Grymm Ramblings
Its currently Monday morning. I am covered in dead plant matter and my hands are still shaky from wielding our industrial gas powered custom built weedwhacker we had build to fight back against the strange vegetation that started to take root around the outside of the castle last year. My black jeans are currently glowing an eerie green around the bottom of the legs and I keep picking weed chunks out of my hair. I'm pretty sure I need to blame the real life Rook for this shit, but god only knows where he is these days. On the plus side, there's a reason why in my subjective time perception its Monday right now. Because this comic is done and me writing this news post is final part of making the update ready to go into the auto uploader. Even better? The next comic? Its sitting on the drawing table right now. The refinement of the linework is almost done and ready to be darkened. Its possible that the whole thing will be done and in the uploader long before you even see this. My eyes stopped focusing properly about 20 minutes ago. I'm tired. I think the dandelions might have sprayed me with some kind of defensive venom or something. If I fucking turn into Bushroot from Darkwing Duck I'm gonna be pissed. Mainly because I always wanted to be NegaDuck. He was totally one of the most awesome villains of the old block of 90's Disney cartoons* *I mean the animal people cartoons. Otherwise the title of most awesome villain would go to David Xanatos from Gargoyles. Though I think its up for debate as to whether he was truly a villain or not. He just did what we fucking wanted. Can't blame a guy for that.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 4: Strange Doings”
Will B
Xanatos was/is one my heros. He was a bastard enough to do what he wanted, but charming enough to get away with it. Smooth mother fucker. Didn’t you guys build a section of the castle to resemble David’s castle??
We started to, but we got slapped with zoning regulations. Apparently forcefields and robot warehouses and such aren’t in line with Richmond residential laws.
Oh Xanatos, you were one of the true original smooth villians. Everyone else paled before that in your charm and wit and ability to get off scot free!
As for the comic…that doesn’t look like garden gnomes Boys. And when did you have time to grow that mustache and over long goatee combo Grymm? I was meaning to ask on the last comic.
Grymm has super hair of doom… remember the adventure were CK wielded him like a flamethrower only with hair?
…actually doesn’t Mirth have purple powers? *gasp* is she moving out?
“Purple powers?”…hmmm…
Purple powers? What purple powers?
I think I read too many comics… I’ve started color associating magics and speech bubbles… and on my friend’s computer that blue looked more purple-ish.
(also I’m convention frazzled that was day one of con)
Why on the Mad Maxian-esque adventure of course!
Grymm, either you are squinting to extremes, or you turned Chinese.
Definitely squinting. That’s the “what the fuck is this, I don’t fucking like this” look.
I pretty sure telekinetic mice are copyrighted by our own Rose.
“Beat you with a spoon”. Seems like a lot of effort for not much result. Maybe a ladle? Or a grapefruit spoon on a stick? Hmm… I’m going to go torment some hobos until I’ve resolved this question. Torment them with my spoons.
Not Mice, March. RATS.
Mice are the devil spawn of the rodent world and the enemy of rat kin everywhere! BANISH THEIR FALSENESS! They are not adorable…they are /disgusting/.
Though I do agree with you on the spoon part, though it woudl be amusing to see how long they’d last before begging for mercy from the…spooning.
That last bit has… implications. I like it.
Wouldn’t know about the rat/mouse thing, so I’ll take your word on it.
The only animals around here are armadillos and scorpions. Makes for a certain aesthetic.
The most sublime of the rodents are the squirrels. They are key allies of the undercover factions of the Sixth Millenium International Council of Druids, and working in concert we WILL reforest North America. Seed nut by covertly hidden seed nut.
And then there are the flying squirrels, whose grandure all cartoon conspirators must acknowledge, with however much grudge.
But you speak of villainous ducks. Think on this. Consider the spread, the money, the corporate holdings, the media power of Disney. And who controls Disney? Who lurks in the money vault, working the animatronic minions from behind the curtain?
Scrooge McDuck. There’s the master of all villains. We fret over China, while Duckburg extends its sinister reach.
It is good the Walrus is raising the resistance.
This sir, I must disagree on. Rats are the most sublime of rodent kind. Squirrels, while in a league of certian granduer. Rats are children of the earth. And when all else fails! They will remain! And come forth once more to claim it all!
Though Scrooge is a greedy sly old soul. Kudos indeed, kudos indeed Walrus! AS for you March, that’s alright. Few know of the majesty of rats.
Care to join me in testing the spooning idea?
If by spooning you mean utilizing my new shillelagh-ladel, then by all means. And aim for the knees. Can’t have them running from our scientific pursuit.
I don’t believe we’ve met good sir, but on this we see eye to eye. The only good duck is chinese duck, delicately marinated in orange sauce, and served with rice.
Dammit, now I’m hungry.
S’true, I’ve kept both rats and a mouse in my time. Mice are boring brainless little furred locusts. Whereas rats are adorable and intelligent… Save for their failure to understand the ramifications of chewing through the supports of their own hammock while they and their friends are in it.
Mercenary Clown
im currently ratsitting….tis a fun little squeeker
Will B
Bah, Humbug. Again I say humbug. You are both sorely mistaken. Though rats are more intelligent then mice, both vermin sole purpose is that of kitty and snake food. The best helpers are genetically spliced semi intelligent Komodo Dragons. Venomous angry helpers make the world fear and awe your might.
And yes Disney and Scrooge McDuck are beating all to the punch of global domination. Then again they use methods that most of us have found too vile for our personal integrity.(Children, what a wretched front to work in.) March for McDuck since his is of Scottish descent, Mandarin style wouldn’t work. Would have to go with roasting and stuffing with herbs and veggies, slow roasted on a spit.
There’s a song in there.
“I stuffed and spitted a man in Reno just ‘cuz I was peckish.”
Blue is The Mass!!!!! Hooray!
Ladies and Gentleman, only on the Walrus could we discuss the finer points of Rodent minions, the cooking of Megalomaniac ducks that might be taking over the world, as well as the efficiency and fun of spoonings, on top of the comic itself~ which continues to be the light of sanity~ for me after people frustrate the fuck out of me.
Not to mention Elder Gods, plasma-dynamics, and making breakfast sexy.
Especially making breakfast sexy.
I’ve always thought of this place like a dark, maniacal ‘Cheers’. Everyone knows your name, blood’s always on tap, and something evilly absurd is going on. What better refuge from the yowling, unwashed masses?
The only way, it could ever get better if I actually lived closer to you people! I swear if we could concentrate all the interesting people in one place, the world might implode and reform itself in a matter of seconds, creating a newer better world.
Ah~ the sexy breakfast moment…MArch dear I still desire to see thee make a sexy breakfast!
Newer, better world – Sweet mother of eternal spite, I could go for that.
As to breakfast, the Tex-Mex omelet is easy, but I gave up my hat.
ssshhhhh… primary partner keeps mentioning a desire to move to Texas. I have a strict policy of not living in the same state as blood relations that would track me down and want to keep in contact.
Will B
So all of Tennessee out Akonite?? Hmmm where do you not have relations so that we converge and reshape the world??
Blood relations that are likely to ignore the “I don’t WANT to be part of the family go away” or that I like enough not to want them to tell my mom what I’m up to live in Texas, Mississippi, and Missouri. My immediate biological family is in Tennessee. Technically one aunt is in California and a Biological grandmother is in Oregon but I’ve delt with that side of the family sufficiently that the olive branch was withdrawn. (some times your family ruins your childhood sufficiently that they don’t get a chance at the rest of your life)
I understand. Believe me. My clan of large, grim Teutons, has abandoned entire states because of the people living there. We defend Texan ground viciously.
My dad may have one brother but my mom has about 6-8 siblings through the wonders of divorce and remarriage of my grandpa and We’re a rather spread out bunch.