Grymm Ramblings
Its all circling the drain now. Only a little bit of "Meatnecks" left. Hey! Today through Monday you can save 15% when you buy our t-shirts from! Now's the perfect time to snag some awesome Walrus style body coverings! And I'm not saying that just because we get a couple of measly bucks for every shirt bought! I'm saying it because you're awesome people who deserve to be draped in awesomeness. And also because we could use those measly bucks for pizza and Coke and Mountain Dew to fuel our creative insanity you love so much. Also, while we're on the topic, I'm just gonna throw out the reminder. If ever you find yourself appreciating what we do to the point that you'd like to show it in an awesome way, feel free to hit the button off to the left side of the page that's labeled "Donate". Every little bit adds up to making the Walrus more awesome. We never expect it to happen. But we totally did a little dance the one time it did. And we'll do further dances if it happens any more. We might even vlog the dancing.Musings of a CreepKnight
I love this comic. That is all.
0 thoughts on “Meatnecks and Boomsticks 16”
**Scribbles on a Pizza Hut box, it reads**:
When in doubt, have Mirth bust out of Cyradwee’s stomach. She’s talented enough..she took down hobojesus…surely she can best Mr. Cyradwee and go toe-to-toe in his black sickly pale insides.
(////////)>~-~-~-< The Gauzeman is Watching
You know… I think that’s the most inspired Cyradwee take down plan yet!
Wow, I have to agree on this one. Very good idea Gauzeman.
On a second note…Mungo…how we have doubted thee and thy ingenuity, and even after you are banished back to your new and improved cage, we shall remember thy sweet words. MUNGO HAS INGENUITY!
May the words of the freakish green mutant man ring loud and true and forever. Though… my favorite quip still remains “”Mungo not stupid. MUNGO LEARN ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE!”
Good on you Gauzeman,
You are hereby elected to my war council (as opposed to my war cabinet, which is simply a cabinet full of knives, not unlike the above-mentioned stabbin’ closet).
Never again will I under-cook my Thanksgiving hobo. But there is only so much one can do with a flamethrower and an iron spit.
*knock*knock*knock* Candy gram for mungo!
True point Grymm, that was indeed a lovely and sensitive mention. Mungo simply has difficulties with the evil that is the English language! Though I think he speaks better than some English speakers.
**scribbles on a Domino’s Sandwich box**
All hail Gauzeman, king of the Philly Cheesesteak greasy sammiches! Also..when Gauzeman has enough money, he shall send Grymm and Brother Creepknight money for foods and soda…Gauzeman is just like that after all.
(////////)>-~-~-~< The Gauzeman is Watching
just send in the dragonwarriors. they will kill cyradwee in ways more epic than this comic already is. whilst one of their members will drink never ending beer
Rose: He definitely has a better grasp on speaking it than the netspeak kiddies have on typing it.
@TheGauzeman: A new money having dance is imminent! Where are my clogs?
@Curator: Its an explosive candygram isn’t it? No wait… that’s too mundane. Its actually not a candy gram at all is it? I bet its a Cthulhuagram.
@illyria These dragonwarriors… are they warriors that are dragons or dragons that are warriors?
@Marchosias Wait… were we discussing culinary techniques to be used on vagrants? Did I miss a tangent somewhere?
There is no tangent, Grymm. Just that Shub Niggurath can get her own damned autumn solstice human sacrifice from now on. Although I may get her a Cthulhuagram.
One alien god in a box coming right up, like a cream pie of insanity in the face.
@Grymm – How did you guess?!!! hopefully your smarter than mungo…lol
Grymm, I concur good sir! You and your top hat awesomeness have once again seen to the heart of the matter..and ebonks. Someone save me from eboniks and than let me go back in time that I might introduce them to you two, and the rest of the souls here…that we might teach that person a lesson and prevent my ears from bleeding from the sound.
@Marchosias This is why I do my best to avoid extraterrestrial Horror-Terrors. Always with the sacrifices, at specific times and the needy need for being worshipped and served. I can barely remember to take meat out of the freezer to thaw so I can eat by a decent hour, much less appeasing gods.
@Curator Mungo’s full of surprises these days. For all anyone knows the bastard could have a bloody doctorate in something.
Does baby shoveling involve doctorates?
Zombie knows Mungo smart…we went to same class for english…Mungo passed….Zombie ate Teacher….grrrr…….Zombie Miss Simon…..
@grymm: they are half dragon, half human. i made them up once. they’re pretty kick-ass. iff you want more info just say the word and i will email the backstory