Grymm Ramblings
Hm. Let's try this write up again now that I'm not dead tired. Hi! We're back! And we've dragged Diamanda Hagan into our insanity once again! You can find her awesome at the That Guy With the Glasses site or at her own blog. Today will actually lead directly into Friday's page and cover the original joke we intended to involve Hagan in. Spread our infection and join us for more weirdness come Friday.
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 41: Funnel Cake Doesn’t Burn, Funnel Cake Gets Even”
So often I’ve thought of proposing to Grymm that we ditch the comic we’ve spent all these years working on and instead do something with Phil and Dave.
In other news, Phase 2…COMING SOON!
Rhaina Kincaid
How about a happy medium of a haitus featuring the adventures of Phil and Dave? I’d miss VW too much if it never returned but if you need to explore other people in the Voodoo Walrus universe to prevent that feeling of creative stagnation I can understand.
I agree. Artistic freedom is vital in any endeavor, so anything that betters the artists is fine by me. But still, VW has become as vital to me as alcohol and blood rites.
Phase 2 has spiked my interest, as does anything by you fine people.
She has minions in her tits!
(…and she has to live with that everyday!)
Rhaina Kincaid
I love the Surrealis pictures in the background.
The Walrus has burned my corneas again. Same time next week?
I remember probably about 2 years ago I started reading this strip. God what a good 2 years and a good 2 years worth of reading.
Grymm Grymmowski
We intend to add quite a few years on top of those two!