Thus begins the Voodoo Walrus video bloggeries. You have no one to blame but yourselves.
Grymm Ramblings
Heya folks! October is over, as is Creepy Hollow. So once more our creative attention can focus on things of personal importance to us! Like making the Walrus even more awesome than before!
I've been teasing about how we have stuff on the horizon. Well its closer now than ever before. These things just take time.
By the way the following is what provided me with the energy to color this page all in one sitting between 2am and 6am Wednesday morning. Its awesome. And if you don't know who that dashing and well dress bald man is... well... Here's a tip. He's a writer. A chaos magic practitioner, and he once boosted the sales of his comic series by asking his fans to have a day long Wank-a-thon to stimulate sales of his comic with sexual energy.
Now, maybe, just maybe, the large grizzled, impossibly huge gun toting muscle men remind you of something from mainstream comics circa the late 80's early 90's. If so. That's fine. I'll decline to say more on it that this time. Save that everything has a purpose. And all will be made clear in time. We're working towards making a point here folks. But we don't want to hit you with it hard enough to do any brain damage. On a completely different note... Let's say... hypothetically speaking... That CreepKnight recently became owner of a nice quality webcam with two mics that would work rather well for a certain webcomic creating duo to create video blogs (or vlogs) as the kids call 'em these days). Would there be any interest in this? Would you want to see and hear us ramble on about insane things that may or may not include comic related stuff and horror stories from out day to day lives? As an added bonus, you 'd get to occasionally hear CreepKnight accidentally slide back into his Liechtensteinian accent.
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 10: Enter, The Meatnecks!”
bad-ass cigars make everything cooler, even talking crotches :D,
Video blogs sounds like a great idea! I’d definitely watch them and I think it might help to bring more people to the site if they hear about your comical musings as well as the brilliant comic.
Mid-carnage wedgies put everything in perspective.
And yes, I would listen avidly to your absurd ramblings. The day sometimes needs a fresh dose of pure insanity to make this iron shell called ‘reality’ bearable. Ride on.
If you start doing mic blogs I will be one of the many happy people in the world. Your insanity makes life seem less like the zombie infested rat race where Idiots are allowed to breed, and more like something actually resembling a pleasant world.
And yes. Cigars ALWAYS means /you’re/ Fucking in charge dude~! Didn’t that other guy get the memo?
Rose: You might have more to be happy about very, very soon then!
The Gauzeman
**holds up a sign written on a pizza box that reads**: “”WE WANT MORE VLOGS…..AND CHEESY BREADSTICKS…and some cherry bubblegum would be nice.””
(///////)>~=~=~=< The Gauzeman is watching you.
Jakwolf: You must live in a frightening world where your first reaction is the fact that the crotch is talking. Frightening… or oddly awesome and slightly arousing.
Marchosias and Muleface: Duly noted. Stay tuned then!
Crotches aren’t supposed to talk?