Grymm Ramblings
God damn its good to be back. It really disturbed me that we couldn't get proper comics up last week. To make up for it though, here's a preview of the FINISHED cover art for the Voodoo Walrus Year Zero PDF collection.
Grymm Ramblings
God damn its good to be back. It really disturbed me that we couldn't get proper comics up last week. To make up for it though, here's a preview of the FINISHED cover art for the Voodoo Walrus Year Zero PDF collection.
0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 21: Physics Bending Blood Money”
So agreeing with that little blurb at the bottom of the last panel. Ugh, I remember when Adult Swim was actually good! And now? Ugh, I don’t even get half the programs running. Why are they still running? :C
I would DVR the hell out of a Voodoo Walrus series! 😀
Personally I think they need to cancel about half their programming and divert the money towards making the good things, like Venture Brothers, even better and creating new, well crafted, ANIMATED programming.
That reminds me, I hate Seth Green, and this is technically relevant. Robot Chicken sucks >>
Ever heard of the comic magazine Wizard? And its sister publication Toyfare? Toyfare gave birth to Twisted Mego Theatre. A little comic featuring toys of Spider-Man, Thor, Dr. Doom, and other comic characters doing terrible, wonderful things. Like Spidey using Thor’s hammer to commit Jawa genocide. Or fucking with Doom’s Time Platform. It was great.
Then apparently Seth Green latched onto it, turned it into some kind of weird ADD fever dream for people with only the shortest of attention spans and out came the abortion that is Robot Chicken. Its so very sad.
FUCK YOU you fuckers! I HAVE tried to get this comic on the air! But all I can do is public access T.V. and they demand I provide them a pilot episode before they do anything. I don’t have the equipment, can’t afford to buy the equipment, and no one in my town can act to save their lives.
You’re trying too hard then. Simply write to Cartoon Network or Comedy Central and turn them on to Voodoo Walrus. They have entire crews to do the expensive and intricate stuff. But really focus on Cartoon Network since we want to kick Tim and Eric in the wobbly picks and then hang out with Jackson Publick and Doc Hammer.
The problem with cartoon notwork is thaty you guys do FAR too much violence and swearing for it to even be considered. They MIGHT consider it for adult swim, but I doubt it.
The swearing is a bit of a non-issue since it could easily be removed and not change the Walrus at all. The violence would indeed be an issue though as well as some of the raunchier dialogue used. The FCC would have a field day censoring nearly every bit of Shmeerm dialogue.
Exactly. Now, I have an idea, and hear me out on this, some of the other webcomics I read have been experimenting in animation for themselves. I watched some of their efforts. The episodes aren’t GREAT, but they’re decent. If you want, I can contact them and ask how they’re doing it. The downside is that it’s likely to to result in more work for you and Creepknight. But hey, if two guys who make both a daily webcomic AND a bi-weekly webcomic can still find time to make an animated movie about one of their webcomics, I’m sure you two can squeeze in some time.
The reality of it is, unlike the webcomics out there that are regularly producing animated bits or just experimenting, the Walrus doesn’t turn any profit. We’d have to start turning a profit by way of people buying prints, t-shirts, donating to the Paypal, buying the eventual PDF’s before we could even start to consider actually producing any animated by our own hands.
I have a relative who makes T-Shirts. Send me what design you want to print and I’ll contact her and get you estimates.
Will B
Why haven’t I written to Cartoon Network for Walrus?? Oh yes cause even when they do have a great fucking show, with kick ass fucking rock band giving them a soundtrack that makes most pro heavy metal bands sound like junior high garage band (YES I’M TALKING TO YOU METALLICA) they do everything they can to fuck said show in the ass till the fans almost forget that it even exists. Or they shuffle it the fuck around till you have a fevered dreams of it once being there but all you can find is that god damn Tim and Eric cock stuffing a mole or high pitch whining through god awful dialog. Would I trust those dumb shits to whip their own ass, let alone something as profoundly beautiful and soul filling good as VW??
Oh Metalocalypse. I was having high hopes there for a while of it being on the same path of awesome as Venture Brothers . Each season getting better than the last. The production quality vastly improving. Then all of sudden pffffffffffffffft. Its like they shoved it into a basement corner somewhere and shooed everyone away.
Its been said that there will be another season, but not until sometime in 2012 and that it’ll be back to the 11 minute long episodes. That seems like far too long to produce episodes of that length and more a step backwards than anything.
Will B
On a separate note, looking forward to plunking down my money on that wonderful pdf. The cover looks fantastic. Thank you for showing us what you did.
oooo suitcase to the face..that’s gonna leave a mark
Ohdearlord~ Voodoo Walrus as a Cartoon would be the most awesome thing ever. If cartoon network didn’t suck so hard core nowadays. I wouldn’t trust them anywhere near the Walrus! They’d…they’d infect it with whiny children and bad music and horrible actors!
I too though, look forward to that very pretty Walrus PDF and Game~! I hope Creepknight can get up from that suitcase to the face, there are things to be done man~!
Don ‘t forget stilted flash animation that’s incapable of replicating most of the actions and emotions of the characters.
I must say, that is a very nice looking S.P.C logo. I like how it blends together the letters in a simple yet fashionable way. You should make a t-shirt with that on it. Or the one that Grymm is wearing.
Also, how is Grymm on the S.P.C? As far as I remember he doesn’t have any super powers.
Grymm? Grymm’s off getting the paperwork and such for them to make the comic deal with the Mass all official and such.
Oh, yeah, didn’t know what I was thinking. I meant the Masked T-Square.
Do you see these eyes, friends? These are the eyes, the wildly dilated pupils, of one who basks in your work.
As to Cartoon Network…they’ve hurt me to many times. First, the old-school programming, the utter lack of gaping plot holes, life was good! And then nothing. Just hours and hours of nothing, created by fools who knew better. They’ve hurt me friends, and no longer take my calls. To dream of the Animated Walrus…it’s almost too much.
It is not too much my friend. If there is but one fool left who’s willing to capture the president of cartoon nettwork, brainwash him, and dump him on a roadside and watch in amusement as he replaces all of that crappy shit with the GOOD shows that we once knew and loved. And, of course, have him make the Voodoo Walrus cartoon.
Will B
The other option Marchosias, is that you finish the plans for that genetically altered virus that kills all the idiots and stupid fools of the world, and we release it in Adult Swims main Atlanta offices. Let it be the epicenter, which is poetically fitting as the CDC main office is also in Atlanta.
I tried that method – doesn’t work. Sure you’ll kill all the idiots, but the rest of us too. Or sterilize us at the very least. The most effective method I’ve found is to arm your Komodo-Mensch with crossbows and jet-packs. The bit about separating the fools from the population…well…that needs work.
Gah. My eyes have been soiled by seeing the name of that drug induced A.D.H.D. homo erotica. Cartoon Network is beyond redemption.
Voodoo Walrus would more likely be better off going straight to DVD. Hmm. Where did I put that Web-comic-to-animated-series-O-mat?
I know it here! Where is it?! If another mad scientist made off with it or some do gooder destroyed it I’ll make them beg for an end. Unless I never got around to inventing it…….
Will B
I think it got mixed in with my order for cyber parts Dr. Ultross. The good news is I now have minions that can download the best of the web and make them come to life. The bad is every charter is a 7 foot tall genetically altered cybernetically enhanced Komodo Dragon.
Damn. I knew it wasn’t ready yet. Well at least it’s of some use. Oh well I’ll just have to get to work on the Mk II of it then.
Creepknight, Grymm, both of you should know by now I have no shame. I do dream of the VoodooWalrus someday being an animated feature but dread the things that would be done to it once the censors and studio writers got a hold of it. first think they’re likely to strip on their way to the soul of your wonderful creation is the name, then some of the wonderful off colored gags, eventually we’ll be reduced to only 5 speaking characters for the sake of cost.
I want a voodoo walrus radio drama. I’m curious how much mental-eyebleach the unwary will require.
Don’t forget about striping the five characters being striped down to 2d stereo types for more marketability.
A VW Radio drama would be epic. Think of the scaring just Shmeerm could cause to the unsuspecting.
What? You don’t want to see CreepKnight turned into a bumbling big fat guy stereotype, married to a mysteriously white and submissive Bowler who has no curves accept for her tits? With Grymm being their retarded catch phrase spouting, gay (because all artists are gay and wacky!) , neighbor who’s always talking about trying to get laid with zany schemes. While Mirth is a magical transforming girl who wears nothing but ugly Japanese clothes and it obsessed with all things anime and spends most of her screen time crying over being embarrassed over things. And Kaboodles and Napoleon both talk in nothing but fourth wall breaking quips and comments? You don’t want any of those things? Strange. Cause I’m pretty sure that’s how other cartoons and webcomics and making their money.
Ooh. better idea Voodoo Walrus babies! They’re all babies in preschool and Gramma Eyepatch is their caring, supportive nanny. They go on adventures and discover how to hug better, how to deal with peer pressure, and learn important and outdated myths about the good ol’ USA and how it was founded and how it works!
Will B
Though I know you are being sarcastic, you do realize you’ve tempted fate to make such an abomination. And if such abomination does come into existence, I will be forced to take your beloved T-square and shove it sideways up your ass and flay sections of your back with sharpened pencils. All the while screaming “This is your fault, You brought this horror upon us and you shall suffer mightily.”
Oh it would be terrible if such came to pass, but if it meant Voodoo Walrus Productions making money off of it so that we could continue to keeping the site running and afford to branch out to updating the site every day and even being able to start up some of out other serious comic projects? You better believe we’d willingingly sell a little piece of our soul to keep the rest of said soul alive and breathing and capable of doing more.
Friend, Grymm – I have seen what lies in the pits, what feeds upon the bloody and the shamed. I have seen the core of men’s souls, and the shadows they conceal. I have dreamt Cthulhu’s dreams, and sipped coffee with Nyarlathotep. But never, good sir, I have even heard of such a blasphemy as you jest of. I am appalled.
A Nickelodeon produced show ala Dora the Explorer featuring a version of Shmeerm turned into a little girl in a frilly dress teaching you how to play pretend and speaking in broken baby talk. Teaching you about how Christopher Columbus was American’s first superhero and we should all hug our inner trees of hope.
On god. My mind’s eye. It burns. IT BURNS! The only thing that might get that image out of my head involves a shotgun loaded with slugs pressed up to my skull, and that still might not get it out.
Great big glossy, liquid eyes. Pig tails. But with Shmeerm’s jaw and chin. Giggling. Giggling about sharing and respecting your teachers. Now everyone sit down and get ready to recite their ABC’s and 123’s. Today’s Edu-fun-o-tainment is brought to you by way of the letter”FUCK KILL IT WITH FIRE IT WON’T GET OUT OF MY HEAD ALL I SEE IS DEATH AND BLOOD DEATH AND BLOOD WHEN WILL THE VISIONS END GOD.”
…I never thought. I could be so scared. But this? This is…this is…Oh god. *wants to cry* Me and my rat minions shall hide in the shadows for now. Oh dear lord I think I need to take a little trip…You will find Freyja and I sipping Dom Pérignon and consuming dark chocolate and strawberries to settle our poor souls from such…dark souled evil.
I’d vouch for a Voodoo Walrus radio show. Radio shows need to be revived!
… oh, hell with it – sobriety wasn’t meant for this. Bottoms up, ladies and gents.
*bows down before the Grymm and prays this horror passes over her psyche* You have proven that the reason we follow you gentlemen is because even one of you is twisted enough to disturb the mightiest among us and that combined your might is truly terrifying
I understand selling parts of the soul to keep the rest sustained. I think she soul is a lot like a starfish if the unwary keep breaking off pieces they’re going to eventually find there’s too many of that soul to deal with.
Rise and think of long haired shirtless men in kilts and spiffy boots. Every so often I can’t help but flex my HorrorTerror muscles. And since I’m too busy to draw a hermaphroditic, tumor laden pikachu gramma, or a punk rock Jesus masturbating with stigmata wounds, I have to use flex with my words instead.
… got a kilt?
Nope, not yet. But one day. A man can only put up with shorts for so long before wanting something classier out of life.
Drat. I really have to get people with money interested in this comic so far most of my friends are as broke as me.
From Igor : It seem Dr Isaac Yves Vincent Ulltross, Head Mad Scientist and CEO of Ulltrosstech, Has fallen into a coma upon reading the last statement. His modifications to his person guarantee that he will be up and about in a few hours.
Grymm! No Grymm! Abort! abort!
Now worries. I’m done. The HorrorTerror has been flexed. Now I’m back to drawing a comic with Bowler looking particularly good.
My Lords and Masters have already warned me of the horror of corporate cartoons:
Now I want a plush Balsac.
So do I.
That’s it – I’m giving up evil. I am not worthy. Plush Gwar? That is the ultimate evil. I am no longer worthy of the title ‘evil’. I will be…good. Now, how does that ‘charity’ thing work? Was it giving things to hobos? I think that’s right. I’m just gonna go…give things to hobos. Because I’m being…good now.
You could always give to me. I’m not “good” but the hobo population explodes if you give them anything.
I am decidedly neutral that way I can go with whatever my whims demand.
Will B
How do you keep money away from the hippy??
Put it under the soap!
Buy a Walrus comic print! It keeps $15 away from a hippy and helps us pay site costs!
Oh Grymm…
For reference:
So when is the first Walrus animated short going to air? You are going to need a pilot anyways.
Sometime after we’re not only steadily making enough money by way of merch sales and donations to take care of all the monthly expenses of running the site and funding our materials, but making enough to actually start to expand what we can offer content wise.
Scythe Massakür
Lol, I’ve written my letter. Amazing comic, bro. I approve greatly.
Huzzah! Kudos, and our thanks to you! You keeping reading, we’ll keep makin’ awesome comics!
Yeah, CN’s busy making shows like Gumball, or as I call it, “If you thought Flapjack was retarded…”!
Okay, No one has done this yet, so here goes:
That is all.
You totally get points for reading the alt-text!
YAY!!!!! Grymm replied to one of my comments!!! My life is complete now.
And I always read the alt-text. ALWAYS…
I want animated Voodoo Walrus, but I’d be afraid that they’d corrupt the stories and miscast the voices.
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