Grymm Ramblings
While we've long since dropped contact with the real life Rook, we're not above bringing Comic Rook back for some much deserved payback, humiliation, and traumatic testicular torment.
Also, a return to one of our favorite settings, the glorious Cafe Tesla! Not much else to say... Hm... Oh! Wanna see another preview bit from the PDF? Here's a little bitty slice of another one of the all new original illustrations going into it!
0 thoughts on “That Ol’ Walrus Voodoo 2: See Rule 140”
I see that I was right about Rook! coming back. I must say, even though I like Rook!, him being kicked like that is hilarious.
Will B
If you need to borrow it, I have the automatic hyrdolic kicking machine. Produces about 6000 psi, and rotates legs at 50 mph. If you want can even throw in the spiked high heel attachment. Works wonderfully at making the subject make noises only the dogs can hear. Would even pay for shipping if you need it. Let me know. (Please please please let the ladies get ahold Rook. I can only imagine the evisceration. Bowler not gonna let him off for what he done to the boys)
Is it not just easier to kick him in the crotch yourself? Using and setting up a machine just seems like a hassle.
Will B
Because if i do it myself I have to touch Rook. And human muscle get tired. As long as there power to the machine it keeps kicking Rook. And keeps kicking Rook, and keeps kicking Rook.
We want Rook to suffer beatings, not be kicked in the groin to death. Silly Will.
Will B
That why you move the machine around. Trade targets. Some head shots
some body shots, deversivie the bruising.
OOOOHHH! new Creepknight hairstyle. Also goggles. *gleeful squeek- like noise*
Ah the joy of Rook’s most traumatic moments. *pours a glass of Zinfandel and toasts* To Goggles, the torment of Rook!, and the awesome that continues to be the Walrus.
I know right? GOGGLES! *dons my UV Purple and black goggles*
I wish I had a pair so awesome. Alas I still am struggling to make a suitably steampunk pair.
I have contemplated making myself some steampunk goggles but I don’t have a costume to incorporate them with yet. Where as my patent leather corset and purple goggles are awesome together.
you know… I think CK knew that Rook was going to show up tonight. He did wear the steel-toed boots with the steel on the OUTSIDE!!!
It may have been the style of the club, but I’m pretty sure that he had that motive as well.
Creepknight’s soulpatch… I used to have CK’s soulpatch! Why did I shave it off? Why? Damn you, cleanshaven-ness, damn you!
*both sobs for loss of awesome facial hair, and giggles like a madman with a sugar high at Rook*
*eye twitch* I keep re-reading it and it still sounds like you kidnapped CK and then shaved him while he was in your clutches.
I know no one is crazy enough to risk the Walrus followers’ collective wrath by doing so though.
The last one who tried was in fact stripped naked, shaved head to toe (including eyebrows and eyelashes), had the most embarrassing inflammatory things drawn all over them, and deposited in the seediest bar we could find in the worst part of Richmond. The part that even VCU hasn’t yet attempted to engulf and engage in gentrification upon.
I know some girls who do that occasionally. But the shaving is the least of anyone’s problems… I know fun people. This is true.
No, I just used to have a soul patch much like the one CK is sporting on this page. I shaved it off recently because it itched like hell, but now I miss it. And I am sad.
That is very sad. So few people pull off Soul Patches after all.
Mercenary Clown
i have been contemplating growing a soul spike…a soul patch grown to length of ZZ Top Proportion….made into a spike by hair concrete