Grymm Ramblings
I'm still pretty scarce, and CK is currently wrapping up the last minute business he needs to attend to before he heads overseas bright and early tomorrow morning, but I just wanted to give heads up about some site stuff. The Twitter feeds are now gone due to the fact that they weren't loading most of the time. If you want to keep abreast of every little textual thing CK and I inflict upon the inter-web-tron you can find us at and Sometimes CK discusses his evil schemes on it. Other times he just talks about cooking. I use it just to talk about robots and art and bitching about anime and Japanophiles ruining everything that is good in the world. Some of the ads that were on the site are now gone and a new one is now over the comic again. Keep an eye on this new ad over the comic. Its code and its settings have both been adjusted to be as non-oppressive/unimposing as possible, but I'm paranoid. So if it tries to redirect you, births any pop-up ads, or does anything else that seems abnormal for this site, let us know via comment or by sending an email to So far I've been observing it for just a few hours and it seems to be putting up some decent ads. Here's hoping it'll offer some interesting things for folks to click on to generate revenue, as this is pretty much one of the last decent ad services we've been able to find. All the other ones seem intent on making ads slide on to the screen, follow your cursor, making ads pop up when you hover your cursor over certain words, talking to you, or simply putting forth boring text links. We love you all too much to make you have to put up with that on the chance that you'll interact with them. So yeah, usual applies. I'll be here in the castle, working on stuff and reachable via the email for anything important. See you guys next week.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 25: The Haunted Cliffs of Richmond”
I haven’t been taken to a beautiful cemetery since I dated a guy in New Orleans….damnit now I’m nostalgic.
A graveyard overhanging a major roadway? Well, A roadway at any rate. That’s….. Weird. Wouldn’t they have removed the graves to prevent accidents? I mean, I know this isn’t reality and it rapes most known laws of physics, gravity being the only one I can think of that’s still whole and untarnished, (I don’t count the Mass’s powers. And the french are full of hot air, so it figures that the cow floats.) But still, the graves, in this day and age, would’ve been dug up and relocated.
I’m sure it wasn’t on a cliff overhanging a major roadway originally; the road builders obviously understood that the cemetery in question was an ancient, haunted burial ground and, not wanting to repeat the mistakes made in the documentary “Pet Sematary,” dug out the roadways around the graveyard instead of digging up the corpses and building through it..
Or Poltergeist!
When it comes right down to it, Richmond is weird. We have vulgar, badass space gods who have office space down town. A handful of cyborgs. An entire academic campus that shows all the evidence of being a living entity intent on expanding and assimilating everything around it.
We also have entirely too many street bums that tend to be well dressed and sporting smart phones. Suffice to say, the improperly zoned cemetery isn’t given too many second looks.
It’s good to know Master Gyrmm knows Lord Creepknight’s good ideas from his bad. Because… honeslty at times I can’t. And I have been told I am possible in the general vicinity of sane on certain phases of the moon…. I may never live that down. On a side note…
… sorry… geekness rising.
Never apologize for geekiness. Its something to be reveled in.
Also, clearly there are no graves on the portion weather eroded crumbling soil the genltmen have chosen to park a steel-framed, classic car if that bluff can handle the car it’s perfectly safe.
Land in Richmond choose when and where to erode. If it doesn’t want to erode, it damn well doesn’t. A very pig headed area it is.
i love grave yards. i walked next to one the other night. didn’t see any creepies that seem to haunt this one though
Oh! You have a haunted place! We like haunted places. Does your graveyard have a story?
I once heard this story about how this man murdered a guy and got away with it. He then went to the ceremony to gloat over the corpse, and he had a heart attack and fell into the freshly dug grave.
This story happened in Florida, but I’m not sure as to which PART of Florida.
Michael Alexander Reaper
All we have is the vale mansion.
There was a man who killed his entire family in the house and hung himself in the attic. That is all i really remember about it.
Michael Alexander Reaper
No wait correction, she skilled herself and he hung himself in the attic.
Well… actually florida’s water table is pretty high. They don’t dig many graves they mostly have those above ground graves in the stone box… things that I can’t remember the name of. So That one sounds unlikely.
Michael Alexander Reaper
I believe you are revering to the above ground vaults. They have a lot of those in New Orleans. One day I want to visit the cemeteries down there, especially the Metairie!
I know from personal experience that at least one of the Canal Street cemeteries has a gap between the pillar and the wall that my plump self can slip through. Be warned there is the occasional vagrant sleeping between the tombs (learned when one was startled by myself and my friend…really hope he didn’t report that to the police as a supposed satanic ritual or murder…it was really nothing as exotic as either of those)
That only happens when you’re clos the the waterline. The burial changes depending on how far you are from the coastline. For example, when my grandpa died, since he lived inland, he got buried. I still visit the grave sometimes.
Beautiful scene Grymm. I particularly like the tentacle beast in the cliff. There is a small graveyard that I bike by every time I go to a friends house or on the way back home. I normally pass by around 2 am. On the way home. No spooky stuff so far, but I live in a kinda boring town.
If you look closely, there’s at least one or two strange creatures in every single panel of this page!
Graveyards are highly pleasing~ all the history of it, of the place and the people that are buried there…one graveyard can hold so many lifetimes and era’s that its crazy!
That you’d take her to such a lovely older graveyard, is such a nice moment~ Roy is a good guy indeed!
Interestingly, Central Park in NYC was designed to be a “cemetery without the graves”.
Really? Wow you learn something new everyday! Thank you for that Tidbit Mirth, now I must travel to Central park just so I can wear my finest funeral garb.
remember. Knowledge is power, power corrupts. Be evil. Stay in school.
I gotta say, as spirit guides go…can’t go wrong with Orbison!
(Though mine would be John Buscema.)
I am beginning to pine for the acreage of Hollywood. Nothing like watching the stars surrounded by spirits of the past.