Musings of a CreepKnight
Hurricanes suck. Seriously. They come through like rock stars, destroying hotel rooms and trashing electrical grids and impregnating women with bastard children and... I think this metaphor has fallen apart. The point is, we're suffering some temporary setbacks. So I did this comic. It's not meant to be ground breaking or anything. We just wanted to keep you amused until we're back up and running again.
Real comics to resume next week.
0 thoughts on “Irene Hates You All!”
….this story is horrifyingly familiar.
I FULLY understand your plight. when Charlie, Jean, Ivan, and Francis blew through Florida it was the suckiest time of my life. My family had no friends with ACTUAL houses and we couldn’t afford a hotel to stay in. So we basically had to hunker down in our trailer for the month and a half it took those hurricanes to blow through. The best part? We used to have 3 sheds before the hurricanes hit. Then we only had one.
I slept through Katrina up until the point where a tree bounced off the side of our trailer. She took out every brick house in the neighborhood and all we lost was a few shingles.
Could have done without the week of no fresh water or electricity… I evacuated after one week to California so my family got my portion of rations for the month and a half they put up with third world conditions.
Will B
Ours was the opposite case. Our house was destroyed in Katrina. Lost everything except the family and the cats. House we evaced to had two feet water in it by the time eye of storm came over head. D’iberville was a hell hole and we were lucky to survive. Wasn’t able to get out to California till after Gulfport international opened up. Been back in Cali ever since.
I’m sorry for you man. I pray that you can get a new house soon. And if you need any supplies, let me know and I’ll send you what I can.
Will B
Thanks Ticker. Family helped and have been improving since then. But appreciate.
Oof. Yeah we were lucky enough to be up in a small town near Hattiesburg lots of hills to escape flooding.
Will B
Hope the Walrus crew is okay in real life. Hurricanes suck, and blow.
Thanks for the concern Will. Everyone is fine, and everyone finally has their power back on. We all managed to escape without major damage, Richmond is fairly inland. East coast is just not use to this sort of thing, so the power company spent the first several days running around like decapitated chickens.
Will B
Well glad everyone okay. Bet CreepKnight wished he had continued drinking beer with family instead of coming back now. *chuckles*
Glad to know everyone is safe! I read this comic in the dark for maximum effect.
I think I speak for all readers when I say:
But in all seriousness, I wish you and all he other victims of Hurricane Irene luck.