Grymm Ramblings
Hey look everyone! Marron's back! And in full on geeky mode.Welcome to the rest of this year. The dramatic set piece has been accomplished and now its time to engage Voodoo Walrus 2011 Phase Two. Your guess is as good as any as to what that might involve. Go on. Guess. So.... Yeah. Technical difficulties are over. Unfortunately I had to remain MIA for nearly a week longer than CK due to Hurricane Irene deciding to grant greater damage to areas of the castle I haunt. Namely on the telecommunication end of things. So since I didn't get a chance to say it previously, thank you all for your input in regards to the little questionnaire last week. Quite enlightening. Not much to say today. We're back. Comics are in production again. Creepy Hollow is gearing up. Time for me to be scarce again. Its becoming a running trend. Just too much to do y'know? So here, let's show off another little tease-y bit from the Volume 1 PDF collection. This is just a tiny little snippet of one of the three all new exclusive pieces that will be included. The real piece will obviously lack the blacked out promotiony bits and have a lot more to it than just character heads.
0 thoughts on “Meanwhile… In Vegas”
Will B
OI!!! Wait your turn woman. I’ve been waiting to be a companion for over 20 years. Me first.
That being said, Welcome back gentleman. Hopefully there no permanent damage from Mother Nature’s temper tantrum. The pdf looks interesting.
This reminds me of when I fantasy geek out and chant the mantra “I wish the goblins would take me away. Right now!”
A Star Trek AND Doctor Who fan? Marron can no longer be sexier to me unless she was also a fan of the original 3 Star Wars movies. Post-CGI. That said, you aren’t missing much with the whole companion thing. Did you know that, unless he’s knocked out, the Doctor doesn’t sleep? He just kinda shuffles around….. Sometimes checks in on you….. Tinkers with the Tardis….. It gets kinda unnerving. He’s a good guy, almost never loses his cool, but still. I, personally, can’t sleep when I know there’s someone near me who’s awake.
This comic is 100% true and accurate except for my hair, which has been changed to protect the innocent (my hair is so awesome that if they were to use my real hairstyle, too many viewers would be injured or perhaps even die while distracted by the awesomeness of said hair).
I feel the need to rise up from my work induced seclusion to add to this: I did actually try to give Marron her real life hairstyle, but doing so kept incinerating my pencils from the sheer awesomeness. I only have so many pencils and its still weeks before I’ll be able to budget it in an art supply order, so I just went with the simple style you see here.
Back to drawing a sexy pinup piece for the PDF now.
It’s true.
I now desire to see your hairstyle. Of course, it can’t be anywhere NEAR as magnificent as the Doctor’s. ((The David Tenant one.))
Ticker. You have my agreement. I gotta admit… I love the ladies but…
… I totally have a mad man crush on David Tenant. … He totally looks like a cuddler you know… that type to hold you and tell you you are pretty. Make you feel valued. Just hold you in your arms and make you feel safe.
This uncomfortable confession is brought you by the letter F and the number 431,431. Double the number of the prophets.
To me, David Tenant seems like a rock. A place you can grab onto when shit hits the fan and you don’t know the difference between up and west. Also, double numerals?!?!? It’s as if Terezi and Sollux had a kid….. Who was blind as a bat and had vision twofold.
*cocks an eyebrow* Why do I suddenly feel like I have more testosterone than you? Then again I’m not a cuddle kind of girl. Bruises or it didn’t happen, and all that.
I’ll put it like this. EVERYONE has someone they’d go gay for. Everyone. Period. For me a Raron, it just happens to be the tenth Doctor, also known as David Tenant.
I understand that concept, my issues are with the cuddle “effeminate” reaction associated with it that cause me confusion. The “going gay for” is another concept that’s beyond me but that’s because I’m a pansexual and have the potential to find anyone who isn’t an idiot, offensive, or smelling of controlled substances sexy.
You know, that third thing probably insulted about a third of the Voodoo Walrus readers.
What third thing are you referring to Ticker?
She commented that people who smell of “Controlled substances”, like marijuana are never going to date anyone or EVER get laid.
Whoa! no one has posted anything on here other then their own individual preferences. Akonite only said that She herself would not date them, not that no one would ever date them. Expressions of personal opinion are quite fine, so long as no one forces anything on anyone else.
Definitely agree. Heck several of my physical relationships partake but make sure they’re cleaned up and smelling fresh before coming near me. Where did that come from? I will never make the assumption that my preferences speak for others.
If me not finding you sexy is offensive you’ve got more issues to worry about. *snicker*