Grymm Ramblings
Wasn't originally going to have anything here but a simple "Yep." Decided to come back and change it later than the last minute to serve my terrible self-promotional and capitalistic tendencies. Boom. New Surrealis Grymmoire piece. SG: Cosmic Incubation by ~GrymmGrymmowski on deviantART Available for purchase as gorgeous 8.5" x 11" glossy prints for $15 a piece. (Shipping cost varies dependent on what country you're currently in). Want one? Fire an email at me by way of
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 2”
Will B
*Hands CK a sword* Just fall on it dude. Less painful. You neeeeevvvvvverrrr gonna get over this one. And you still have Bowler to deal with. *shudders* Would rather take the sword.
Will B
And Grymm. Simply gorgeous. When you having a show?? That piece. WOW.
Thanks! Technically I was just part of a show back in…. April? I think it was April. Local art and music show here in Richmond called Spiral. Showed off most of the Grymmoire.
Will B
Part of a show is not the same as you having a show. Was hoping you would centered in a show soon.
Everything has to start somewhere! This year its being part of an art show. Next it might be monopolizing twice as much space and said art show and getting some kind of gallery showing.
I’ve been keeping an eye out on some galleries and art mags that seem applicable to submit the Grymmoire too, but they’re either closed for submissions or slow to respond to my submissions.
Yeah – she’s never gonna let you forget that.
Also, when Cosmic Incubation showed up in my dA mailbox, I screamed a little. And I am not ashamed.
There’s no hell like the one you’ll put yourself through when you realize you bruised or otherwise damaged something innocent. Bravo, CK for writing the ultimate guilt bomb and Grymm for the execution.
Grymm, when I get the funds for it and have a library to hang it/them in I’m going to be investing in your art. Promise.
ouchie…. this is gonna sting for a while. I know it….
Mercenary Clown
oooooh…..yeah, i agree with will…
she ain’t gonna let ya forget about that one for a hot minute
I know, right?
POOR MIRTH!!!!! *Runs up to Mirth and gives a comforting hug.* Don’t worry slightly creepy lady who can summon finger bats! I won’t forget you!
Awww, poor boys…remember groveling always speeds the process up. And the cactus was a nice touch
Alas, I don’t think slimy, gelatinous mounds of vaguely cactus smelling things can solve this problem.
But what about slimy, gelatinous mounds of vaguely cactus smelling things and a cookie?
Depends how close the cookie has been to the gelatinous thing!
It smells like cactus…. but does it taste like cactus?
Considering that I’ve always had an aversion to eating gelatinous things, I don’t think I want to find out first hand!
*shrug* it’s always been my policy that I’m not allowed to say I don’t like something until I’ve tried it. Cactus is pretty damn refreshing and thankfully doesn’t taste like melon.
All I know is I haven’t trusted gelatinous things since ’98. And that I have irrefutable evidence that cantaloupes once put a hit out on me for the two weeks I spent in Lynchburg Tennessee as a child.
…Charming town name that. I have to say cantaloupe is possibly the most foul thing I’ve ever tasted followed closely by unpickled cucumber.
Know what makes it even better? Lynchburg is the homeplace of the Jack Daniels whiskey distillery.
Mercenary Clown
i say bring her chocolate…lots of it
That’s a terrible stereotype.
Mercenary Clown
wasn’t trying to…mirth seems the kinda gal that likes chocolate….wasn’t trying to be offensive (for once)