Thanks, to you the fans, some personal reflection, and a 3 hour long conversation that ended with CreepKnight and I being freaked out by talking about the Black Eyed Kid urban legend, I realized that the post that was originally here not only did not communicate what I want to say, but despite my best efforts, if came across as something that many could take as a personal attack against them and as a cheap attempt to guilt trip amongst other unsavory things. If you were offended by the way I worded the post. You have my apologies. I'm not a writer. As such, its a crap shoot when I attempt to talk about things of a serious nature.
I have obviously removed the post in question. It was too long, too rambling, and CreepKnight has since paired it down into a far better bit of writing. I have posted it to my Tumblr account and it can be viewed by clicking here if you're curious. I stand by what I say in it, I don't stand by how I made it sound. Thanks to you good folks, I've realized that some changes need to be made as to how things need to work from now on. More on that later though.
To sum up what we’re saying in short order, here are the following points:
1 ) Voodoo Walrus isn’t going anywhere. We love doing this comic. We need to do this comic. And since we are currently romantically unattached to any other member of the human race, this comic is the closest thing we have to a girlfriend. Begin mocking now.
2 ) When we do extras (t-shirts, books, puppets, etc.) we are doing them for the sole reason of generating extra revenue to run the site. In the last six months this has become a necessity, because GoogleAds boned us hard without the decency to give us a reach around (meaning they never gave us the money we earned). Paying out of pocket sucks, because our pockets are empty.
3 ) When we put the time in to do these extras with promises of purchase from certain unnamed individuals (unnamed in the sense of we have no idea who they are), it makes us call into question the time we spend doing the extras. But we’re only talking about the extras, not the comic itself. See 1).
4 ) If extras do not sell, we need to find other sources of income in order generate the necessary revenue to keep the site up and running. This, like creating the extras, takes time.
5 ) We only recently discovered that there are 24 hours in a day. This scared the hell out of us, as we need at least three to sleep, two to eat, and 36 to get everything else done. Needless to say, we were disappointed and now blame GoogleAds for stealing valuable hours from the day.
6 ) Working with the limited amount of time in each day, we have to dedicate a portion to keeping the site up and running so that we can continue that we can continue to make Voodoo Walrus.
7 ) Apparently, being awesome does constitute a part time job. This severely limits our employment opportunities. If you know of a part time job where the sole requirement is being awesome, please contact me off-site at
8 ) Comedy aside, we have to generate income to run the site. The ideal way to do that is to sell stuff. When no one buys stuff, we have to do other things. Making stuff to sell and doing other things are, in this instance, antithetical ideas. If we need to do other things because we’re not selling anything, then we have to stop making t-shirts and belt buckles and pin-ups. We have to go get “real jobs” so that we can keep making this comic.
9 ) If you’re not going to buy anything, that’s fine. We’re not holding it against you. We’re broke too. We will, however, keep reminding you that there is stuff for sale because that’s how you do business. What we want to stop seeing is people saying things like “that would be cool” or “I’d buy that” or “I would but I’m broke.” Those sorts of things are detrimental in that they give us false hope. If we need to go get real jobs to keep the site running, that’s fine. And those extras will still exist. They may just take longer to produce. All we’re asking is that you don’t give us false hope so that we work our asses off to get products out there that don’t sell.
Because that makes me really crabby. And a crabby CreepKnight is a CreepKnight that abuses readers. And bitches (in that he bitches, not abuses bitches).
Also, please bear in mind that Grymm has a tendency to rant, and while it may sound angry and spiteful, it’s really not. Truthfully, it’s kind of funny. He gets all read in the face. We love you guys, honestly and sincerely. So thank you. This is not meant to alienate. This is more to inform you of what our situation is and why we spend a great deal of time trying to sell you stuff.
It’s because we don’t want to have to go and get “real jobs.”
So to sum up:
a) We’re gonna keep Voodoo Walrus going. Probably forever.
b) We have to generate money to keep the site running.
c) Ideally, we’d like to do that with income from the comic. If that’s not possible, we’ll find another way, but production on extras might have to slow down.
If anything is unclear or still infuriating, I ask that you direct your rage towards me and not this comic or the artist who draws. As well you all know, it’s always my fault.
P.S. This summation addresses only the immediate concerns at the moment and specifically does not include mentions of cons, specialty merchandise, or any other very pricey expenditure.
Blame GoogleAds
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 22: The Laugh That Shattered a Thousand Minds”
Will B
I understand what your saying. I know how it is bleeding red ink from every orifice. I would love to help. Would love to send some in and help the Walrus. As it is I have to scrimp and save and see what I could do without to buy the pdf when they done. I’m sorry I one of those readers that annoy you with lack of monetary support. But here the facts. I broke. I lucky to make rent each month, let alone food. I understand the need to make a buck. I understand you guys are doing this outta love for your art and for your readers. But to get constantly bombard with pleas then basically anger because I broke, well I don’t think I will be reading this fine comic anymore. I obviously can’t afford to.
Your missing the point Will. This isn’t anger. This isn’t me trying to attack anyone. This isn’t me saying I’m annoyed. This is just me giving the facts. Like I said multiple times above, we don’t expect ANYONE to PAY for the comic. The comic keeps going one way or the other.
And we appreciate the fact that you and a couple of other people have outright said they’d be interested in buying the PDF. At the same time, there’s been people across the board, and I’m not necessarily talking about on site commenters saying they want to see X thing for sale, we make it available, and those same people disappear, and that item goes unsold.
Will B
So you know I still in for the pdf. Not saying not.
Oh yes. I know. CreepKnight knows. You’ve personally have been one of the one’s who seems to be looking forward to the PDF the most and we appreciate the hell out of that and your continued support and commenting.
I see now that my diatribe above is a bit too long and unwieldy and its possible that my real point has been lost in rambling. CK’s across the room now trying to pair down my core message. Everyone stand by while the real writer here tries to communicate what we want to say.
How much is the PDF going to cost? And is it possible to use regular mail to get you the money? For personal reasons that I’d rather not divulge, I don’t trust paypal.
As far as cost goes, let me get back to you on that. Gotta talk to CK when he wakes up because I can’t honestly remember the the specifics of pricing when last we spoke of it and I don’t want to misspeak. I can tell you that the PDF absolutely will NOT be more than $15 in total. And it WILL all new stuff that can’t be found anywhere on the site or my galleries or the face book page along with everything up to and including Hobogeddon.
As far as money via regular mail goes, that’s a totally an option. We understand that some folks are …. less than fond of Paypal.
Will B
Speaking of prints, do you have one with the whole Walrus Crew?? Bowler, Mirth, you two, in one shot??
You know what? Oddly enough. We don’t. You’d think that’d be something we’d have. Figures the simplest, most sensible idea is the one we haven’t even considered.
I like money too…
i think we know that.
Indeed. But just in case, we’re going to be reminding folks of Venik’s first, second, and third loves very soon. #GrymmsAFuckingTease
Money makes Creepknight happy. Also, he looks kinda like a meme on panel 5.
That out of the way, I would love to help you guys. I honestly would. But, simply put, I have no money. I barely afford to make ends meet as it is. But I have a suggestion to get you more readers. And, maybe, more money. I noticed, after a quick search, that you are not losted on . Why? Doing so, and posting a link on here so that your readers will vote for you, will ensure a greater level of popularity. People on the sight will notice you on the list, and follow the link if only to see why it’s so popular. In this way, you get more readers. Readers who MAY have money. And then they can spend the money on your merchandise. I also recommend making the links for the prints and t-shirts more noticable in some way. When I read a webcomic, my eyes don’t go to the links on top. They go to the comic. I recommend a link on the right side of the comic that leads to, for example, your t-shirts.
Edit. I meant to type ‘listed’.
In panel 5, that’s exactly what I was going for. Glad it came through.
And thank you! Something like TopWebcomics is not something we’ve thought of getting involved in. Going to be looking into that in a bit once some coloring is done. You actually bring such to our attention is actually a big help!
Glad I could help you guys in some way.
-All hail our Walrus overlords!
I’m very glad to hear my inability to throw money at you directly hasn’t caused hard feelings I do my best with clicking adds and flagging my friends in your direction.
Oh hell no. We’re never going to be embittered towards folks who, like us, really cannot afford to part with the cash. And it really is enough to know that some of you are willing to promote, click ads, and like Ticker above, toss out ideas that we never even considered.
Its just that fact that we know of parties that have directly asked from things on my gallery sites, and by email, and such things who say they’d want to buy this or that, we make it and offer it, and then they don’t do or say anything in response.
As a fellow artist and one that is even less successful I never make a commission until I have the money ready to send.
Once I get my next payment, I will gladly buy something. I didn’t know that there was music, is there a link to it somewhere. And forgive me for asking AGAIN, but how much do avatars cost? I have a terrible memory, but I promise to write it down this time.
Also, clicking ads helps you guys? I’ll do that if it helps. Except for that fat panda ad. It scares me.
Ok, found the music and it’s only .99! And not only that, buy it sounds good! I will gladly buy it and recommend it to my friends so that they can share in the walrus love too.
By the way, who is that singing?
Hm, this makes me realize that there’s a good bit info we need to make easier to find!
But to answer your questions, avatars run $20. What you get is actually a 6″ x 6″ bust shot, not just a tiny little square of an avatar.
And as far as who’s singing? That’s CreepKnight. Those songs are completely made by him and him alone.
Wow, he has a good singing voice. He is a very talented man.
Also, I’m going to start saving up for that avatar. Can’t wait to get it!
Yes, they are quite talented. That is why they’re on the upper level* of my celebrity** crush list.
* In the top 5. I demand proof of personality as well and talents that make me swoon to make it to the list. #1 and #2 are the results of making one blush and the other saying “yes” when I said “fuck you” to a joke.
**Celebrity in this case applies to anyone with more fan girls than just myself that I want to drag to an NC-17 cuddle party.
As a general rule, I despise listening to people singing and playing guitar. be it live or recorded. But CK not only does it well, one of his originals that will eventually be up on bandcamp is quite possibly, hands down, one of my favorite songs ever. And I’m a godawful music snob at times.
Hey, I donated a whole dollar for the wallpaper!
I’m just sayin’.
dose the green stuff coming out of creepnight’s mouth bad money breath?
I was thinking that it’s a sanity-breaking, eldritch glow. Though my reaction was pretty much a mirror to Warren’s in panel 8.
yeah mine was too. O_o
Mercenary Clown
I’d bet money that it’s bad money breath
I too, look forward to the day the Pdf is offered! I fully intend on purchasing this item~!
The comic on the other hand makes me smile, because money is always a nice thing. Creepknight’s rather fiendish glee in obtaining said dollars is rather awe inspiring to the depth of it.
A well stated post – I like it. When I have money, the Walrus gets money. For the moment, I’m saving for the PDF. And using guerilla marketing tactics to drag new folks to the Walrus. Forcible tactics…
In addition, can I assume that the radiant energy of CK’s insanity lights Walrus headquarters? Somehow, I can just see the place lit with green madness.
Guerrilla tactics? A wise and glorious tactic! The screams of their panic are absolutely marvelous. As for the green glow, its filled with dollar signs, So one might assume its the glow of joy from obtaining it!
The slight chiming ring when a man’s sanity cracks, and he is filled with the Walrus, and only the Walrus, is the most beautiful sound.
Guerrilla marketing tactics? Good show on that, Marchosias. I hope you’re having better luck then I am. Getting people to read anything is like pulling teeth with a chainsaw.
More like an pulling teeth with a wrought iron fence, but yes, you understand.
Throwing forth more ideas for getting new readers: Have you ever heard of ? I’m not sure what it’s ORIGINAL purpose was, but it’s also used to dissect webcomics (Like this one) and point out T.V. and movie themes from them. Something that you guys point out in the tags, true. But is a free site (As far as I know) And my help you get that all too critical boost in popularity. I’m also posting a tvtropes link to another webcomic I read that set up a page on it so that you can see what the site is about for yourselves since I’m terrible at explaining.
Yeah, we’ve both fallen victim to getting lost in the endless perpetual loop of browsing tvtropes. I did actually try to a create a page there for the Walrus a while back, but I found the process baffling and frustrating in just trying to create a new page and haven’t had a chance to try it again. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to give it another try though.
I’ll ask the person who made the page I posted a link to about it. She might be able to give some tips on how to streamline the process.
CK laughing glowing green dollar singes actually made me laugh out loud, not much dose that. Just thought you guys should know.
Mission accomplished then! Glad it had that effect on someone other than just ourselves then.
For the record, its amazing what you can do when you actually take the time to READ instructions. On that note, Voodoo Walrus is now on TVTropes. Thanks to Ticker reminding me about it. You can find the still freshly born and basic page at
If you’re a troper, feel free to go hog wild with it as it would take us days to try to get it properly filled with all the tropes that exist for the Walrus.
I can’t seem to react with time consuming addiction to TVTropes so I’m going to enlist the aid of friends to get VoodooWalrus listed as examples of suitable tropes.
You know, Grymm, you never DID get back to me on the final price for the PDF.
Nope. Haven’t had the chance do to working on next, NEXT week’s comics that’ll finally bring this storyline to close. But I’ll answer it right now:
$10. $10 will be the price for the PDF’s. Everything up to and including Hobogeddon, at least three new original pieces, bonus sketch material, commentary from myself, CreepKnight, and more real life Voodoo Walrus crew members, and some other extra stuff we’re not ready to talk about yet.
EXCELLENT! I can afford it then! What, pray tell, is your mailing address?
Whoa, all in good time! Right now the first PDF is only about one-third of the way through production. We’re still waiting on new art to get done, comments to come in from special guest commenters, and CK’s in the process of doing some extra special stuff. But when everything’s ready to drop, we’ll start announcing info in regards to the how/when/where/etc. as far as payment and such goes!
But damn if we don’t appreciate that enthusiasm.
Will B
If I prepaid for all three pdfs would you send them to me when done??
Can’t say for sure one way or another until sometime tomorrow when CreepKnight wakes up and we’ve had a chance to talk about it. The main problem with pre-paying so early is while we do have a general idea of when the Volume 1 PDF will be done, we can’t say the same for Volume 2 or the RPG, so we can’t promise any rock solid release dates yet!
I will definitely be getting the PDFs when finances are right or the birthday money starts rolling in about November.
10 Dollars…10 dollars for a Pdf /full/ of Walrus Comic goodness, never before seen things made by Creepknight just for the Pdf and of course, the commentary that has yet to be revealed? Good sir the moment you tell me when and where I shall have my money wired to you Via paypal…and I am prepared to pre-order as well if it would help!
This face right now – it’s my happy face. You could mistake it for my murder-face, but right now, with 10 dollars separating me from the archived Walrus, I’m happy.
Will B
Remember March, that fourteen bums worth of beatings. So for allthree pdfs you need 42 hobos for that. Remember to rest between beatings. Otherwise will pull something and your current project willb e behind and then we will have to find new investors for the virus program.