Grymm Ramblings
You know what's really scary? There are countless comic makers about the internet that would have handled this part of the story completely differently. It would've taken ten pages of CK and Bowler being emotional and apologizing for both their faults and maybe crying a little. Or they would have yelled at each other a lot in a tense and only slightly humorous manner. Possibly a combination of the two. One of them would have fallen down at something shocking being said most likely. Either way chances are everything would have been wrapped up in a neat little bow and there's a good chance the two would end up finally expressing their TRUE feelings for each other and decided to become more than JUST FRIENDS. There would have also been a forced and contrived message in regards to friendship, honor, and FAMILY. You'd then have more than enough reason to vomit all over yourselves and as you slid out of your chair, you'd weakly shake your fist and whisper "Why have you forsaken me oh mighty Walrus?" Then you would have sobbed for a while. Luckily for you, for us, and for the good of the world, no anime, soap operas, sitcoms, prime time hour long dramas, or paranormal teenage romance books went into inspiring CreepKnight or myself in regards to how the Walrus unfolds. Cause I'm pretty sure those are mostly what's inspiring this generation of webcomics. Every day I'm thankful that I'm teamed up with one of, hands down, the best writer I know/know of. Cause I've seen some of what the "writers" out there that think they're on CK's levels are putting out. It doesn't compare. Because they don't practice their craft. They don't spend just as much time researching and reading as they do writing. They most definitely don't bother to refine or edit. Gonna personally be disappearing for a while. And CK's prepping for a wee bit of travel. So don't expect to hear too much from us for a bit. All the rest of the updates for August are in the auto-uploader. All comments will be monitored as per usual. If you need to contact us about something important, such as buying prints, commissioning a project, or asking us a burning question of importance hit us up at Otherwise, we'll catch you later.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 25: No Chick Flick Moments”
Michael Alexander Reaper
nope makeup sponges don’t flush very well…
No, they don’t. They’re not nearly as bad as some of the things in the “I’m pissed off and going to ruin your plumbing” items in the standard female bag.
That and hair…long hair clogs things up like a bitch when you’re shedding.
Tell me about it…my hair is approaching 3ft in length and when you find one of those somewhere hair wasn’t meant to be it’s awkward.
Michael Alexander Reaper
I do prefer this Vastly from soapy crap i read in most places.
Will B
C.K. and Bowler discovering their “real feelings”. *grabs a vomit bag at just the idea* Thank the gods you didn’t go that way. Oh and Rip. FUCK YOU RIP. You will die. You will plead and cry and beg for mercy as I let the small sharp blade enter behind your eyes and then pour the lemon juice down the blade. Then I will get nasty. Pray Rip, Pray that our tracker still looses your trail. And while your praying, beg which ever god you follow that you fall and slip and break your neck in the shower. So that you can die quickly. Because when we get you, and we will, your death will take an eternity. When it comes, even then you will find no peace.
You see? You are a good writer. Now post or publish something.
Oh, and Rip? I know how to kill people with potato mashers. Stop running and I’ll show you how…
With a potato masher? I envy your talents…
Will B
Safe journey C.K. Hope everything okay.
All is well. Just a return trip to the homelands for some heavy drinking. And probably a fist fight or two with my father. And his servants. And their servants.
All in all, I expect a good time.
I, for one, LOVE how you chose CKs “apology”. And as for the sappy writing, it DOES screw up a good webcomic and usually takes forever to get to the point. There ARE excpetions though. I once read a webcomic where the “apology” was a scantily clad girl tossing balls of fire at ANOTHER scantily clad girl who could blend in with shadows. Massive fanservice, somewhat decent plot.
I thoroughly appreciate the unique and realistic look at friend-only gender relationships. Even if you had tried for the long drug out story line I’d have stuck around at least until the obligatory catty ex-girlfriend character showed up teamed up with Rip bent on drama and emotional devastation of the CK and Bowler relationship.
Why do I expect a scene of Rip that’s reminiscent of Claw from Inspector Gadget going “Next time VoodooWalrus!” and crushing something in frustration.
… because you have excellent taste in cartoons?
*takes a bow* Thank you. I have a wide range of cartoons, also.
I feel all wibbly-wobbly and timey-wimey as I’ve seen all the comics up through the end of the month. I blame this for my general lack of commenting.
Awesome, as always.
Is it like a great big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey?
You did this to me, you know. I never would have watched it without your influence.
Also, I’m now afraid of the statues in Hollywood Cemetery.
Oh, I know exactly who to blame for my obsession, and it is not Marron.
Yes, I know. Unless… has Marron moved in with you?
Not as of yet, but she is always welcome.
I think we’d cause too much trouble and/or have too much fun if that were to happen.
…I say that like it’s a bad thing.
That episode was probably the best Doctor Who episode ever. Which is ironic sense it barely had the Doctor in it. Kind like how the best James Bond game doen’t have James Bond in it.
Will B
I can’t blame anyone for my obsession but PBS.
All right, here it is. I know that someone was using my Gravatar account, and my digital face for almost a week. I know who it is, and have tried to get them to desist. I figured out because this pathetic excuse for a person left my deviantArt link open wherever he went, and I’ve therefore been contacted by some people with rather disturbing fetishes, claiming to know me from such-and-such a place. When I looked at these sites to figure out how this happened, I saw my own avatar and name on sites I don’t peruse, and saying things I wouldn’t say. I know this man personally, and because we communicated mostly by email, he knows everything he needs to, in order to use my Gravatar. I don’t threaten people. I don’t even threaten people I don’t like, much less those I consider friends and colleagues. I did not write the comment listed at August 16, 2011 at 12:32am. I find it frustrating and agonizing to see someone I know use my face and name to piss on people I like, in a place I go to to relax. The only comment I have written in several days is one to Will B. That’s it.
I don’t know what to do about this other than to try to modify my Gravatar account, so only I can use it. I don’t know what else to do, other than get in contact with the person who stole my ID, and ask him, again, to stop.
I haven’t been this angry in a long time, and it should be perfectly clear why. I apologize for any pain or anger this fiend created, and I regret introducing him to Voodoo Walrus. I like this place, and I feel protective of it. I hate that I introduced a person to it, and that he is abusing it, and using my face to do it. I will see what I can do to prevent this from happening again, and won’t be commenting again until Thursday. If you see my face before then, assume that it’s my doppelganger. I’d ask the community to make this bastard wish he’d never been born.
I won’t be commenting back, but if anyone has a suggestion as to how I deal with this, I will be reading. If you need to get in touch, Will B knows how to reach me. Again, I am sorry.
To all in witness.
To prevent any further malfeasance on the part of Marchosias’s hacker, we’ve decided to go ahead and block the origin point of the post heretofore referred to as “The Post from Hell.” March, if you’re reading this, go ahead and start a new Gravatar account and it should make it through. Make sure you’re “friend,” or rather “the bastard who hacked your account” doesn’t know your log in info. We would also suggest having a new email attached to it as well. If you have any problems with your new account, feel free to email us at
Here’s hoping this works.
Grymm and CreepKnight
yay bowler is staying. and safe travels to you guys.
I wish you all the best where ever your travels take you. You shall be missed and we will await your return avidly!
…why do the comments seem out of order? Is this my computer being weird?
Deleting the offensive, threatening comment skewed the comments that were threaded to it. So no worries, its nothing wrong on your end. Just WordPress being a bit wonky.
You know. Today I realized we should be nicer to Rip. We shouldn’t be yelling at him, swearing at him, threatening to shove jam jars in holes jam jars are not meant to go… we shouldn’t… because it is rude to disrespect the dead. It is poor taste. And Rip… is a dead man walking. So Rip. I am sorry for previous comments I have made. And I promise at your funeral… I will try not to giggle like a school girl on meth… I make no promises about not peeing on your grave and giggling after though.
okay.. odd I just posted a message… and for some reason it went… up higher on the message board then tuckers despite the fact… I just now posted it and for some reason it is saying I posted it hours ago… It seems my messages can go back in time… I may have to experiment and see if I break the fabric of space and time.