Grymm Ramblings
So... This is an interesting development. Who the fuck are these two? One of 'em you've seen before. The other is a completely new addition though. And you will be seeing more of them.
But for now, we're going to shift gears and take a look in on someone we haven't seen since last year! That'll be for Friday and next week! There may be unnecessary surgery involved as well.
Now let's pull the curtain aside and take a look backstage for a moment. Look over to the right of the site here. Your right. After a month we finally have the Voodoo Walrus Paypal account properly verified so feel free to click on that pretty, pretty Walrus head and donate a few bucks if you'd like to show your appreciation to the Walrus and help cover hosting/domain costs*.
In other news, that you might already know if you pay attention to each and every comment on every single page, CK is currently staying busy on the music side of things as he preps for his annual stint of performing at the Renn Faire. So don't expect too much activity from him for the next couple of weeks outside of keeping the comic masterfully written, lettered, and fixed of stupid mistakes from my side of things. I'll still be here though. Watching your comments pile up and occasionally chiming in when I feel it necessary or fun.
Okay. Enough outta me. I have Friday's comic to darken, the following week's comics to refine, and the next week and a half comics after that to do the rough work for.
EDIT: As of right now, I'm already coloring NEXT TUESDAY'S page. God I want to sleep.
*Yes. We will mention this once or twice a month to keep it fresh in memory, but not badger you to death about it. Though if I was allowed I'd
0 thoughts on “Drivin’ Miss Spooky 5: The Loving Couple”
Will B
Well fuck. So much for no basket cases. Well guess this will lead to mayhem. Better get the alabis ready and the six foot hole.
As a writer, you’re in charge of alibis. I’m taking a break from writing, so I will vent my frustration filling said holes.
If you have any trouble finding filler for those holes let me know. I have a surplus of more than willing* subject that would serve the purpose just fine and I’m currently running low on dump sites myself. And seeing as I busted five of the bones in my hand recently I cant provide my own holes or alibis.
*disclaimer the word ‘willing’ can be interrupted in many ways and some participants have been chosen by their actions not their verbal consent
My mansion is at your disposal. The ghouls that serve as my butlers and housekeepers are always hungry, and would be happy to deal with any remains. And I’m more than happy to personally silence those that have chosen to make themselves superfluous to the human race.
Hmmm…does said mansion have torture chambers and/or awful beasts that would slowly devour the flesh of victims slowly? Cuz that would be super.
But of course! We are not amateurs here.
Knives, fire and nameless-hungry-things are complementary.
Sweet…now all I need to find is a maze of death complete with spiked walls and boulders of doom and all my girlish dreams will have come true.
Have it. I use it as a wine cellar.
awww… you’re neglecting it. You should go find some random idiots to drop in it…so the gears and stuff dont get all rusty you know. May I suggest to you a couple of fine spots such as the wal-mart on Elk and Gamble or the Grand Hotel on Eight.
Not efficient. The sheer volume of idiots precludes the basement option.
Mostly I just carry a sack of throw-able rabid armadillos with me wherever I go.
sandra prickett
Hey Sunshine, what’s your avatar of? It’s pretty.
Just a steam punk girl. No one specific ^_^ not my work though. All credit and love goes to the artist of course.
HOLY SHIT!!!!!! It’s like an alternate dimension where Creepknight looks WAY more douchlike and Grymm is a femal and has Marron’s personality!
……… I am now officially frightened by the workings of your mind. I’m going back to drawing unnecessary surgery now.
People with Marron personalities don’t wear browns. Now, chocolates, on the other hand…
Her clothing actually looks kinda red to me. But maybe that’s just on my screen.
I thought the exact same thing. I saw them and thought ‘Why are CK and Grymm dressed like that?’ Then I scrolled down and saw fem-Grymm’s ‘healthy bosom and douche-knight’s tattoos.
Don’t be a twat. That doesn’t even look anything like CreepKnight, and it definitely doesn’t look anything like Grymm.
Ticker, when I first read your comment, I MAY have signaled something large and superbly toothed to hunt you down. Upon further consideration, I’ve found that your words may have been absurdism, and harmless at that.
So – if you see anything, hear something living in your walls, or whispers in the dark of night mentioning your giblets, just ignore it till it goes away.
That thing? I already killed it and ate it for dinner. It was quite delicous with barbeque sauce. If you have any more, please send them over. I’m planning on making a stew this time around.
I… hoped you wouldn’t say that. You may feels a slight burning sensation in… places. You should be worried about that. And there’s no ointment.
Don’t worry about it. I’ve gotten worse burns in my last trip to hell when I was visiting my uncle. I rode in inside of a nice little handbasket. Well, not so little.
It’s not so much burns, as… bits turning green and falling off.
Amongst searing pain. And puss. Seriously, why the hell did you
eat it? Something giant, rabid, and afflicted with obvious skin problems
shouldn’t be eaten.
The skin actually looked quite healthy. And as for the rotting body, I have a necromancer on retainer who’ll just turn me into a zombie. Then I can reign supreme for eternity.
Don’t make me shotgun you. I will Bruce Campbell your ass.
I’m gonna stop you right there. On my site, I’m the only one allowed to go Bruce Campbell on someone.
Will B
OOo including chainsaw hand?? Do we get to watch you do said brucke Campbell?? And why you get to have all the fun CK??
Will B
Edit: Bruce Campbell. Stupid text boxes.
Thanks for saving my ass CreepKnight. I have no defence against Bruce Campbell. He is simply too awesome.
@Will B Sure, you can watch. But there will be a small donation and a non disclosure agreement to sign.
@Ticker Coming to your defense? I defend no one but those closest to me. I was merely saying if anyone’s gonna do it, it’ll be me.
I will yield. I’ll just go Gordon Freeman on his ass.
Now, to find some glasses and a crowwbar…
See my email comments. Which you already have.
Mmmm steampunk-redhead. I want!
Huzzah! The intended aesthetic came through clearly without having to over do it! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
Steampunk doesn’t have to be over the top to get the point across and steampunk fetish wear is pretty much what happens if you make cybergoth clothing in earth and jewel tones instead of black and dayglo
That said, I totally need to start a cookie jar fund for getting a “Lady Clankington’s Little Deathray”
Oh look, it’s that blu- OH SWEET MOTHER OF CHRIST GET THIS DANG FINGERBAT OUT OF MY CAVE D< It just ruined the nineteenth cake I've baked today!
Oh god… Where are you located? We thought we had capped fingerbat migration to only the lower Mid Atlantic states. If you don’t fall into the noted zone, then you might be looking at a very, real, very terrible problem.
Um… I may be in trouble then. Something batty is infesting my mansion, and it isn’t me. Or my servants. I’ve been blasting Mastodon into the rooms, but it just seems do make them dance. Dance little finger dances of doom.
Are you sure they’re finger bats? I’ve heard reports of mini-flying sandworms in your area before. But nothing concrete. If they’re stripey and they eat meat, you’re looking at sandworms. Otherwise I suggest finding and burning the nest before they propagate further.
Nope, finger-bats. They poke so cruel. I’m getting out my plasma cannon.
Will B
Plasma cannon in shop March. Overheated barrel from the Rook hunt ech says it will be about six more weeks till they can fabricate the new one. Gonna just have to use the AK for now. Sorry about that.
Not burning ionized gas, burning saline IV fluid.
Well I recognize one very big hero~ and the fact that he has such a lovely lady means he can’t be too bad…all insanity aside, we all appreciate plenty of insanity and mayhem.
And ooo~ I want her necklace…badly.
If past storylines have shown us anything, the Mass could in fact be one of the more sensible parties taking up residence in the building. The jury’s still out on his lady though. She looks like an engineer. We’ll see.
Also, I want her goggles.
Will B
Well my dear I bow to your supperior Walrus knowledge. I did not/ do not remember The Mass. And yes I wanna see you in her outfit. Would make for interesting ideas.
Why thank you~ its hard to forget the poor beleaguered hero who just wanted to get the fuck on with his job. Plus Grymm and those wads of cash.
I don’t think Grymm could pull of that top, I mean I’m fairly sure he could get away with the make up choice and the skirt and perhaps boots but not that top. It would just not work with his frame no matter how handsome he is.
Not shrugging off the possibility entirely, but examining the possibility that it could be Grymm, and deciding otherwise. This is why I love this site – the bizarre and unlikely is given its chance.
There’s this term, I think its been popularized by “Word of God”. It basically refers to the creator or creators of a show, movies, comic etc. coming down and clearing misinformation or fan theories or such. I’m gonna go ahead and do that right now.
The above characters are in no way, shape, or form related to any other characters. Thankfully, it seems many of you have already ID’d the big guy as the Mass out of costume.
The Mass is not CreepKnight. CreepKnight is not the Mass. I’ve actually made a point of making both characters have completely different head structures. Even before his initial couple of appearances cultivated comments and Formspring questions akin to “The Mass is just CreepKnight right? Like the Masked T-Square is Grymm?” Take a good look at the Mass above and a recent depiction of CK. Completely different nose structures. Completely different jaw lines. They just happen to both be big guys. Though even in that there will be a noticeable difference when the two are on panel together at the same time.
As far as comparing Maggie up the to Grymm though… I don’t even know how that’s popping up but its insures in my mind that one day I will inevitably stumble upon some very, very interesting Voodoo Walrus fanfiction/fanart. Alternatively, maybe we can exploit this and lure in genderbender/transformation type fans to inflate our reader numbers.
Please, no. I have enough people coming to me for strange/sexy fiction.
No more, not in this sanctum.
Nah. I’m awaiting the day that I stumble on such things that have been created by people I’m not even aware of. That’ll be the day when we know VW has finally obtained true internet celebratory status: When there exists horrible, disgusting, Cyradwee/Shmeerm BDSM porn.
Or some kind of Voodoo Walrus/Something Positive slash fic crossover.*
*Randy Millholland? On the off chance you might come across this? We think your beard makes you a sexy little piggy. Oink oink baby. Oink oink.**
**I totally hope a Walrus Embracer also reads Something Positive and decides to tell Randy I’ve said this.
I’ve enjoyed the occasional Millholland reference, so I will throw myself on this blade –
I, Grand Marquis Marchosias, patron of ghouls, writer of sexy nightmares, will tell Randy Millholland you said that.
Will B
Thank you for throwing yourself on the blade kind sir. From what I hear Randy can be cranky.
Oh he’s just a big fuzzy teddy bear. A big fuzzy teddy bear that occasionally wants to stab people in their faces for being idiots. But that’s the best kind of teddy beat!
Let’s just hope he doesn’t stab us all for this.
Oh Dagon – it’s done. Millholland has been messaged, and his amorphous felines are squeezing under the door. I have doomed myself.
-The wombats – The WOMBATS!
Wait. Wombats? No. That’s Ursula Vernon’s bag. Not Millholland.
What shocks me is that I got both of those perfectly.
No, it was MY wombats who were being consumed by a pink amorphous cat, and a small army of koalas. Ursula Vernon’s Digger (I miss it already) had little to do with it, excpet perhaps for the unfortunate consumption of livers. My poor furry pets, you taste like wet ER sponges….
Tis a shame that its over. I just hope that Ursula may offer up something new webcomic wise down the line. Until then, there’s always the archive, her various books, and the weekly Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap podcast.
Just as long a Ursula doesn’t go the Adam Black’s ‘Locus’ route.
You’ve doomed us all to rule 36. Good thing I’m a horribly twisted pervert and have seen sexual perversions that would make most of you reach for eye bleach in person.
…Bring it on!
I’ve already gotten more than a few reports of people saying they want to see Shmeerm naked.
*eye twitch* I don’t think that people “want” to see that so much as the destruction and terror we’ve been assured occurs accompanying it.
The jaw lines are quite different CK’s is angular while The Mass is square… plus, facial piercings, CK doesn’t have any
You know what’s really weird? Being an entire story arc ahead of the game. Bloody surreal. Its like I’m in the future or something. Except completely unable to exploit it for my own selfish desires. By the time Friday gets here I’ll have forgotten what I drew in the first place.
Hooray! The Mass is back! Possibly one of my favorite characters. I can’t wait to see where this goes.
Oh wow! That’s rather awesome that despite only a few appearance the Mass already has fans!