Musings of a CreepKnight
Greetings Mortals! Tis I, Lord Villemous Q. CreepKnight, Master of the Spoken Word and Lord Overseer of All I Survey! For me, this is something of a promotion as it's usually Grymm rules this particular part of our internet roost, mostly because I believe in keeping a safe distance from certain individuals that roam these parts (looking at the guy who implied that I was too fat to be the Murder Ranger. Seriously, how wise was is it to call someone who refers to himself as THE MURDER RANGER fat?). But alas, Grymm has sequestered himself for his yearly "I'm gonna get all my shit done in one fell swoop" drive, which leaves me in charge for the time being. That said, I intend to act as a benevolent monarch, dolling favor and punishment as I see fit.
But first things first, on to business.
Some of you fine folks have mentioned an interest in having downloadable .pdf's of our epic epic of epic epicness, so it is with that in mind that we ask, in polling fashion, how many of you would order such a product, which would include the following:
~Year Zero: The Black and White Pages and Hobogeddon. Bonus materials to include sketch art, script pages, commentary by Grymm and I, a BRAND SPANKING NEW PIECE OF EXCLUSIVE ART, extra art, an introduction written by yours truly, and-if we can find them-Grymm's and my vacation pictures from Cancun.
~ Year One: All of 2010, and then some. Bonus materials to include sketch art, script pages, commentary by Grymm and I, a BRAND SPANKING NEW PIECE OF EXCLUSIVE ART, extra art, an introduction written by someone other than me, and possibly the negatives of Mirth and Bowler's secret photo shoot (provided they haven't destroyed them yet).
This is currently what we're contemplating as far as content, but this is all subject to change based on fan reaction and our mad men-esque whims. If you're interested, let us know. If we do not feel we've generated enough interest to make it worth our while, we're not going to do it, and you will all be regulated to reading the comic online!
Secondly, you may have all heard me make mention of a Voodoo Walrus Pen and Paper RPG. As I feel that this idea has generated enough interest to merit further work and time investment, I thought, being the benevolent lord that I am, I would give you all a preview of what you have to look forward to...
I know, I know, there's a great big SAMPLE slapped across the top. The idea wasn't for all you to know which system I intend to use, it's to let you know that "Yes, I'm working on it. What of it?!"
Here's where I need your help.
I need to know what kind of characters you guys intend to play, not that I will be running a game here (that'll be for cons). But in order to know what kind of stuff I need to come up with, I need to get a sense of what you guys want to do. Magic? Energy Powers? Being a Sexual Dynamo? Throw me some feedback people!
Now that that's taken care of...
Nope, that's pretty much all I had. Majesty to you all!
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Comic 9: A Series of Pantsless Gratuities”
*curtsies before the Master of the Spoken Word* Can I get punishment-like favors?
I’m not too picky on table-top systems although I do think the fewer dice I require to spill across the table the better.
I have noticed that the more you have to roll dice, the harder it is to tell a story. Rolls pause the action and can kill the story if they are too frequent.
I never said that you were too fat to be the murder ranger! I just said that he would be more awesome if you were thinner. And the Grymm in the comic just agreed with me so back off my case wobbles.
1) The wobble in question does not refer to fat. And if you need me to explain it to you further, I suggest you first consult a kindergartner.
2) You’re pushing my buttons. You decide if this is a good idea.
Digging the crown CK, it suits you.
CROWN! This is well.
I’ve always done whatever, regardless of whether or not it was a good idea. Also, Like the crown, but why the sudden uege to change your little avatar picture?
dude, not a good idea to piss off an already pissed off CreepKnight. you will wake up in a strange scenario. I can guarantee it.
Will B
Ticker, at this point the only thing you gonna be able to do is to fall on your sword while apologizing for abusing the kindness and generosity of Villemous Q. CreepKnight. Then pray that his generosity extends to allowing your corpse to remain intact and unaltered. Because there are enough Mad Science types among us to consider it fair game afterwards.
Already have my lab prepped. I also have a sword for him to fall on…
Will B
Sorry old boy but the neural implants have been custom made for his thick skull. Your gonna have to wait for the next suicidal fool.
Damn. Can I have his kidney at least? He only needs the one…
Will B
How you think i financing this?? Black Market tech isn’t cheap. But there is a bundle to be made in black market body parts.
Fair enough – flash-frozen spleens have done wonders for me.
Tell you what, as long as the emotional scarring matches the physical, I’ll back your financial losses.
I already made arrangments for my corpse to be incenerated in a blaze of Bruce Willis.
Mistake. Change that to Bruce CAMPBELL. I why NO idea why I typed ‘Willis’.
I believe CreepKnight has already patented Bruce Campbell on this site.
So… you want CreepKnight to burn your corpse? Some taste at long last.
No, I don’t want Creepknight to burn my CORPSE, I want him to burn ME. When I die, I will die while being consumed by flames.
And Ticker would be awesome if he were less of an ignoramus. Alas, things are as they are. Best to just accept people for who they are instead of wishing change upon them; especially people as awesome as CK. Who sings Beatles songs awesomely over the phone, BTW.
He does? Hot damn. I bow to the man who sings Beatles songs well over the phone. *I bow in CK’s general direction, as I have suddenly lost my ability to see.*
You can have your eyes back when you’ve done penance.
I already found my eyes. It’s that damn skip weasel who hates on Grymms gravy. He has a thing for eyes.
Nope, just me. And Grymm and I have only minor culinary differences.
Then how do you explain my ability to see again?
Fat does not “wobble”. I assure you it jiggles, undulates, follows Newton’s first law of motion at awkward moments, and occasionally flops. Many forms of fat follow this pattern, breasts included.
Based on the police reports, I’ve had days like this
Both Year Zero and Year One concepts sound wonderful. I can’t truly say which I would prefer. As for Voodoo Walrus PnP, my normal preference is to play Psis, Spell casters, or Gadgeteer/Inventors.
Will B
I believe that a World of Darkness style system would be best for the world of Voodoo Walrus. Heavy on the story telling, heavy on charter interaction, light on dice. (Dice there only for feats and such) The Pdf files, if you were to run it as suggested as year one and such would buy them. But kinda like the idea of each pdf being a story arch.
Something GURPSish might be nice. 3 six-sided dice, and that’s it. I usually play clerics; I suppose in this case I would opt for a skillset that is as close as possible to “Starfleet Science Officer.”
Which, you know, I am in my mind, much in the way CK is the Murder Ranger in his mind. Except that I have an actual proper uniform. But it also does not have pants.
The Year Zero and One plan sounds dandy. Dandy as a rum and coke, served in the wine-skin/spleen of your enemy. As to the game, I’d say light on the magic powers, heavy on the Sexual Dynamo. Dice are fine, but tend be get over-used. Still, not my area of expertise, so I’ll bow to other opinions on this.
Well… the good news is my inner child is no longer trying to call child services. He just lies there curled up in the corner muttering “The wobbles… it wobbles” That and giggling. He also matches my yearning for a social life so YAY!… on the downside my brain keeps trying to picture Creepknight from the waistdown and no offense to your magnificence but the rest of my brain does NOT want to see that… If anyone wants me I will be watching old episodes of gilmore girls till the need to picture that leaves me.
Try switching to decaf. Or Buffy.
it purged my brain last week when my friend sent me pictures of naked eighty year old clowns.
Raron, you have my deepest sympathies. No one should ever be subjected to ugly naked clowns.
Will B
Next time something like that happens Raron, my fellow Walruser, I know a good place that sells brain bleach by the truckload. Cheap.
He means mescal tequila.
Mercenary Clown
even for a clown such as myself, i do not want to say naked eighty year old clowns……
Yes! Finally! From starting with the first comic in the archives and slowly crawling through I have made it to the current date! I am victorious! All hail the mighty Saviordude! Oh, and I love your comic. I gives me the giggles.
Wonderful to hear Saviordude! And welcome to the commentary. If the usual don’t scare you off when they file in later today, you might just find yourself getting addicted to the commentary as well as the comic!
Welcome to the party Saviordude. We’re mostly friendly here, so ignore the feeling that you’re being watched, be nice, and you’ll be accepted among the best of us. Now, can I interest you in any medical trials or experiments?
I have an opening in the arch-nemesis department if you’d rather play hardball.
Indeed Savior~! Welcome! Between the maniacal females with more fashion sense than the entirety of Milan and Paris and Rome, The Men with insanely delightful imaginations, and the rest of assorted petit fours that call itself Voodoo Commentors and lovers~!
The commentary is quite addictive. I have caught myself checking Voodoowalrus before my email in the morning. Welcome to the insanity, Saviordude, try not to step on any minions they seem to be underfoot everywhere you look.
I guess I just can’t stay away from here for long. That, and I’m waiting to hear back on some commissions while not feeling up to hashing out some others yet. Good to see ALMOST everyone behaving. Remember! Buy some t-shirts or prints, donate and get a free Walrus Nurses desktop background, and/or spread the Walrus to every goddamn person you know.
Okay. I’m going back into the thick of it again. You’ll probably see me pop back up sometime after the next update.
But I’m still watching you. All of you. Especially you. And yes. Those boots looking fucking hot on you.
…Can we get the 3 for the price of 2 corset add back I wasn’t done with it?
Damn, I don’t have sexy boots (Unless you have a thing for ankle boots I’ve added clockwork button covers to the buttons on).
Spreadin’ the love everywhere I go… incidentally, I was seducing another soul to the rubbery love of the Walrus this very day.
And my hiking boots have peerless masculine sex appeal.
You have way too much masculine sex appeal. Cease and desist before you break the heart of every living female and several males for that matter. *smirking*
Never. My low-cut hiking boots and tight t-shirts will win me the world. Sovereignty Through Sexy, my game-plan, and the name of my autobiography.
Well wilst you do attempt that I’m going to take Akonite with me and we’re going to dominate the world in true class. Corsets and thigh high high heeled boots. So don’t take all the fun, I’d hate to rain on your parade.
Once we take it over do we have to keep it? I’m not big on the responsibility and personally just want to be in or own my own harem (preferably both)
Well I intend to set you up on your own Monarchy so you can enjoy your Harem and add to it at your leisure….
*sulk* Damnit, that sounds like responsibility. Eh I’ll let one of my consorts deal with it.
An alliance… hmm… naughty senses tingling. Strictly speaking, my naughty senses are always tingling, but more so now.
By all means, go for it. I envision your allied conquest as a sort of combination guerrilla marketing campaign and X-rated fashion show. Fantastic to watch, if you can pry yourself from the masses.
Oh how I love the murder ranger…I like your accessories. The sight of a man in tights, or no tights for that matter~, makes a gal very happy. You’re a handsome stud Creepknight~ And a genius too.
They’re both handsome studs. I can’t pick favorites. Tights aren’t my thing …though I have to say I am into wobbly bits.
Yeah, yeah I know. I said you wouldn’t see me again for a few days, but you guys need to check this out.
They’re rebooting Uncanny X-Men to issue 1. Nothing new. The Big 2 (Marvel/DC) are always doing this for sales purposes. But its the title of the event that gets me.
Sound familiar? Maybe. Since when we revamped the black and white era of Voodoo Walrus, we gave the first storyarc the title “Regenesising” .
That’s is has to be pure coincidence. But its still ridiculous that they’d use the term and totally play it straight and dramatic. Also, a small part of me hopes that its due to someone at Marvel being a Walrus Embracer, seeing the story arc title and thinking “That sounds so cool!” If this is the case, and that person is reading this, think you could toss us a bone and help us get a foothold into the industry? We have a ton of awesome comic ideas just itching to see monthly publication!
Will B
First off congrats on them sneaking your words Gentlemen. Shows your getting places when the big boys steal from you. Second off. WTF??? Has Marvel lost their collective mind?? *Grabs wooden spoon and beat inner nerd boy back to couch* So now they have stolen your word, perhaps time to submit to them again??
Nah. Ya can’t submit to the Big Two. They don’t take unsolicited submissions or creator owned projects. In all honestly, we have… better ideas for one of our serious comic book format projects. But we’ll be announcing something about that a bit later down the road.
As far as what Marvel’s thinking… Its probably 50% kneejerk idea to boost flagging sales and 50% attempt to compete with the fact that DC is rolling almost ALL of their books to #1. The mainstream comic industry is silly.