The Walrus Speaks
Weather is a son of a bitch. Thanks to the recent storms here on the east coast we here at the Castle once again find ourselves without power. We've decided that from here on in whenever we don't have power neither will our fictional counterparts because we are cruel and angry gods. Sate our desire for blood sacrifice by rendering unto us your favorite Walrus moment of 2012 thus far.
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 23: Blackout”
The Scavenger
First off there is a laser missing in the last panel. there are only 9 when there should be 10.
Second I am slightly disappointed in not getting to see them beat up those guys but I can wait for the comedy.
and third don’t blame the storms blame these guys.
Cupcake of Destiny
I’m confused. Why should there be ten instead of nine? Isn’t it possible that one of the other guys ran off at the horribleness that is Shmeerm? Or that he dropped his gun? I’m not saying that Grymm and Creepnight are perfect, but I don’t understand why you immediately assumed it was a mistake? I thought it was intentional. I thought one of them was standing there in the dark pissing their pants.
Scavenger. Dude. Spend too much time focusing on counting shit like laser beams and you totally miss the fun in life.
OH SHIT!!!!!
Please don’t be Shmeerm!! Please don’t be Shmeerm!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF SWEET HOBO JESUS DON’T LET IT BE SHMEERM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grymm Grymmowski
Hobo Jesus is dead forever. No one can hear your prayers now.
Joe Foley
How about Raptor Jesus?
Grymm Grymmowski
Everybody knows that Raptor Jesus is far too busy and important to concern himself with the pleas of mere mortals.
Maybe Korean Jesus? No… Then Ice Cube will yell at me.
BrickJAK BouncerPants
It’s not a purple word bubble. I’m sadly disappointed.
Oh God it’s SHMEERM!!! RUN!