Grymm Ramblings
You know it's time to get down to business when a magical costume change happens. Not gonna lie here folks. The next stretch of pages is going to be challenging. Not for you. Pretty sure you fine, glorious readers are going to love what's to come. No, these are going to be a massive challenge for me artwise. So do forgive us if an update is missed here and there. It's not an indication of hiatus, just an indicator that the page art is taking way longer than I'd like. We love you all.
0 thoughts on “KIll Your Heroes 76: Too Much Purple”
*fans self* That’s quite the new look.
I’m sure Creepknight just got himself an Infinity Jacket if the six gems are in fact Infinity gems.
… I choose to believe this is a good thing…. I am just going to stand behind this wall for unrelated reasons.
An excellent choice.