Grymm Ramblings
Keeping the news simple today folks, cause this is important. Look up above at the first/last/next page type navigation buttons. See something new? That's right. There's now a 'Buy Print' button. Clicking that button will let you buy a print of whatever page you're on at the time. Simple. Easy. Quick.
We HIGHLY encourage you to make use of it. Unlike the RedBubble t-shirts, we make the prints in house here at the Walrus Castle, meaning that all profits go directly to funding things like paying the domain and hosting costs, the material costs and eventually, helping fund things like convention attendance and better, cheaper t-shirt printings that don't involve RedBubble's prices.
The prints are GORGEOUS by the way. Seriously. No matter what the pages look like on your monitor or phone or murky cauldron of bubbling brew, I can promise you that they'll look at very least twice as awesome as that in print form. I am blown away every time I make a print. Even of stuff I'm less than proud of.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 7: Knee Deep in the CreepKnight Rage”
Birds nowadays. They don’t give two shits about nobility.
Fuckin’ birds man. If they’re not beating up children and taking their food, they’re shitting on everyone else’s day.
Will B
OH HELL NO. That fucker was supposed to be gone. Where the fucking shotgun?? If that little fucker demands a sandwich, all crows will DIE.
Ummm mean, My humblest apologies Sir Creepknight. Your rage at the world is well deserved and that your anger was interrupted by that interloper will be rectified. The Komodos minions are at your service if you but ask. *Looks around lair mumbling about ion cannons and target practice*
Tell you what: if you can find me an ointment that actually relieves the itch that comes as a result of mosquito bites, I’ll be very grateful.
Will B
Baking soda made into a paste with water, left to dry. Works every time. (Have to use it almost every summer. Stupid rice fields)
Does a garlic heavy diet not work to keep the little vampire ladies off you? I don’t really notice them anymore after growing up in Mississippi but I do hate seeing red dots on exposed flesh in the morning.
Nope. Vampire ladies can be real pains. And they never call you back…
Asshole Crow better watch out CK might just possess laser eyes.
Quetzalcoatl, as in “feathered serpent”? Well if the Q is going to stand for something it might as well imply death from above.
The CreepKnight royal family believes in middle names being powerful.
Death from above, arts, writing, knowledge. Blood sacrifice. ‘Tis a fine name.
Will B
I am ashamed that I did not bestow it on my first born. Tis a fine name indeed.
Is that crow from when Rook hijacked the comic coming back o.o Also, gonna go build a new bunker, with a candy store inside. Yes.
Make sure the candy store is well stock with Cadbury cream eggs of the orange and caramel filling varieties.
BLASPHEMER! EVERYONE knows that caramel and ORIGINAL are the best cadbury varities!
Fool! Caramel and orange are the clear superiors of all cream filled confectioneries! Original is an underachiever of tastlessness!
Will B
Silence thyself good sir. There is no other besides original. Orange is an insult to the taste buds. Almost as much as Mountain Dew Code Red. And both of you are deluded about the flavor of Caramel. It is only good for filling potholes in the road.
They’re too sickly sweet for their own good! The orange however offers a delightful citrus-esque zest and the caramel exudes only the purest feeling of the sensation of shaving years of time off of one’s life span! The originals are just sickly sweet barely edible.
Viva la caramel and orange!
Lord Cadbury
Ingrates! Charlatans! Heretics! Know you not that the Cadbury Egg, in its infinite manifestations, is meant to be enjoyed by all, not to bring about an intense debate which can only lead to war! Know that your preference for delicious fondant, creamy caramel, succulent orange, or even the mysterious and rarely seen raspberry eggs are not meant to be fought over, but enjoyed by their own individual fan bases who unite for the pleasure of a year-round egg cycle. Brothers, do you love your Cream Eggs? Your Caramel Eggs? Your Orange and Raspberry Eggs? Then quarrel not! Instead, join together in your demands that these delicious chocolate candies no longer remain a seasonal treat, but a year round celebration of hedonism and debauchery. Let us each, in our own way, celebrate them! Whether by eating them, or rubbing them over our naked flesh while singing “God Save the Queen” while smacking a man of small stature in the rear with a toilet brush!!! So sayeth Lord Cadbury!
My apologies Lord Cadbury. I wasn’t aware you felt so strongly about the issue. Though you’re right of course. Such senseless debate isn’t conducive to the true purpose of thing; enjoying delicious Cadbury eggs as often as possible without dying from some kind of horrible, self-induced sugar coma. Though in the future you might want to respect comment approval filters. We were a bit shocked and baffled by the fact that your comment completely skipped past the approval stage and had no ISP or email address attached to it.
Forgive us Lord Cadbury. We were fools. Every easter I look forward to the cream filled confectionaries, and mourn that they come but once a year. So, henceforth, I shall devote myself to YEARLY cadbury eggs! LET THEM NO LONGER BE A HARD TO FIND EASTER TREAT! LET THEM BE SHARED AND ENJOYED BY ALL!!!!!!
You disturb me, good sir. I am not a man easily impressed, but your display and diction most heartens me. From one lord to another, good show.
Good show, indeed.
How much be a print of the Walrus comic pages~? And are you yet selling full sized books of the comic? I’d buy a walrus Comic book for sure…The first two seasons were amazing.
And I fear I must sin to the Cadbury Lord…I don’t eat any kind of cadbury egg, I’ve never had one in my life.
Now as for hte comic. *drags out battle corset, bow and arrow tipped in poison dart frog venom* Heeeeere birdie birdie birdie….
Nor have I indulged in this treat. Though the argument was funny as Hades.
As to flying pests – I’m rather handy with a blowgun. Blowgun fulla’ tetanus.
You own a tactical corset too?…awesome. I keep telling people a Kevlar-lined corset is a perfectly reasonable investment when you go clubbing in urban areas.
Of course I do! Though I got mine with the functional decorative stainless steel reinforced accents for the ribbing. No point going cheap when you go Kevlar dear. Its surprisingly comfy. As for you dear March, I happen to find that when hunting Crows with a low brow over intelligence that going with something with a venomous advantage has its benefits. If not, I’m going for the AK-47 with the fitted laser scope.
As far as the prints go, they’re $15 a pop. $20 for non-US residents due to the cost of shipping. But my god is it $15 well spent cause as beautiful as things like the Grymmoire prints can be, the comic prints are amazing in their own right with the fonts and lettering and such.
And far as books of any type go though, we kinda need to wait until people are actually showing in interest in such. But we’re making a note that you’re one party who’s interested! So that’s a start!
Woo~ I’d spread the Walrus love /every/ where. Literally. I’d cart one of those bad boys around, and read it in very public places and let people read over my shoulder and be delighted and horrified or both! Viva La Walrus~!
If you want to spread word you should also get a tee. They get shipped out really quickly, and the folks who make them are chill, I have ordered a few myself.
Perhaps on the next paycheck or so…my birthday party is coming up soon. *rubs chin in thought* I wanted to get me something very nice. Since I had to wait 6 months to have said party so my friends could be home from college…
Will B
What would the cost of said hard copy be?? Cause VW the comic book would definitely be on my pull list. Would you be self financing or would you ask for donations?? How many yes would it take for you two to start publishing VW? You gentleman may count my yes in it.
We’d probably need at least all of the major commenters here to be interested and willing to buy such merch before we’d even have reason to start looking into. We’d have to explore what options we have outside of going through online sources like Lulu who take WAY too much of a percentage out of earnings.
The real question is, in addition to is this something Walrus readers want, what exactly is it that you wonderful folks want? The Walrus storyarcs broken down to fit into single issue comic book format? Say for example the entirety of the big Mac and Shmeerm take down Infernum arc would be taken and turned into a single issue. Cause we could, in theory, do that. It’d probably be a lot easier than the usual webcomic route of collecting huge spans of the archive in a standard book format.
I’d prefer a glossy covered Comic style compilation~ with each arc its own lone comic book! It’d make for an epic collection…and I must point out. This is the first time I’d consider buying an online comic I could just read for fre.
This is so if I ever get cut off from the net, I have some Voodoo for my day.
I agree with Rose. Like the Sandman series, Voodoo would likely do best as run of individual story-lines.
Printing is no easy or cheap feat. At this stage of the game, the very best and cost effective solution that we know we could easily offer is the Walrus collected in a series of comic issues in a PDF format.
Unless there’s at least about a thousand Walrus readers out there not only definitely interested in buying a 20-30-ish page color comic for what may be around $5 per copy but also being willing to do a pre-order of it that could in fact be utilized in getting a professional print run done of it.
That’s the hell of printing. The bigger the order, the cheaper the cost of production per unit, but the more expensive it is to make overall. And considering we’re only barely making enough through the Google ad revenue to keep the hosting and domain paid for (we’re only just now to the halfway point of earning enough through said ad before we hit the threshhold point at which the money is released to us), we don’t exactly have anythign akin to the funds necessary to even entertain the notion of a comic book print run.
Hench why we push the single prints of the pages themselves and the Grymmoire. These are things we can create here in the castle, offer for fair prices, and gather profit off of to help fund new and exciting things for the Walrus.
I know of at least one site that offers books as downloads, after a Paypal transfer. Seems profitable enough for said writer to do serials just for download.
Will B
Depending on the price of said pdf’s, you could count me in for a preliminary yes. Hopefully it would be a step to getting printing done. But yes I could live with a pdf till the books were done. I think that Marchosias is right as is Rose that Sandman style setup (page length story arch and such) would be the best format for Voodoo Walrus.
PDF version wouldn’t run too high since we technically don’t have any material costs. Just time costs. We’ll discuss it and look into and make some kind of general inquiry post of “Hey, here are the details, if enough folks are interested, we can totally do this” sometime in the near future.
And the Crow strikes back. I pray for the soul of whoever CK runs into first.
*I walk down the street.*
Isn’t that Creepknight? Hey Creepknight!
Wasn’t me. I’m trained to respond to my own name.
Giving some serious thought to writing a Voodoo Walrus tabletop RPG. Any interest?
*raises hand*
*jaw drops* I think I just had a minor orgasm at the thought. I will have a treasured spot on my shelf between my Unhallowed Metropolis and White-wolf publishing section
Will B
I’m in. When game and who story telling
*I steal Mr. Fantastic’s stretchy power and my hand goes through the roof.*
Make it so good sir! It shall be the epitome of my tabletop RPG collection!
Interested? No that word is not strong enough, good sir. I would love it if there was an official Voodoo Walrus Pen and Paper game. It just so happens that I was contemplating running a G.U.R.P.S. game based around VW.
Interestingly enough in a similar vein, we got word a while back of someone actually being inspired by VW for their DnD world building. Its interesting to be told that not only was a town named after Grymm, but that one of my artistic heroes burned it down to deal with a demonic infestation.
Sir Creepknight, if indeed a tabletop RPG of Voodoo Walrus is made, I will do more than buy it. I will grind it up, pump it into the skull of shapely clone, put her in a dress and take her out to dinner. Somewhere embarrassingly expensive. Make it so, and I will wine and dine it. You hear me Creepknight? I will get frisky with an anthromorphisation of your game!
Well now I feel less special. But I supposed I’d do the same only in reverse…I do so like a boy in uniform~ and if I can dress it up a bit and hang its wit and sarcastic good looks off my arm to a nice place to eat…
Aww… you know no girl could quite match you. Especially since my prototype version went a little – homicidal. Maybe up-loading Clue wasn’t my brightest moment. It was done with a candlestick…
Either way, I look fantastic in uniform, in case it ever come up.
Creepknight… if you make a Voodoo Walrus Tabletop game I think my head my explode with joy… I mean seriously what a great notion to come up with on my B-day! BEST BIRTHDAY EVAH!… well… almost. There was the time I found a mime tied to a tree on my birthday…. BEST BIRTHDAY THAT DOESN’T INVOLVE THE POLICE!
Will B
Don’t know why the police were involved Raron. You were doing a public service. Well that and one assumes looking for candy in the pinata. Mime abuse should be awarded with gratitude and city wide appreciation. Not jail time.
As I like to occasionally do a break down why the Walrus is awesome…
We have discussion of merits of fine Easter Chocolates, Classy and practical combat evening wear, The finer points of killing talking crows with too much attitude, RPG games and taking them out to dinners, the beating of mimes and the Over all feel of its a free for all discussion of anything if you can keep it rolling.
This is the Walrus ladies and gents. Keep it awesome, because every last damn one of you is the epitome of it. That will be all.
Alright folks, you show interest and you get results. Since I already know the rule base which I’ll be using for this game (I’m going with a minimal dice/deadly combat system combo), I’ve gone ahead and drawn up a preliminary character sheet. If you all (ya’ll) play real nice for the rest of the week, I’ll see if I can’t get Grymm to put up a watermarked sample on Friday.
Will B
Gentleman, I beg your indulgence for a minute. I have just gone over the old posts. (A hobby of mine.) As I looked at the comment sections of the older stuff, I noticed an interesting trend.
All of Rooks gravatar pictures are now the exact same gravatar image as Lord Cadbury. My question becomes, does an admin have the ability to circumvent the comment approval filters?? And how badly did you cripple Rook before dropping him downtown??
Alas, you’ve outed a bit of sneakiness on our part Will. There’s actually a very good reason for this. We stole Rook’s account after we took him down and kept it for our own use with a different password. The fact of the matter is Lord Cadbury was none other than CreepKnight having some fun after being all but absent from throwing his two cents in for the past month or so.
Gotta be careful; your fans aren’t just rabid they’re cunning it’s like having hairless apes with the brains of velociraptors ala-Jurassic park
You’re… you’re all going to sneak on to our boat and invade our mainland and leave our kitchen doors open?
Yes. We will leave your kitchen doors open with the kind of ruthless determination that will leave you agasp.
I’m in your house hunting your marinaras? *you hear the ominous sound of pans clattering and cabinets open and closing*
I guess the jig is up; didn’t even think about that one. Yes, I was the nefarious Lord Cadbury. See, Rook liked to save his passwords, so I have access to a lot of his stuff now.
Including his massive collection of self-taken dong pictures and his mother’s email address. Oh the merry fun I’ve been having.
Today’s lesson: DO NOT FUCK WITH ME!
Yeah. I still don’t appreciate how every so often you photoshop a Rook dong pic onto the scripts and lettered pages you email down to me. I mean, human anatomy can be beautiful, but that… Fucking christ… wobbly bits SHOULD NOT curve and bend like that. Oh god, just typing about it makes me want to vomit.
Will B
I am just feel relief it you guys and not that rotten bastard Rook. Was starting to fear that CreepKnight was loosing his touch and that Rook had actually survived his trip to Richmond. As for the Rook penis pics, Send them to Ticker, he might appreciate them.
Will B
*edit* I just feel relief. Damn stupid hands.
Huzzah for days off! Even though i’m having a rather shitty time dealing with an order from amazon, the good folks at Voodoo Walrus have made my day yet again.