Nothing to report. Interesting things in the works though. If you'd like some extra reading, Grymm did make a tumblr post regarding a trolling comment made in the archives last week. You can find the post here.
You should grab a copy of the Volume 1 PDF if you haven't already. It's got lots of nifty extras that you can't find elsewhere! Check it out!
We have NO desire to leave the badger at home, and even if he did, the badger would just ride the Floating Pigmy Cow like he does in our advertisements.
We have no control over the badger staying at home. There is only one person who has any sort of control over him and she triggers acid-green crisco flashbacks.
I just read the tumblr post that Grymm did. It was fucking hilarious. I tip my top hat to you good sir, here’s hoping that the trolls now come out in droves so that we can witness them going up in flames from your words.
I was wondering where that comment was since your FB post a week or two ago. Though I still have the Schmeerm Dolphin strip saved… I can remember that conversation so well.
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 15: Gypsies”
William Brown
No arson, chaos, robots, swords or explosions???? What the hell T-square??? Where the fun in going to a con without those??
Let me put it this way T-Square.
We have NO desire to leave the badger at home, and even if he did, the badger would just ride the Floating Pigmy Cow like he does in our advertisements.
We have no control over the badger staying at home. There is only one person who has any sort of control over him and she triggers acid-green crisco flashbacks.
Please be informed.
Marron Marvel
I feel like robots and explosions should definitely be a part of every con.
I just read the tumblr post that Grymm did. It was fucking hilarious. I tip my top hat to you good sir, here’s hoping that the trolls now come out in droves so that we can witness them going up in flames from your words.
Sorry I’ve been absent – been hitting the Renn-Faires a little hard. (Goddamn Conquistadors) But, against the advice of my therapist, I’m back.
William Brown
Your therapist is a Wiener anyway. Got all freaked out cause you showed up with blood on your lapel. It wasn’t like it was your blood…what the worry??
Oh, the ‘shaving incident’? Dear fellow just didn’t understand the depth of my commitment to Sweeney Todd homages. Philistine…
Good to see the mansion isn’t on fire anymore. That was bugging me when I went on vacation.
William Brown
Well it technically a new mansion. But the Elder gods are pleased and letting us live for another few years to bring more to the madness.
I was wondering where that comment was since your FB post a week or two ago. Though I still have the Schmeerm Dolphin strip saved… I can remember that conversation so well.