaming at the mouth due to my hatred of those fucks and that their videos.
Fortunately now I’m back to my general, neutral state of not caring.
I’m gonna say…no. But only because I know someone in your family will videotape it and will subsequently upload it to YouTube followed by my Facebook page.
You’re all far too resourceful…
And I may still run for political office one day.
Will B
I’m not sure God/Emperor is a political office C.K. Might want to check on that.
I really shouldn’t have found “money getting its pound of blood from you like you’re the sacrifice to the economic machine” sexy I’m going to try to go demorbidify myself with cute fluffy animals now.
Bah Jello doesn’t ever spoil it just becomes a strange sugary leather. You might have been dealing with sentient Flan though.
Look, you said that you wanted a monster that was a twisted perversion of science and all mortal reasoning. There was NOTHING in the contract that said that the monster couldn’t have come from the deep, inner workings of my fridge. And there’s no refunds. Cause I already spent the money. On Jello.
you saying want some more o gramma’s special green puddin jeffrey? i’ll stir some up for you. put all my love and kisses in it just like last time and make it all yum in your cute little tum. make sure you taste gramma in every wiggly bite
Will B
What the hell does it take to kill you, you cancer of the anus. I know
I nuked you with a high yield warhead, you bottom of a dirty whale phallus.
I also know that I had a special bio-weapon designed with your specific DNA released into the last three cities you were seen, you blubberous pile of reconstituted vomit.
Not to mention the three crack assault teams that were assigned flamethrowers to make sure that your worm infested pig dung complexion was destroyed for all time. So why, oh gigantic corruption of nature, are you still alive?? WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO KILL YOU?!?!?!?!!?
aw your cute when you do your little rollplaying as a big mean growly boy jeffrey. especially when you do it with your little marchie boy. you two make such a c ute couple. i rollplay too. Gramma can be your little forest elf dancer. but i know your already taken by marchie jeff
0 thoughts on “Publishing Shmublishing 8: Blood in the Water”
Is that a tattoo on your right shoulder CK? When’d you get that?
He’s had it at least for as long as this page:
There’s always been a certain some about that page I’ve always loved. Hmmmmmm. What could it be? 8: D
Rook! getting kicked in the balls? Again, big Rook! supporter, but that was hilarious. Anyways, what’s the tattoo? It looks like some kind of steam tentacle thing.
Will B
It’s tophat chuthulu. Aka the voodoowalrus insignia.
I’ve thought for years that the Cthulhu Tophat required a bit of explaining…
FUN FACT 71: The Cthulhu Tophat isn’t the Voodoo Walrus insignia. The Walrus Head logo is the Voodoo Walrus insignia. The C.T. is CreepKnight’s personal sigil and the manner by which he marks the faithful (down the line this will be a rather important bit of information or, as River Song might say, SPOILERS).
Hope that clears everything up because I don’t think we’ve ever explained it.
Personally I’m digging the name “Hathulhu” that someone threw out a while ago in reference to the symbol. It just sounds neat.
*blush* I think that was me and was actually mortified I’d been calling someone’s creation by the wrong name when I realized it
So THAT’s why you’re having Mirth make pasties! I’m not sure to feel dirty or just amused I mentioned getting matching panties now.
*Reads posts while wearing the Hathulhu shirt*
I always just called it ‘Elder Tophat’, and tried pitifully to explain it to people. Usually ends with me wearing their scalps or directing them here.
Baby, this is why I heart you. I heart you so bad.
Awww! I think I’m going to go with texting you my reply to this. I don’t trust your readers to know my dirty, sexy thoughts 8 ;D
Just for the record Ona, the way you cropped your avatar makes it look like you’re look down upon all the comments beneath you with an air of amused superiority.
Also, in regards to that today’s last panel OOOWWW. D :8
Will B
So why weren’t you joining in Ona??
A girl’s gotta work! I have clothes to take off and people to tease! I can’t always be at the apartment. Just most of the time. 8
Damn you emoticony thingys! You ruined my goggly face with your automatic smiley face conversion magic! How do I make a growly, angry goggly face? D:{ 8 That’ll do.
I envy that you get paid to do it…but I’ve got crippling shyness when it comes to dancing in front of people. Naked, no problem; but put on music and expect me to move to it and I’ll freeze.
I use KMFDM’s “Professional Killer”. Nice solid beat, hot singer, easy to practice to.
Marchosias as a boylesque dancers? Pics or it didn’t happen.
don’t you worry none mirthy-sweets. gramma’s gone get so many piccys of my jeffrey doin his dances . i got the cutest little things for him to wear. gone show off all his sweet bits
“Boylesque”? I just think a guy should have some class.
mm mmm mmm. just the thought of jeffry there with his lil sunnyglasses dancing to his little kmfdeedee songs in his nonno’s makes Gramma all warm inside. you come see your Grammamma Marchie-Jeff. i’ll make things yummy for you
You’re Rook, aren’t you? No other being could summon such a diseased imagination.
no need to be mean to yourself honey! i’m sure you don’t look nearly as bad and as “diseased” as you think. come on up to canada and help keep gramma warm with your dancin.
Will B
Okay, just for everyone’s education. I WILL NOT MAKE THOSE VOODOO WALRUS SPEEDOS!!! I have to draw the line somewhere. And no man should wear that cut of undies for any reason.
Also, just for everyone’s education, I WILL NOT BE WEARING THOSE SPEEDOS SHOULD HE ONE DAY GET A BUG UP HIS BUTT AND MAKE THEM!!! I’m not drawing a line, I just don’t wear banana hammocks unless there’s comedic value to it.
When is there not comedic value to them though?
Actually, you may have a need for that speedo. New plan for groomsmen at the wedding, tear-away suit pants for this:
Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah…
ooh all you boys are givin gramma so many yummy thoughts tonight. you can give me your wiggle anytim you want vinnie.
Had you posted this link two weeks ago, I would have deleted the comment while imagining that I’m doing so with a giant orbital death ray and made a little VvvvvvvvvvvSHABOOOOOM sound while foaming at the mouth due to my hatred of those fucks and that their videos.
Fortunately now I’m back to my general, neutral state of not caring.
I’m gonna say…no. But only because I know someone in your family will videotape it and will subsequently upload it to YouTube followed by my Facebook page.
You’re all far too resourceful…
And I may still run for political office one day.
Will B
I’m not sure God/Emperor is a political office C.K. Might want to check on that.
Ah the joys of wallowing in one’s own riches.
The sadistic enjoyment of your money getting its pound of blood from you like you’re the sacrifice to the economic machine…
I really shouldn’t have found “money getting its pound of blood from you like you’re the sacrifice to the economic machine” sexy I’m going to try to go demorbidify myself with cute fluffy animals now.
Because it’s a valid form of sadism, and thusly enjoyable in any erotic enticement you so choose.
Goddamn but that’s some hot evilness.
I see you finally got around to adding an avatar to your comments Ona. It looks good.
Mmm… green stuff.
I concur Vensik. Green stuff is usually good. except when it’s growing in your fridge.
Unless it achieves sentience and then you can sell it to science. That’s what payed my bills for school.
I’m still not convinced what you sold me wasn’t Jello. Living, acidic, Jello perhaps, but a fraud nonetheless.
Bah Jello doesn’t ever spoil it just becomes a strange sugary leather. You might have been dealing with sentient Flan though.
Look, you said that you wanted a monster that was a twisted perversion of science and all mortal reasoning. There was NOTHING in the contract that said that the monster couldn’t have come from the deep, inner workings of my fridge. And there’s no refunds. Cause I already spent the money. On Jello.
you saying want some more o gramma’s special green puddin jeffrey? i’ll stir some up for you. put all my love and kisses in it just like last time and make it all yum in your cute little tum. make sure you taste gramma in every wiggly bite
Will B
What the hell does it take to kill you, you cancer of the anus. I know
I nuked you with a high yield warhead, you bottom of a dirty whale phallus.
I also know that I had a special bio-weapon designed with your specific DNA released into the last three cities you were seen, you blubberous pile of reconstituted vomit.
Not to mention the three crack assault teams that were assigned flamethrowers to make sure that your worm infested pig dung complexion was destroyed for all time. So why, oh gigantic corruption of nature, are you still alive?? WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO KILL YOU?!?!?!?!!?
aw your cute when you do your little rollplaying as a big mean growly boy jeffrey. especially when you do it with your little marchie boy. you two make such a c ute couple. i rollplay too. Gramma can be your little forest elf dancer. but i know your already taken by marchie jeff
I always say “Oh-nuh” or “On-uh” when I see it written.