You asked for it! You waited patiently! Now here's your reward! "Ask CreepKnight A Fucking Question" has returned for a new season! Episode 1 is now live! Additional episodes are also now in pre-production and will be coming down the line in the future! Check it out, share it with your twittery Bookfaces and such. But most importantly... Enjoy.
0 thoughts on “Publishing Shmublishing 7: Blood Money”
After watching the above video, I feel compelled to to answer your question Creepknight. So welcome to a segment I like to call: Ticker ansnwering the fucking questions Creepknight asks from ‘Ask CreepKnight a fucking question’! Here goes!
And because I not sure the other one got read. Marron you have a very nice speaking voice. I enjoyed your addition to ACAFQ. Creep, excellent job as always. Look forward to more videos about you answering questions.
Vensik, you have sci-fy awesome space goggles on your head while you wear your suits, that qualifys you as trustworthy. Clark Kent wore a suit before he strips to become superman, and you have your goggles.
Sorry, next month won’t cut it.
She’s going to be busy killing the 50ft. dire chihuahua’s that have been plaguing South Finland.
may is completely free though.
The fact that I’m currently vacationing in Turku is in no way related to any man-eating beasts that may be scourging the area…
Oh..uh, shoot. Our bad about the Chihuahua…50 ft, huh? Excuse me…
*exit, stage right, down a generic medical hallway*
Wonderful Vid C.K.! Yes, I did ask those questions, I’m ok with the answers. I got promoted Friday and got a company issued highliter and a big bristly broom and a tactical shovel. Also an navy blue jumpsuit… Go figure… As to Marron doing the voice overs, great job Marron! Grymm, Keep up the good work. Your facial expressions are getting way way better.
Damn fine work, sir Creepknight. Damnably fine indeed. I slaver for more.
And Marron, you have a lovely voice – I don’t suppose I could have you speak in my defense at the upcoming trial? The elephants haven’t learned to use chainsaws yet – but I think I should prepare for the legal fallout.
Damn it Marchosias this is why I gave you that blank I.D. With very specific instructions. Please tell me you got rid of the rocket launching alligators before the FBI got them?? We still owe the C.I.A money on those.
I agree that coke is better than pepsi, but I’m a mountain dew lover and that’s a pepsi product. How’s that fit into the equation?
comparing coke to mountain dew is like comparing an apple to an orange, both are fruits, but a comparison isn’t apt.
I wasn’t comparing them. While I agree that coke is superior to pepsi, my favorite soda is mountain dew which is made by the same company as pepsi. So I was trying to figure out how it worked in the equation of superior drinks.
Guys, guys. Don’t worry! Just browse back through the archives and it’ll all make sense how Grymm and the T-Square aren’t the same person at all! I suggest starting at the tail end of 2010 and working forward.
I did as you suggested, but there’s almost nothing. I saw a reference to the current arc published a year ago, I saw a Homestuck reference when Grymm and Bowler were roasting chicken. There WAS the ‘free shit fairy’, but that could just be Grymm being Grymm. There was the panel where the masked T-Sqaure hit CK with a suitcase of money, but Grymm had left them a few minutes before that. And if there’s one thing we know, it wouldn’t take Grymm or Creepknight long to change costume, drop a vehicle off a building, change back, and grab some paperwork. The most telling thing was the dream Grymm had on, but that was a dream. To me, it seemed like the vision Luke had in the cave on Dagobah. All in all, there aren’t much in the way of clues as you suggest there are.
There was a Homestuck reference in the chicken roasting page? Huh. If there is, I’m not seeing it.
The wall behind them. It had the yellow, jaggedy city of Prospit orbiting near Skaia. Also, the black splotches to the left of this are reminiscent of the paintings that the Wayward Vagabond drew of the various planets.
Wonderful twist boys, always looking to keep it refreshing are we? I did like the fan dance though, I wish I had the body for that from the earlier comic.
Managing a self insertion of an online comic on an online comic and getting paid for it? Priceless.
0 thoughts on “Publishing Shmublishing 7: Blood Money”
I’m either confused as hell now or seriously in envy of Grymm’s schizophrenia flavor.
…The fuck? You two are just fucking with us now, aren’t you?
After watching the above video, I feel compelled to to answer your question Creepknight. So welcome to a segment I like to call: Ticker ansnwering the fucking questions Creepknight asks from ‘Ask CreepKnight a fucking question’! Here goes!
Question: Is there a place lower than hell?
Answer: South-Central Detroit.
South-West Houston. Just go with me on this.
I’ve never actually been to Houston. So how about a compromise? They’re both total shitholes.
Secaucus, New Jersey is an absolute waste of real estate as well.
Will B
Okay, Okay…Are you done fucking with us yet?? REALLY?? Two of them. OOOO fuck the world.
Will B
And because I not sure the other one got read. Marron you have a very nice speaking voice. I enjoyed your addition to ACAFQ. Creep, excellent job as always. Look forward to more videos about you answering questions.
Why thank you, sir.
Offended by the suit comment, suit up man…
Sandra Prickett
Vensik, you have sci-fy awesome space goggles on your head while you wear your suits, that qualifys you as trustworthy. Clark Kent wore a suit before he strips to become superman, and you have your goggles.
Grymm gets to meet T-Square face to face, and yet Madame Murder-Fist still refuses an audience with me.
Will B
Well that because Madame Murder-Fist is busy in Japan this month. I’ll talk to her staff yet again and see if we can get you in next month.
Sorry, next month won’t cut it.
She’s going to be busy killing the 50ft. dire chihuahua’s that have been plaguing South Finland.
may is completely free though.
The fact that I’m currently vacationing in Turku is in no way related to any man-eating beasts that may be scourging the area…
Oh..uh, shoot. Our bad about the Chihuahua…50 ft, huh? Excuse me…
*exit, stage right, down a generic medical hallway*
Wonderful Vid C.K.! Yes, I did ask those questions, I’m ok with the answers. I got promoted Friday and got a company issued highliter and a big bristly broom and a tactical shovel. Also an navy blue jumpsuit… Go figure… As to Marron doing the voice overs, great job Marron! Grymm, Keep up the good work. Your facial expressions are getting way way better.
Tactical shovel? As in Vietnam entrenching tool, or ‘bury five bodies’ shovel?
As in short handled bury racoons shovel.
Damn fine work, sir Creepknight. Damnably fine indeed. I slaver for more.
And Marron, you have a lovely voice – I don’t suppose I could have you speak in my defense at the upcoming trial? The elephants haven’t learned to use chainsaws yet – but I think I should prepare for the legal fallout.
Will B
Damn it Marchosias this is why I gave you that blank I.D. With very specific instructions. Please tell me you got rid of the rocket launching alligators before the FBI got them?? We still owe the C.I.A money on those.
PS. Coke is better than Pepsi. That’s just common sense.
I agree that coke is better than pepsi, but I’m a mountain dew lover and that’s a pepsi product. How’s that fit into the equation?
comparing coke to mountain dew is like comparing an apple to an orange, both are fruits, but a comparison isn’t apt.
I wasn’t comparing them. While I agree that coke is superior to pepsi, my favorite soda is mountain dew which is made by the same company as pepsi. So I was trying to figure out how it worked in the equation of superior drinks.
But both fail compared to the respective versions that used actual sugar…
i’m a coke lover myself. so T-square is awesome
Guys, guys. Don’t worry! Just browse back through the archives and it’ll all make sense how Grymm and the T-Square aren’t the same person at all! I suggest starting at the tail end of 2010 and working forward.
I did as you suggested, but there’s almost nothing. I saw a reference to the current arc published a year ago, I saw a Homestuck reference when Grymm and Bowler were roasting chicken. There WAS the ‘free shit fairy’, but that could just be Grymm being Grymm. There was the panel where the masked T-Sqaure hit CK with a suitcase of money, but Grymm had left them a few minutes before that. And if there’s one thing we know, it wouldn’t take Grymm or Creepknight long to change costume, drop a vehicle off a building, change back, and grab some paperwork. The most telling thing was the dream Grymm had on, but that was a dream. To me, it seemed like the vision Luke had in the cave on Dagobah. All in all, there aren’t much in the way of clues as you suggest there are.
There was a Homestuck reference in the chicken roasting page? Huh. If there is, I’m not seeing it.
The wall behind them. It had the yellow, jaggedy city of Prospit orbiting near Skaia. Also, the black splotches to the left of this are reminiscent of the paintings that the Wayward Vagabond drew of the various planets.
How I have missed this.
Wonderful twist boys, always looking to keep it refreshing are we? I did like the fan dance though, I wish I had the body for that from the earlier comic.
Managing a self insertion of an online comic on an online comic and getting paid for it? Priceless.
Will B
Welcome back Rose. This has missed you as well