Musings of a CreepKnight
Nothing new to report; just sitting here getting ready to indulge in some Tivo. Enjoy.
Also, I have brownies. Be jealous. You know you lust for my brownies.
Brownies is not a euphemism. I actually mean brownies.
Grymm Ramblings
In case you don't pay much attention to the links off to the side of the page, I just thought I'd bring it to your attention that CreepKnight has started a Tumblr account and he's already uploaded some writing and one of his original songs. You should check 'em out and let him know if you like 'em and wanna hear/see more. I suggest you do. Man does damn fine work and more of his music and brain scrapings should be online and available. extra art day again! This time to showcase some of the Halloween themed stuff I did a couple weeks back.
Simon the Storyteller 2010 by ~GrymmGrymmowski on deviantART
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 13”
My bets were on Mungo from the start.
Well really it just makes sense. There has to be at least on thing in existence that Shmeerm can’t take down. And that thing is called Mungo. Plus, Mungo works out a lot more. Shoveling babies into that Infernum furnace really works the arms.
Mungo should win really – English is damned cobble-shit of a language. Once you’ve mastered it, no Austrian can stand in your way.
English is deliciously complicated…Dammit Sheerm you made me lose a buck! You OWE ME A BUCK! I shall take it out of your hiiiiide by making you pose in girly undergarments with a teddy bear. That will be all.
Heh, Fweeee Mungo Fweeee~
Rose, you scare me. You are now on my Xmas list.
Gotta love those Batman-ish sfx!
Oooh, a new commenter joins the ranks? Excellent! Welcome Cloudycat! Enjoy the sweet Embrace of the Walrus!
Oh come ON Marchosias. Its not like you haven’t seen Shmeerm in lingerie before.
Shmeerm in lingerie is my wall paper. *fap*fap*fap*:P
Grymm: I don’t know… I’m still secretly pulling for Shmeerm. I hope I’m right.
Muleface: It’s not over yet… wait.
Rose and Marchosias: There is actually a law in seven states that prevents fans of Voodoo Walrus from gathering together, even just in twos. So if this “modeling” event is to take place… make sure you’re not in one of those states. I wouldn’t want you two suffering those kinds of consequences.
Also Marchosias: What does being on your XMas list entail? Does it involve pain? Or perhaps Gluhwein?
Cloudycat: And by “sweet Embrace of the Walrus” we mean something that sounds less like… something that… oh hell, hope we didn’t scare you off.
Curator: Wow… just… that image will haunt my nightmares for weeks. You know the ones; where Mungo makes a cameo.
My Xmas list, or specifically its receiving members list, entails little pain, as those who offend my sensibilities are neutralized during the rest of the year. To be on my holiday list entails you to a glass of Spatlese, as I prefer un-spiced vintages among friends and compatriots.
Come find me, winos.
Also, do the photoshoot on a boat twelve miles of coast, in international waters. There’s the slight possibility of pirates, but Shmeerm, fish-netted or not, should be able to take care of it.
CreepKnight, Ive always haunted your nightmares, you just didn’t know it till now.
Eeeee~<3 I made someone's Chirstmas list~ make it a nice Yacht and I'm totally there in my corset and bondage pants! I'm fairly sure I can dig my paddle out too~<3
So glad I can make your mind bending week.
And Creepknight~ its not illegal if they never catch you~ and no one ever suspects the sweet ones~<3
You’re glorious.
I had an apple yesterday, the doctor tried to come by… but I told him to go home.
@Vensik ….. WHAT? When did apples or doctors come into this equation?