Now would be an excellent time to mention that one can actually place orders for their very one hand crafted Cthulhu Top Hat pasties, just like those Ona is wearing today! If you're interested, please contact Mirth at . They run $15 per pair and are lovingly crafted. ALL FOR YOU.
Or if you'd prefer to cover yourself a little more completely with the help of a third party corporation, there's always the good ol' Cthulhu Top Hat shirts or hoodies from RedBubble.*
* There ares stickers now too, but it's going to take significant work to fashion proper coverings with the Cthulhu Top Hat stickers considering how much overlapping of designs one would have to engage it. The pasties are mush more elegant.
0 thoughts on “Dinner and a Show and a Bribe 4: Baring the Mark”
I do indeed pay attention to the hovertext. It’s about 1/18 of the hilarity. With the other 17/18 being filled with slapstick and half-nude women. And also, Ona, may I just say that if you’re half as good looking in real life as you are in the comic, than CK is INDEED one hell of a lucky bastard.
I swear to god. My computer gets used to comment on my own webcomic more than I use it to comment on my own webcomic. I need to start barricading the studio.
Sorry I haven’t been aroun or commented very much. Wedding planning has taken up a lot of my time. Just wanted to say for all to know that this is still, by far, my favorite web comic, and I love all of the wacky, zany good times it entails. Cheers!
Speaking of the wedding, do you think that if we offer up a very heartfelt apology for what we did last year, the mayor of Vegas will suspend our exile to come to the ceremony?
0 thoughts on “Dinner and a Show and a Bribe 4: Baring the Mark”
Will B.
The ….. and the…..but how could why when?? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SOO LUCKY CK??
Oh luck has nothing to do with it!!
Will B.
He has you, therefore he is lucky. (Man’s perspective.)
Well in that case I can definitely agree!
I am just a little disappointed though! The pasties cover up my piercings :((
BrickJAK BouncerPants
One must suffer for one’s art, young lady. You know this.
I do indeed pay attention to the hovertext. It’s about 1/18 of the hilarity. With the other 17/18 being filled with slapstick and half-nude women. And also, Ona, may I just say that if you’re half as good looking in real life as you are in the comic, than CK is INDEED one hell of a lucky bastard.
I swear to god. My computer gets used to comment on my own webcomic more than I use it to comment on my own webcomic. I need to start barricading the studio.
Sorry!!! See?? I’m posting from CK’s ipod now! *Wave* >_>
It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t try to comment while I was logged in.
I HAVE to keep you on your toes! ;D
Will B.
Do I need to send over the minions to install the “Deathuirty 6000”? If I remember right you were looking at the acid bath/laser setup yes??
No barricade! I like watching you draw!
I’ll install a secret Mirth door in the barricade just for you.
Sit at your computer naked. That ought to stop people from barging in, wait, strike that… your friends are as unabashed as mine…
DAMMIT GRYMM! Come upstairs and watch Children of the Corn with us! You know you waaaaaaant to!
…I want a set of Hathulhu pasties! I also want to see those piercings I hear mention of…. because I love shinies.
I read hover text.
…sadly I cant purchase them because I’ve got a special costume project to complete first. I’d also want to have a matching thong though.
Would not be too hard. Just let me know when you can.
As a Matter of fact, I am paying attention to the hover-text. Thank you very much!
Science is, indeed, awesome.
Sorry I haven’t been aroun or commented very much. Wedding planning has taken up a lot of my time. Just wanted to say for all to know that this is still, by far, my favorite web comic, and I love all of the wacky, zany good times it entails. Cheers!
Will B.
congrats on wedding
I know from my own recent planning it’s a pain in the ass. Particularly when he decides to toss in his 2 cents and ratchet up the price.
Will B.
My wedding has to take place in England. So yeah. Talk about ratcheting up the price. Feel your pain.
Either a small local one with friends or one with his family in Austin
Speaking of the wedding, do you think that if we offer up a very heartfelt apology for what we did last year, the mayor of Vegas will suspend our exile to come to the ceremony?
Will B.
Think it gonna take more then an apology. Lots of money and expensive gifts might work. It was his daughter and his Mercedes after all.