Musings of a CreepKnight
I have made a decision about what I want my legacy to be. I would like to become a literary trope. The description is as follows:
Deus Ex CreepKnight: Where in a major conflict is resolved by the appearance of a small goblin who proceeds to ramble nonsense and then kick someone in the nuts.
I beg all of you out there who read this comic and also write to help me achieve my legacy.
That is all.
Grymm Ramblings
Just in case you missed it over the weekend, we're reposting this now, for your convenience. That's right. The very first of the Voodoo Walrus video pod vlog cast audio visual embloggenation samplings. Spread it around. Link it. Share it. Viral-o-nate it. Then watch it a couple more times while you wait for us to release the next one. We're thinking we might do one a week or so. Or however often the authorities actually allow us to gather together in person.
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 11”
I’ll help spread your trope if you help spread mine!
Khavren – a trickster who will proffer absurdist advice that if followed will lead to humiliation and success
Also, always wearing a cool hat
Very nice hats. Classy never fails.
Voodoo has now spread to two of the usually excepted five senses. Humanity as a whole will suffer – but we, the manic, will ride the wave of downfall like a rollercoaster.
I’ll do my best to spread trope de’Lichtenstein. Honest.
I may even stitch your nosebleed-inducing personalities into my writing….
D’aaaaw, lookit how cute those musclebound nutcase ponies are~ What a way to ride in to the rescue~!
Oh Mac, why so awesome? Taking time in the middle of your extremely hostile takeover to phone your sweetie and get him excited~!