I’m surprised and dissapointed in you Marron. You left them able to move and talk. How are they supposed to think of all the things they done wrong to you if they can move and talk. Leaving them alive should be a punishment not a reward.
Yeah, but its Phil and Dave. They exude this kind of aura of “Sigh, its not really their fault that their over excitable and a bit stupid at times. They should only get slightly maimed for this.”
If it pulses tis your brain…if the flesh on your scalp pulses you have a growth you should get taken care of. But its okay boys they have all sorts of nice things for that! Go drink a hot cocoa and reflect on why pissing off the red-head is never a good idea.
Indeed fair lady, they must ruminate on their sins whilst their Wernicke’s area pulse and pound like heathen drums. Such is the price of abusing a good tune whilst committing arson. One or the other, I’ll forgive, but not both.
Also, and to no one in particular – I’m hacker free baby!
Congrats on you good news! Onwards now. Truly defiling a fine little ditty should not be allowed. Arson is amusing, when not committed against someone vastly superior to your person, but Musical murder is not.
Amen to you both on that, and congratulations on being hacker free, Marchosias. It just wasn’t the same around here without you and your bag of horrors.
Yes, yes, heathen drums, but what does the throbbing of part of one’s speech comprehension center have to do with sin rumination of sins? Also, calling acts of henching a sin is terribly offensive to the Union of International Henchpeople. They’re people too you know.
I too believe that isn’t his brain showing. He said he felt a breeze, and if I know one thing it is that the brain has no nerves thusly making it impossible to feel. ;insertwittylookingemotehere;
You forget to mention not enough bleeding. Scalp wounds bleed like no tomorrow. But this is a comic and sometimes the villains (or idiots trying to play at being villains) don’t bleed. Not sure what we do then.
C4 is always a fun alternative! Slap it on, stroll away, press button and enjoy the fireworks!
That’s where Mac made her mistake all that time ago. Sure there was shooting, stabbing, and attempted decapitation, but surely fun with explosives would’ve put a dent in Cyradwee’s hide.
Indeed it would sir…. and, alas, I am back from the walking dead. remember children, rent-a-cops are more postal than mailpeople and we have guns…
0 thoughts on “Meanwhile… In Vegas 5: Tenacity, Thy Name is Dave”
This REALLY reminds me of an episode of Family Guy.
Oh come now. We’re so much better than Seth MacFarlane. If anything, Family Guy reminds you of Voodoo Walrus! Besides, we’ve been around longer.
Will B
I’m surprised and dissapointed in you Marron. You left them able to move and talk. How are they supposed to think of all the things they done wrong to you if they can move and talk. Leaving them alive should be a punishment not a reward.
Yeah, but its Phil and Dave. They exude this kind of aura of “Sigh, its not really their fault that their over excitable and a bit stupid at times. They should only get slightly maimed for this.”
Plus, who knows? Perhaps I had some ulterior motive for allowing them to live.
YOU LAID GINGER EGGS IN THEIR BELLIES TO INCUBATE! Wait. No. You have more class than that.
If it pulses tis your brain…if the flesh on your scalp pulses you have a growth you should get taken care of. But its okay boys they have all sorts of nice things for that! Go drink a hot cocoa and reflect on why pissing off the red-head is never a good idea.
Indeed fair lady, they must ruminate on their sins whilst their Wernicke’s area pulse and pound like heathen drums. Such is the price of abusing a good tune whilst committing arson. One or the other, I’ll forgive, but not both.
Also, and to no one in particular – I’m hacker free baby!
Congrats on you good news! Onwards now. Truly defiling a fine little ditty should not be allowed. Arson is amusing, when not committed against someone vastly superior to your person, but Musical murder is not.
Amen to you both on that, and congratulations on being hacker free, Marchosias. It just wasn’t the same around here without you and your bag of horrors.
Yes, yes, heathen drums, but what does the throbbing of part of one’s speech comprehension center have to do with sin rumination of sins? Also, calling acts of henching a sin is terribly offensive to the Union of International Henchpeople. They’re people too you know.
I too believe that isn’t his brain showing. He said he felt a breeze, and if I know one thing it is that the brain has no nerves thusly making it impossible to feel. ;insertwittylookingemotehere;
You forget to mention not enough bleeding. Scalp wounds bleed like no tomorrow. But this is a comic and sometimes the villains (or idiots trying to play at being villains) don’t bleed. Not sure what we do then.
When in doubt: C4. Wise words from the west.
C4 is always a fun alternative! Slap it on, stroll away, press button and enjoy the fireworks!
That’s where Mac made her mistake all that time ago. Sure there was shooting, stabbing, and attempted decapitation, but surely fun with explosives would’ve put a dent in Cyradwee’s hide.
Indeed it would sir…. and, alas, I am back from the walking dead. remember children, rent-a-cops are more postal than mailpeople and we have guns…