Musings of a CreepKnight
For the record, I have now copyrighted the term "Tit Peddler." It is mine. You cannot have it. And any variation there of will be heavily scrutinized by my legal team. And by legal team I mean Professor Kaboodles. And me. FEAR US!!! I've also copyrighted the term "Murder Ranger." Because sometimes, I'm a Murder Ranger. And sometimes I'm a romance novelist. "He held her soft, delicate form in his arms, caressing every crevice with caring fingers and sojourner's dreams. It didn't matter that she was a blanket; in that moment he loved her, and that was all that mattered." Romance novelist.Grymm Ramblings
Hey there peopley persons. Just realize (an hour after this update went up) that I didn't post anything. I really don't have much to say, but I'm going to pimp the hell out of something for tomorrow. CreepKnight and I are going to be part of a local arty/musicy showy thing Saturday evening in here in Richmond, Virginia. The show is called Spiral and its going to be at Alley Katz. So if you're local, come on out and see pretty, pretty art from myself (I'll be displaying parts of the Surrealis Grymmoire) and other artists involved, and listen to lovely music from CK and other musicians, and check out the myriad of other things going on.Â
General News Update
Well guys, it looks like there's not enough of an interest* in cheap Elder Top Hat t-shirts to warrant doing a run of them yet. But let's try something else, shall we? Let's see if there's an interest in an ALL NEW DESIGN:
*Not too terribly surprising really considering that the Elder Top Hat design is the second best selling design from the RedBubble shop right under the Walrus head logo meaning a good number of people who wanted one, now have one and really aren't in the market for another one yet. They might be expensive, but they do last a pretty good while, I'll say that much.
JUST ONE LITTLE LAST THING: We've stumbled upon a bit of an issue with the new Voodoo Walrus Paypal account. Nothing serious. But it'll be a day or so before we can get it fixed. So if you send a donation our way and it says something like how we haven't confirmed or claimed it yet, that's to be expected until we nuke the problem. Being professional about making a webcomic is a lot more involved than you ever think when first starting things up.
0 thoughts on “Money… Good 4”
Will B
Creep you forgot coffee. That more important to the writing process then liquor. Have to keep the neurons firing and the computer in one piece. Hell how you supposed to push yourself to the point of epilepsy looking at a white screen with black letters if not for coffee.
Though tit peddling much easier on the bank account.
I just whack myself with my own rejected story-boards. Nothing keeps you awake more than the squishy impact of embarrassingly bad fiction to the forehead.
*sound fx of drug-addict/demonslayer first draft smacking head* See? All better.
And Mormons are like theology’s lame deer – you can’t help but hunt them down and debate their beliefs back down their throats.
Will B
Only problem have with that is after the fortieth or fiftieth bad idea hitting forehead, you start to look at bad gothica and calling it a brilliant idea. Then you put your writing style at a fourth grade level. Wait maybe should. I mean it worked so well for Stephanie Meyer……I’m gonna go hang myself now. There just no justice in the world.
Hold friend, hold. There is still hope – in vodka. Believe, man – believe.
Also, I’m curious: Do you have a deviantArt profile? You said something about the site earlier.
Will B
menoth22 deviant art. Haven’t posted yet. Just got a profile so could look at your story. “Mature filture” then used it to look at other pretty pics.
Awesome indeed! Thanks.
CK – I wonder if I too am colored by the name ‘romance novelist’. The last real commission I did was a steamy bit for a girl in New Zealand. I asked what she wanted me to write for her, and blushed like a Mormon at a strip-club when she replied. It’s a peculiar feeling when a perfectly nice girl asks you to write X-rated fantasy-fiction for her.
I just freaked my roommate’s cat out with my excited squeal I am totally going to have to get someone to buy me a “Tit peddler” shirt particularly if it comes in low-cut. I’m of course going to need it in a color other than red unless the red is glitter in which case it’s the perfect shirt to piss off all my relatives except the cousin that works at hooters.
Well that tells us in no uncertain terms that we could sell at least shirt with this design then!
Will B
Please get her that shirt. I want to see it as her avatar as she wears it. YUM.
As long as there’s enough interested parties, we can definitely provide shirts for sale. Its up to all of you fine folks to be the one’s to “get” them though!
Trust me the number of busty ladies in my social circles particularly the “Kinky and Geeky in Arizona” ones will support this shirt or at least test its maximum stretch limits.
I promise that, should I get a Tit Peddler shirt, I will get photos taken and use one of them as my gravatar for at least a month.
Hm….tit peddling. What a novel idea, but what pray-tell than are Pimps doing on a regular basis Vensik?
As a generously endowed female, I desire the Tit Peddler shirt, watch people freak out over it….Why does everyone outside of my group of very close friends and family freak out when they find out I do dirty humor too?
Pimps have nothing on me, this would mainstream the entire process. Mass production, VOLUME is the key if you want to make it in tits.
But, where’s the heart man? You can streamline and mainstream and assembly line the shit out of ’em and what do you have at the end of the day? Sad tits. MOURNFUL tits.
People can’t tell the difference anymore, the process has come a long way.
Sad thing is, I think my eyes do that when I get awesome idea’s like this. Think I scared a client with them yesterday.
I am looking forward to the antics of interviewing renters for various apartments now. Which begs to question is there such a thing as “not a basket case” in the Walrusverse?
Basket-case in this case likely means someone who, rather than making themselves home in the midst of absurdity, are either purely insane, and-or, admit liking Twilight.
Will B
So no basket cases. Take it that the artistic types are out. Hmmm Hum drum drones?? That wouldn’t work with you two as landlords. Unless you want the suicide rate to increase. Wait that a benefit that helps everyone. Like it.
Ooooo…can I be the person who slaps the idiots who ogle and-or fondle the merchandise without paying? Please, please, please….I promise I’ll only smack people who deserve it. I’ll supply my own brass knuckles and everything.
Just as long as I’m the one who disappears the serial fondlers. I’ll supply my own shovel.
Will B
March you promised that we would do that one together and it was supposed to be a bonfire.
I never promised that I wouldn’t tenderize them.
Sure you boys can handle the heavy lifting…though I cant promise that they wouldnt be pretty tenderized already.
Mercenary Clown
anyone else need help in beating and or dissapearing…im good for that
or i can run em through…i’ll supply the pointies!
Tits…… Glorious tits……. Bouncing freely in the sun……. Vensik, you are a genius and a man among men.
The East coast Walrus crew will be MIA today as CK and I spread the glory of our music and art to others in Richmond. Full control has been left in the spiked gauntlet fists of Marron until we return.
Will B
break a leg
I look forward to seeing how things went in the “Grymm Ramblings”
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