Grymm Ramblings
Hey look! Its a guy that's dressed like that other guy! Oh hey, there's that guy too! Man, how many places does that guy work? And a new guy! But if you watch the comments then you may recognize the name! Yes. That's right. Reality rears its ugly head and provides perfect inspiration for the Walrus. Because when it comes to describing Vensik, "coffee powered suit wearing, ipad slinging finance cyborg" sums things up perfectly.Grymmish Art Time
I'm taking up an extra section today for shameless self-promotion. So there's this thing I do whenever I'm not finishing Walrus deadlines or working on a pile of commissions. You may be aware of it. Its called the Surrealis Grymmoire* I love the Grymmoire. I'm always looking for new ways to share the Grymmoire. And there seems to be plenty of people that have shown interest in prints. So I've gone ahead and pieced together some nifty themed print bundles. Currently there are four bundles in all accounting for all of the colored Grymmoire pages that exist to date. I'm only going to plug the first two for now though so as not to overload you. Grymmoire Print Pack 1 by ~GrymmGrymmowski on deviantART Grymmoire Print Pack 2 by ~GrymmGrymmowski on deviantART I assure that all prints are painstakingly exposed to my extreme artist OCD and I make sure that each print looks better than what you see on the screen in front of you. If not, I burn it in the fiery pits of hell I have annexed in the castle cellars and run off a new one for you. So please show your love for something that I love to do and buy a print bundle. Let me share my dreamscapes and nightmares with you. Just fire an email to me by way of and we can discuss the nitty gritty purchasing details. Each prints bundle is $35 dollars and includes each of the five prints you see in the samples. Prints are 8.5" x 11" and on a lovely glossy stock that really makes the images pop. Seriously, even I'm impressed at how much more amazing the prints look compared to the images as seen on a monitor. Also, as as per usual you can order just one or two prints of your choice, but on their own they're $15 a pop. *It used to be Grimoire but enough people assured me that it wasn't too tacky or egotistical to work my name in to it so I changed it.** **Its possible that reading too much Discworld has cultivated a love for footnotes in me. *** *** To be fair, I can't blame just Discworld. The love started after reading Good Omens. Either way, I thank Pratchett. Damn fine man. Damn fine man indeed.
0 thoughts on “Money… Good 1”
Oh my Goodness! Here is the return of the Counter boy~! I loves me a counter boy~<3
And that is Venisk? Wow man…Does the Walrus crew run with so many awesome awesome people all the time? That is a fine suit you have there.
Yep that’s Billy the Devil behind the counter once again. He must be a fast commuter.
And that is most certainly Vensik. The Walrus crew only associates with the highest caliber of people. Every one else we ignore or throw into our slave pits. Even slaves need to it after all.
I’m always in a fine suit…
Wake up in one, go to bed in another.
With a matching tie? And do you sleep with the caffeinated tubes of evil in your veins?
Will B
Not enough tubes pumping in coffee. What a lightweight. Hope he better financier then a coffee drinker.
Will B
but on the whole YEAH WALRUS IS BACK. Can do a David Bowie and “Dance magic dance.”
Alas, artistic liberties had to be taken and we had to downplay the amount of macciato tubes. Otherwise I would have been coloring flowing coffee goodness well into sometime next month!
I love Pratchett. Hogfather is still my favorite book in the history of books. Also thanks to Pratchett and Discworld, I get horribly offended when I play games where female dwarves can’t have beards.
I’m currently reading through Moving Pictures myself. Still haven’t read Hogfather though. And every time I say that, Mirth grimaces a little and makes a comment akin to “We’re going to fix that.”
Wow, I think I commented on this while I was asleep. That’s kind of amazing.
Anyhow, Moving Pictures is great. The first Discworld book I read was Guards! Guards! Then the next set that I read were all of the books about the Witches: Equal Rites, Wyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad, Lords and Ladies, and Carpe Jugulum. I’m pretty sure I own most of the Discworld books, including the Art of Discworld companion book.
I can’t say that I’ve read all that many yet, but Guards! Guards! is one of the books I hold high in regards to just how wonderfully entertaining it was. Right up there with Warren Ellis’ Crooked Little Vein.
Read them all.
Good Omens is the one book close to my little black heart. Pratchett and Gaiman were destined for great things.
Also, welcome back. The fresh breath of pure insanity makes me dance a saucy dance.
The Eddie
Uhh… sorry to be so late to the party, but are you fine gents still looking for the reader’s mental soundtrack? I don’t think I saw the final thing on that… But anyways, How much are those medium-sized muffins in the display case there?
Yeah you’re a little late to the party, but that doesn’t mean we wouldn’t still be interested in what newcomers bring to the table!
You can see the final decisions and the youtube video playlist reflecting the choices in the newspost back on this update:
Wow… I must say you captured my coffice perfectly. And I think that tie even mimics my favorite tie.
“coffee powered suit wearing, ipad slinging finance cyborg” I think it does, I’m ordering a new name plate for my desk today with that…
I must say you have good taste good sir, though I must ask as well, how much for that delicious looking coffee cake in the display?
And if I ever get rich enough, I totally want you as my financier adviser.
Why do you think you have to be rich? We’re not rich. Well, not as a whole. I’m rich, if you count pop tabs and cigarette butts as currency.
No one believes in my future utopia.
The Devil
delicious looking coffee cake? That one there? *points*
I sell those for the bargain basement price of One Soul.
Doesn’t have to be yours.
I’m not picky and they all spend the same.
Oh wonderful! *tugs out jar of souls* People never read the fine print ya know? *tugs one out and offers it up* I want my coffee cake now! I’ll give you the rest of the jar if you give me whatever you’re letting Creep and Grymm drink.
The Devil
Now, now… don’t be so hasty.
Hang on to what’s left in the jar for the time being. You’ll be needing them later since the first hit is free.
Speaking of which, are you keeping regular hours? I keep dropping by at 2 AM and you’re never there.
You’re neeeeeeeeeeever there.
You’re never, ever, ever there.
Will B
I see someones been listening to Cake. Good song.
Investing is investing whether its $25 dollars or a million… I accept souls as well but the conversion rate is very volatile so i dont normally recommend it.
Hehe, hello my personal barrista from hell… I thought you might turn up after i whipped out my ipad at the coffice and showed you Grymm’s latest masterpiece. Now gdt back to work, the markets only been closed 5 minutes… Time to start working on tomorrow.
The Devil
I do have a habit of popping up whenever someone says my name, don’t I?
No such thing as bad press, right?
I’m quite glad you showed this to me today, too. Not only did it give Grymm and Creep a certain level of validation (not that they needed it, mind you), but it’s also always a plus to receive some fame of my own accord.
I have 3 human souls, two of them woman, one an alchoholic, 2 dog souls, and 5 I.O.U.’s from a small group of japanese businessmen. And I also have $7. What can you do for me?
The Devil
What can I do for you? That is a wonderfully loaded question with boundless possibilities for answers. What do you want?
And here’s a few tips for you (and anyone else that partakes of soul-bartering):
1) Most animal souls are restricted currency. While extraordinarily useful, they are incapable of establishing a difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Whatever they are taught is what they do as they have no concept of context. This makes them rather difficult to actually corrupt and therefore far less fun.
2) Actual currency should never be brought up in negotiations where souls are involved. The exchange rate is too unstable and volatile to support a proper business relationship.
3) Japanese businessmen have no souls, so good luck collecting those I.O.U.s.
The japanese businessmen promised me there firstborn sons. I understand that they briefly retain their souls after birth. And I shall rescind the $7. As for what I want, I was looking for something in the realm of ruler of a small nation. Or at least a small town. In Nevada.
The Devil
Very well. Provide me with the souls of two newborn Japanese businessmen and I shall provide you with Michael Haley, Sheriff of Washoe County, Nevada.
Why exactly would I want the sheriff?
The Devil
That’s what you asked for.
The ruler of a small town in Nevada.
I do realize that your intent was for me to make you the ruler of the small town – but I’m quite frustratingly literal when it suits my purpose.
This is why people say that making a deal with me is a generally not your best option.
I completely disagree. Just be careful what you ask for.
I’ve always fully support your habit of whipping things out. Its always meant good or entertaining things for me over the course of all these years.
That poor waitress…
The Devil
My, my, my…
What hath my over-imaginative espresso concoctions wrought?
Besides general chaos, near fatal heart palpitations, and a blood stream comprised of 49% caffeine, 49% sugar, and a severely over-represented 2% actual blood – that is?
Oh wait… that was my plan all along.
Carry on, Gents. I’ll be over here running a new batch of Concentrated Evil through the blender…
Don’t forget the sobbing tears of blood as far as what your concoctions have wrought.
The Devil
A pleasing side effect, really. Completely unintentional, yet thoroughly enjoyable.
Well… for ME, anyway.
One man’s serendipity is another man’s trip to the emergency room, I suppose.
Mercenary Clown
i used to say the exact same thing….however…your serendipity involves obscene amounts of caffeine and sugar and mine….well…..inventive ways of commiting certain acts
*starts laughing like a lunatic for a good 20 min*
hmm…..either way…..Devil… much for some of that wonderful creation of brown liquid goodness?
I’ll have the festering evil latte, with some blood of those who died from eating too much ground coffee beans, and some devil’s food cake please. Would you prefer cash or souls?
Folks. I’d just like to announce that today presents official overwhelming evidence that we exist as the most awesome of webcomics: We know the Devil. He serves us coffee. He’s in the comic, reads the comic, and comments on the comic.
Show us another webcomic that can make such a claim and we will call them liars and burn their livestock down.
I can not…and I just wanted to say, seeing Billy and Vensik comment on this comic made me smile so much I think I tore a hole in the fabric of time and space at the horror of my glee…
Just saying
We had fun pawing over it in public today.
Well at least you enjoyed it~ I’m fairly sure somewhere someone is trying to make the Walrus illegal to prevent more such events.
VIVA LA WALRUS! *goes off to get my gun collection ready in such an emergency*
Are you sure it wasn’t our combined glee? I’m a little late to the comic today blame it on long-haired geeky men in abundance in Arizona. The Renn Faire finally released its hold on my friends.
*Checks the dozens of lesser webcomics I know/don’t hate/haven’t killed*
… Nope, you’re good. Though as your legal counsel I’m going to ask you to stop threatening the children and livestock of other parties. They’re so litigious. They sue, I eat them, it’s a vicious cycle – bad for my health.
As always your comments tickle my fancy Sir March.
Without an audience – it just wouldn’t be worth it.
Will B
Have tried garlic added to the litigious?? Helps with flavor and adds a bit of antioxidant. And frying in olive oil cuts the fat intake some. Not much as most lawsuits are all fat but some.
Thai sweet chili sauce, actually. They’re largely tasteless, so a bit of zip helps.
The trick is to strip the fat and paralegals first.
We need evidence of our existence? Isn’t that the whole concept of faith? Faith is the evidence of things unseen. Now I’m sure the devil has his own reasons for presenting himself to the masses, just as he serves me coffee daily so that I may continue in my work… however I do not think this audience needed evidence of your existence, they have it on faith that the comic will update and continue. Despite Rook or any other hiccups.
No no no. I was referring to evidence of our AWESOMENESS. But to be fair, my comment suffered from being type when my brain wasn’t fully functioning thus its awkward, clumsy, and not nearly good on that whole getting the point across deal.
Site getting any more traffic the last few days? I called in some minions…
We figured that has your doin’. Yep! Drove things up quite a bit. Especially yesterday. We’ve been taking advantage of it. You’re too kind, sir.
Huzzah! Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Shouldn’t the Devil be peddling smokes somewhere? Just a question.
The Devil
Not so much, really. Cigarettes are already easy to get from almost everywhere no matter how old you are. My influence to peddle them is far from necessary.
Michael Alexander Reaper
Never had much balls to comment, but i must say that is a very nice tie Vensik.
Is the comment section that intimidating? No worries. Its completely understandable.
But we’re always overjoyed to see another person throwing the comment hat in the commented ring!
Especially with such a lovely name and such a very classy icon! Welcome to the melee Micheal~! The Walrus commentators welcome ya~!
Come, be merry. We won’t steal your kidney.
The Voodoo Walrus Production team can neither confirm nor deny the hypothetical actions of our reader base. Be those action kidney related or not. Nor do we condone stealing organs at all.
That said, if a Voodoo Walrus related venture helps you profit in any way, just remember who helped and slipped us a little something-something in our Paypal donation box.
Will B
Welcome Micheal. Don’t worry we’ll be gentle after all it is your first time. Would you care for a cigar? ehehehehe
You’ve just made me think of Monstroso from the Venture Brothers.
Will B
Was trying for more creepy granddad but will work with that.
Mercenary Clown
welcome to the show micheal…allow me to introduce myself…i am the Mercenary Clown, a wonderful person who you should always entrust work with…..just saying
Will B
Merc merc merc stop pedaling your mayhem. You don’t have to. Your work speaks for itself. Btw nice job on the whole middle east situation.
I just wanna say…I think we broke our comment record. *grinning* The return of Walrus brings out all the love~ less of the homicidal help you kill someone love.
More the love love~ with the wonderful chocolate, cinnamon gonache over the Tiramisu soaked in high quality espresso, Kahlua and Rum
But the help-you-kill-someone-love is how I afford sake! I can’t toast a broken record without sake!
*offers some of my own private stock* Like I’d let you celebrate dry March Dear.
I’m officially out of Crown Royal, but I did start a new bottle of Makers Mark.
I’m all set. Which is good, because I’m pretty much tapped out after opening and furnishing my new office last month.
Michael Alexander Reaper
WAIT JUST A DAMN SEC. that guy is dead, i SA his inerdly bits and bodily boots all over the wall.
The grey guy? Nah. This is a different grey guy.
Michael Alexander Reaper
Possible sibling?
Answering that would be considered a spoiler! Don’t worry. We’ll get to it soon enough though!