We are still willing to make this Professional Tit Peddler design available directly through us instead of Red Bubble. We just need to know that few more people would definitely want to buy one if we started a pre-order. So let us know by way of the comments below or emailing us at If you already expressed your interest in getting one last week, we made sure to make note of it so feel free to skip below to the Ramblings

Grymm Ramblings
Last week was really, really newspost heavy. This week's starting off a bit lighter. I want to ramble on about this past Saturday. So here in Richmond, there's this art show that's been happening for like eight years* now called Spiral. Visual art, fire spinning, belly dancing, spoken word, poetry, bands, solo musicians, all that good stuff. Having been part of it before, CreepKnight decided to get me in as a visual artist for this year's Spiral so I went for it as a chance to show off the Surrealis Grymmoire to something other than the internet. Because if one thing has been made clear over the past few years, its that very, very, very few people actually like the Grymmoire**. But that's a rant that I've scrawled across my Twitter and Facebook often enough. Point is we went in, I plastered a whole display area with 15 pieces from the Grymmoire and CK rocked the fucking house playing solo, playing a couple duets, and playing as a very talented young lady danced in the air suspended by long pieces of silk.I generally stalked around, seemingly miserable and frustrated for the better part of the night not knowing what to do with myself like I always do when tossed into a public situation that is completely new to me*** and tended to just watch the reactions of people as they looked at the Grymmoire when I wasn't watching performances on the stage and floor below. People seemed to genuinely enjoy the Grymmoire, pointing this piece or that piece. A number of other artists/performers complimenting me and a number of patrons making it a point to seek me out to say how much they loved the pieces. Pilgrimage of Wayfaring Souls seemed to be one that was consistently drawing attention. Along with a version of Dance of the 67th Junction that CreepKnight put some lovely text to to give it an almost comic splash page feel to it. Lovely text box construction just lovely. I have to say I was a bit disappointed with what the other visual artists offered up. Not quality wise mind you, but quantity. From what I heard, that side of the show suffered from at least a couple of artist bailing out at the last minute. And some of the others seemed to bring very little to display. Some bring only 1 to 3 pieces or photography offerings and having a ton of display space left. Hell, if I had brought three more piece and snagged a ladder I would've filled my entire damn space. But that's okay. My unused spaced got taken up by a nice "Art By Grymm Grymmowski" sign that CreepKnight cobbled together when I realized that there was nothing available to make it apparent as to who's work it was.**** I don't want to say that CreepKnight and I were the bright and shining stars of the event. That would be egotistical. I am willing to say this though. Based on what Mirth and Bowler and CK told me, my work seemed to get more attention than the rest of the art on display*****. But that may be bias on their part. And I'm also willing to say that based on my own observations, CK's performances drew far more love from the audience than a great many other performances did. He got laughs and applause and cheers every goddamn time he opened his mouth while dueting with another performer for a tweaked rendition of Cee-Lo Green's Fuck You. So, in short, we consider it all as a lovely success and if the chance is offered I plan on displaying there again next year. Though I think if at all possible, I'd easily be able to fill double the space of this year without even repeating any pieces shown this year. Ideally I'd like to present some of the more quality Voodoo Walrus pages. Maybe more of the black and white versions from the Grymmoire. Some of the random comic flingings like the ConQuest of the Aerolith-Mortis cover art. Anyway. Today starts a new story arc. Surprise! Yeah, usually we announce when one is ending and a new one's beginning. But really its getting to the point that this year isn't so much full of separate story arcs as its one continuous story arc with unique chapters. All I know is, for the sake of my own reference, its easier in my mind to identify them as story arcs. I think you might be surprised with how this one plays out by the time it wraps up. *I based this belief on the fact that the show was called Spiral 8 this year. Deductive reasoning is my super power. **Either that or they like the Grymmoire and simply opt to not show any evidence of liking it all. I have no idea. I'm not a mind reader accept when it comes to a couple of people. ***And when I'm not able to easily make do with burying myself in a sketchbook, despite having brought everything I would have needed to do some work on ConQuest of th Aerolith-Mortis. I probably would have fared so much better if there had been a single table that I could easily claim as sovereign Grymmish territory that I could have as some kind of homebase/barrier from the masses. **** I found it fascinating that some time after we had affixed said sign, the other artists had scribbled down their names, emails, websites and such on scrap paper and attached such to their own displays or written said info directly on the wooden displays. I guess like myself they just hadn't considered direct promotion of themselves until the last minute. After all, self-promotion is one of those things that's really goddamn difficult for a lot of artists to exercise. I've been self promoting for 10 years and even I'm still leery of it. ***** Then again, I did also have the most to look at and one piece that involved a good minute of reading. That may be part of it. I'd hate to sit here in judgment of other artists because there were some damn good one's on display like someone that had done a couple of paintings inspired by Watership Down. And it was obvious that they had a wonderfully unique style to their work. Nothing gets me to support an artist quite like them having a unique and well cultivated style that I can't easily back trace the influences of.
0 thoughts on “Drivin’ Miss Spooky 1”
I win.
Grats. Here is your no-prize.
Have I ever told you that you make snarkiness sexy? Cause you totally do.
All I know is I got a no-prize and you didn’t.
Do you count? You know the writers! You are a sound financier, you do thing to your advantage…on another note. YAY! Mirth! She disappeared, has she been watching the boys all this time?
Yay indeed! The next couple weeks is going to be all Mirth and Bowler.
I think I count…
Grymm… do I count?
You’ll always count to me!
Shame on you, Rose. You gave Vensik a crisis of Walrus.
…That said, I’m still amused by it.
Will B
Is that half the fun of this community?? Where the shame??
Will B
Congrats on the good show Gentles. Not surprised either of you walked away with the show. (figuratively of course) Any chance of video of CK doing his solo stuff? And what is Mirth planning??
Perhaps once he gets his camera functioning again. Its been being bastardish as of late hence the lack of Walrus logs the past couple of months.
Update. That’s a negatory on the CK playing via vid. We are currently without a proper set up to allow for the both the playing and the singing to both come through at even a slightly decent quality.
Drat. *pout* I was looking forward to that.
Aww… poor Mirth they ditched her outside the store when they ran off to panic and flail at Vensik.
OOOHHHH! there were ribbon dancers? *pout* I know I get to go to most of the AZ Fetish Balls and such but ribbon dancing is so much more sexy than watching someone draped in silk flown out over a crowd on flesh hooks; my innate horror over the suspension technique stops me from enjoying that show.
There ya go. You got what we were aiming to get across on this one.
Wait, ribbon dancers? I don’t remember mentioning ribbon dancers…
“a very talented young lady danced in the air suspended by long pieces of silk” unless I have my circus acts confused. Then again I’m a bit rusty on terms…. *runs off to google and learn*
Aerial ribbon dance pulls up exactly what I thought.
Ah. You are correct in this instance. I had no idea what exactly it was called but aerial ribbon dance brings up images that look exactly like what was performed.
I think I was thrown off by the use of the word ribbon in this instance. I hear/see ribbon and my brain thinks about a very, very thin and long strip of material instead of the wider, almost sheet like material that was being used in this case.
No, problem I would have thought the same thing except I remembered seeing it done or mentioned in a book at some point and read up on it. It’s something I’d love to try if I got over my fear of heights.
Three cheers for hopefully getting Bowler into another costume!
PLOT! I like plot. Chaos is good, but like coffee, there’s a certain limit to how much you can have before you start decapitating people. Speaking of, I should probably switch to decaf, or at least shovel the severed heads and torsos out of my living room.
Will B
Decaf?? Decaf??? Gessh March way to pussy out. And get rid of the heads?? What the gf complaining about taking up too much space again?
No, no complaints – just argumentative folk abound. First it’s ‘stop playing Cuban jazz at midnight’ or ‘stop burning things in front of that hideous altar in you back yard’. Eventually it spirals down to ‘stop burying bodies on my property’ and ‘stay away from my wife’, and then things just get out of hand.
It’s their own fault really – there are just somethings you don’t say to a person. And you never insult a man’s soul-patch.
I’ve killed people for less, Decaf, you speak blasphemy.
Everyone knows the answer is to drink More, so much more your body doesn’t know what to do with it. I’m pretty sure by my 11th and 12th shot of espresso daily my body just negates it.
Under normal circumstances yes, but I’m tired of bleeding espresso from the eyes.
Yes, but are you PISSING coffee yet? Like actual coffee. So much coffee has entered you that you body just gives up on even attempting to process that much and waves it to the exit immediately. That’s the sign that you’re reaching maximum coffee capacity.
On a related note, bottle your espresso tears in little beakers. Mail them to us, we’ll sell them as extras along side our next publishing venture “Sorrow at the Dark End of the Rainbow”. Gothlings can read terrible made up goth poetry while drinking caffeinated tears and we’ll send you a cut** of the profits.
**I.E. More coffee. Blacker than the blackest black.
Enticing. Are there others caffeinated fluids I can donate to the Goths?
I despise them so – mourning like war orphans, in their disgustingly absurd clothing. And the poetry…
My tracking marmots have located your physical locus, and a variety pack of fluids artificially induced with amphetamine properties are headed to you.
“variety pack of fluids” That sounds dirty.
*stage bow*
Damn right.
I wonder how they get the coloring like that.
By way of a dark fusion of black magic, infant sacrifice, way too much Coca-cola and an illegal, experimental, should’ve been destroyed before its evil spread to the outside world copy of Corel Painter 11.
That and Grymm is just talented.
Aw, you make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Considering how she entered the VoodooWalrus universe feeling warm and fuzzy inside could be a bad sign.
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