Grymm Ramblings
We have just weaseled our way into being Project Wonderful publishers. That means we are now capable of offering ad space. So if you have something you'd like to advertise, feel free to click that box to the right. Hell, get in early enough and you could even get FREE advertising. Ain't that crazy? That's crazy. Crazier than my great gramma Bernadette in a hen house full of fabrage eggs and one very confused elephant and half a Russian and emissary and his corgi named Otis.
EDIT: I forgot that tags alphabetize themselves. So here's how a chunk of today's tags SHOULD read:
tea time, there is no tea time, fuck you I want some tea, too fucking bad all we have is tentacles, but i don't LIKE tentacles!, well you're out of luck then.
2 thoughts on “The Old Bastard Returns 3”
If theres no such thing as tea time can we still have elevenses? I don’t think I could survive long without my mid-morning mug of Earl Grey to awaken the little men who run my brain
Oh don’t worry. Tea time only doesn’t exist for evil comic publishers. The civilian sector can still enjoy a good cuppa whenever and however they want. Be it at a specific time or not!