Grymm Ramblings
Hiya folks! Just wanted to throw out a heads up that the site might be changing a bit in appearance here and there in the near future. There's some ideas we've been pondering to put into effect even before the domain troubles cropped up. So, now that we're kind of cobbling everything back together, now might be a good time to put some of those changes into effect.
More on that later. For now, here's some important links that you may not have though about recently but are still chock full of awesomeness.
Voodoo Walrus Desktop Wallpapers
Voodoo Walrus Volume One PDF: "Year of The Badger"
Voodoo Walrus t-shirts, hoodies, stickers, etc from RedBubble
0 thoughts on “Entropy 101 27: The Doctor Is In”
The only appropriate response here is, “Oh shit.”
Oh I have been gone far too long…ah well. I need to RETURN TO THE PAST! *dashes off to read*
Aaah all caught up now. God damn I’ve missed the eldritch-horror of this web comic.
Good to see that you found us even after the URL switch!
I admit, I was nearly fooled. But the ‘more fun then a barrel full of monkeys’ tag line is still ingrained in my cranial matter so no worries.
Its good to be back~! And good to see you are both still creating such wonderful, sometimes sexy, sometimes gut wrenchingly terrifying characters as you ever have!
My dear lady! *rushes to kiss hands* It has been far too long. I trust you’re as villainous and vivacious as ever?
Well /that’s/ an enthusiastic greeting. Heya March~ still plotting the eventual world take over? Evil. Yes. Vivacious? School is hell on my skin regime but what can I say? Life is a vindictive domme that likes to get lemon in your paper cuts that are life’s little obstacles.
Plotting? *crosses legs across the bent back of Warren Buffett* No, not much plotting anymore. Things having long since come to fruition, yada yada.
Now, THAT is how you make a threat. With gusto, and blood in your eyes.
Is anyone else freaked out by Doctor’s eyebrows?
What is ‘First Genesis’ and why is it a tag?
First Genesis is the name of the school they are attending.
March and Rose, welcome back. It’s been so long.
Well, we know CK is still awesome in the future but I get the impression Dr. McCreepy is going to make this an unpleasant experience (especially since my shitty screen leaves me with the impression he’s in a lab coat, shirt, and panties.)
That’s puts a whole different spin on it there, doesn’t it? Frankly, I’d be down with a little Dr. Eichholtz-N-Furter.
It’s funny that Frank-n-furter has been invoked in connection to a VW antagonist considering one of exclusive pics currently in the work for the Volume 2 PDF….
WAIT! I KNOW I knew that blue haired villain! Once more venturing into the past annals of the Walrus I have located him. Could it possibly be the same redundant experiment loving scientist of yore? If so…Ooooh the possibilities. -and no I see the womans undies too…-