Musings of a CreepKnight
I am very sleepy. And it's only midnight. And I woke up at 11:30. Something here just isn't right. It. Isn't. Right.
Also, if you haven't scooted over to my Tumblr account (links on your right) and listened to mah song, I'd love if you did. I dig feedback (fair warning: acoustic guitars and lamenting singing involved).
Also, Grymm is awesome. AGREE WITH ME FRIENDS!!!
Grymm Ramblings
You didn't think it'd be THAT goddamn easy to kill Cyradwee off did you? C'mon. Something to take note of though. The old bastard doesn't seem to bleed either. No blood when being riddled with bullets. No blood when getting carved up by sharp pointy things.
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 15”
**Holds up a cardboard sign**
If Stabbing, burning, bullets, and harsh language don’t work, bring out the B.F.G. Hotdog cannon. No one can resist a nuke-dog
(O) (O)
(/////////)>~-~-~-< The Gauzeman is watching
Normal hot dogs are disgusting enough. I hope I’m never in the vicinity of one of these “nuke-dogs”.
It just makes me flashback to working graveyard shifts in a convenience store and watching the goddawful “all meat franks” spin on the roller grill. Sweating. Spinning and oozing and cooking in their own sweaty juices. The flesh bursting and crusting over at the ends.
Fun Trivia Fact! When hot dogs claim to be “all meat franks” you can easily expect to be getting beef, pork, lamb, and mechanically separated chicken bits in each bite. Plus about 156 different chemicals and preservatives.
send in dragonforce and make hin play through fire and flames at double speed, that will kill him
Betcha he’s allergic to cute and fuzzy kittens
or mac can just go hiro(from heroes) on him: bury him allive in a coffin. worked for the other immortal constant regenerating man
@ grymm
And thats why I make my own…hot dogs are disgusting, although hebrew nationals are decent,still a few nasty things in them, for instance, they can legally contain a small percentage of rats, bugs, maggots, or all 3, and when they find a batch of rotting meat with any of the above mixed in, they just mix it with good meat to reach that magical percentage… me, I dont like ANY amount of rats, bugs, or maggots in my food, soooo I make my own.
Hmmm…did he replace his blood with pure bitterness and the darkness that creeps in the night from under the bed and out of the closet to snatch little children away as they sleep because mommy and daddy told them it was safe?
..which is a lie.
It’s always a lie….
I vote we seal him in a lead coffin with a batch of plutonium and let him enjoy his allergies to that.
I actually like maggots. Just not ants, too peppery. I like rats too, but not in foodstuffs.
Look how the comments build while I’m out and about…
@Mirth You already know my opinion about the lovable squish bags known as rats.
@Rose You know… I think you fit in just right around here.
@Curator Yes, but what do you make your own out of?
On that note, how is it that so many Walrus comment threads either turn to food, world domination, or singing the praises of how awesome the Voodoo Walrus crew is? Though I fully support all three things. And alternative fashion talk of course.
@illyria Hmmm.. You’re a music lover aren’t you? Some little psychic part of me is suggesting such.
@khavren No… No… He thinks kittens are delicious.
…Mirth may I kiss you? I love rats! *pets my babies* I have several, such adorable little thieves…not to mention when you tell people you have rats that are trained to infiltrate homes on command idiots tend to disperse~<3
And Grymm…its simply because such topics are spawned off the comics you yourself produce~<3 Tis a grand cycle of rebirth and life!
that or the product of bored minds left to stagnate in the cess pool of average society and needing an outlet to vent said boredom. *shrugs*
Do your rats enjoy sleeping in hammocks Rose? The three fuzzy bastards I kept some years ago fucking loved hammocks. Though they had a bad habit of gnawing at the ties and inducing a rain of fat rat butts.
Sadly no, my ratties do not much like hammocks. We tried once and they, like yours, decimated the ties. So we gave up. They do like fluff though…or fleece. Bits of fleece are gold to them. Though I do have to be careful about leaving clothing to close to the cages…little goofballs gnawed up one of my robes for bedding.
But has he rid himself of burning plasma allergies? Because I can work with that.
illyria- Get Korpiklaani instead. There’s nothing quite like Finnish metal wrath.
Curator- Oh good, you cook! You can have the classic romance and cuisine countries when the world falls before us. Granted, you didn’t specify what (or who) you make them from, but all’s well that doesn’t end up in my kitchen.
Rose- Yes, Schrodinger the bastard.
And it’s true, we have no other device to alleviate our over-creative minds, so we cling to each other, like your pretty rats in a flood of mediocrity. *sigh*
Grymm-But we are in your debt therefore, so continue to accept our praise with gentle grace.
Or suffer. Suffer the barbershop quartet of fans that will land on your doorstep and sing praise to you without politesse or tune.
And why is my custom avatar not working? The techno-mages I employ will suffer for this.
Yeah I learned that lesson as well. I also lost a robe to the great and immaculate cause of rodent comfort. Its amazing how fast the little buggers can concert an XXL robe to a pile of fluff and rags. Ah… teamwork… Fuckin’ teamwork.
Rose, rats are adorable, and I would have some now if my kitty did not disagree. She is grumpy and old and set in her ways. Grymm use to have rats as well, and he speaks very fondly of them.
Mirth, they are indeed utterly adorable. I’m sorry you can’t get one yet, try adopting, lots of ratties get abandoned and left for dead or snake food.
As for you Grymm, yesssss….I actually had two set of twins that were masters at working as duo, and one of my first rats was named Whynot Ratdini…if there was a way to escape he found them all. He taught us how to rat proof a cage and room.
Mine talked a big game of escaping but were little cowards when push came to shove. They could never bring themselves to do more than cling to the cage door as it swung back and forth after a lucky unlatching. Or they just climbed to the top o wait for me to come back and put them back near the food. Come to think of, maybe it wasn’t cowardice at work so much as simply not wanting to go too far from the food dish and broken in hammock.
Mine are not such…if they escape. They hide or find me and scare me with their little tickling noses and whiskers. *small sigh* I miss my babies…the batch we have now are too skittish to handle, they were adopted little critters about to be snake food.
And most rats are altruistic and opportunistic. If you kept them fat and lazy, they are far more interested in you as purveyor of food. We always get such sassy little fuzzballs.
@Marchosias Hmm… That’s weird. I just had to manually approve both your comments that were waiting patiently in the comment approval queue. Despite the fact that your comment have been getting auto approved for like… ever now… I blame fucking Time Gremlins.
Time Gremlins are often to blame, when the tech goblins and the imps are innocent.
The little bastards. Try bells. bells kill all gremlins.
Exactly Rose, and David Bowie can be invoked to control goblins.
*procures several bells and shiny things* Or just scatter around assorted shiny objects. They are as easily distracted and taste good baked into a casserole.
But what of the Imps?
Imps are taken care of by pie. Imps can’t resist pie. However they’re deathly allergic to it. Its really just convenient.
Wonderful! Than I shall bake pie rather than casserole’s, its just a matter of adding more sugar really.
I love rats, just not in my hot dogs…not a fan of maggots in my hot dogs either, although they are great for cleaning up necrotic flesh… I make mine out of beef, and only beef, and I make sausage out of many various types of meat, pork, chicken, turkey, bear, and elk… well, I used to…
Ooo, elk. Elk is delicious…are you a Canook~? OR were a Canook?
Thankfully, gremlins have never been an issue. Scorpions and malevolent techies, yes but never fae-kind.
Curator – Bear? Hell yes.
@Curator ~ Isn’t necrotic flesh the definition of a hot dog?
The cake is a lie, I like pie too.
Jellyfish arm? I wana jellyfish arm… Were can I get a jellyfish arm?! Dam you Amazon and your lack of reasonably priced genetically altered limbs!!!
@Curator That’s what I like to see! Embrace being the top of the food chain! Eat everything! We are human! We have thumbs! We prove ourselves better than creatures large and small by devouring them! Where would we be if our ancestors had never looked up at the mastodon and said to each other “Bob?” “Yes Dave?” “I want to fucking eat that big hairy thing that can kill us in a hundred different ways.” “Oh fuck yes totally. Let’s get the entire tribe together and we’ll stab it until it dies from it.” “Yeeeeeeeees.”
We’re humans. We’re awesome. And goddamn it we’ll eat anything to prove.
@Marchosias Could be worse… Malevolent techies genetically recombinated with scorpion DNA
@Vensik Now THAT is an excellent point.
@Erzool I find it heart crushingly disappointed how we don’t yet live in a world ripe with possibilities in the field of cosmetic artificial limb enhancements. Yeah, sure. iphone and tablet computers. That’s great. But where are the robot arms with nifty attachments or sheerly cosmetic DNA plugin traits to give someone glowing red demon eyes.
@Grymm or thumbs on the feet?
@ Mirth That’s not just cosmetic that’s just plain handy! Back to our simian roots! Hell somedays I wonder if we’re not already regressing…Why is mankind so full of stupid? And than you find these well pools of creativity and awesome to give you hope?
It’s not so much regression, as adapting to a new, cradle-like environment, which allows us to be stupid and senseless. That’s why I support zombie apocalypses, and other disasters that would shake up our benighted species.
But until the dead start Thrilling, support creativity, especially the weird, totally unique kind.
@Mirth ROBOT thumbs on feet! Laser guided even. And possibly steam powered.
RE: Stupid People and Regression and Stuff
Jesus. This could be a whole Grymm Ramblings post. In short…. Its hard to blame just the stupid people for being stupid. I also blame the media and various different groups and people that bay and howl for things like warning labels to be put on bleach. Or the media blowing shit out of proportions and outright lying to people to get up ratings.
Ugh. No. I need to stop now before I end up writing a fucking essay. Change of topic…. Rubber corsets or leather pants?
Leather pants. Tacky, but stylish on occasion.
did you know, that as of this writing, there are 43 comments on this page? far cry from the days of 5-7 on a GOOD day, eh guys?:) also, fuck yeah, top of the food chain, bear tastes like awesome!…aaaaaaaaaaaaand I eat 90% raw vegan…lol… I love meat, But I have never been healthier since I reduced my intake of animals and animal products to around 10% (although some days are as high as 50%, it evens out to about 90% over the week…) Also, I haven’t gotten sick since I started as well, and that was about a year ago… and I dropped 50 pounds… (im 190 now) But bear sausage, is the nectar of the Gods,especially with apple in them…lol…bear steaks, meh…
Leather pants can also be highly protective, such as the ones I wear on my motorcycle, I enjoy having skin, so leather pants =awesome in that respect…
Leather pants, Rubber corsets are a bitch to get on with or without powder. And I agree with Curator, riding on a motorcycle you want them or at least leather chaps over jeans.
@Curator Oh I know. Also, for the record the comments aren’t the only thing that have multiplied for the site. Behind the scenes the unique visitors and pageviews have shot WAY up as well.
And so far its holding pretty steady.
@rosey I don’t do chaps over jeans since I saw a friend slide and get back up with hamburger ass, and he was only going 30mph…its full on leather, or I don’t ride… even those kevlar jeans dont work that well, ive seen those things shredded on pavement, they are ok for low speeds though, like going to get the groceries or something…
@grymm well, hopefully a chunk of that is from all the plugging ive been doing elsewhere, Although I dont know for sure, as ive only had 3 friends actually get back to me and tell me they are continuing to read,lol… just remember grymm and creepknight, im ALWAYS willing to plug you guys;):P