Grymm Ramblings
Its a brand new goddamn year folks. We're starting it off right. Early morning (actually, this is probably more likely taking place at about 2pm.) shenanigans, fetish wear, ballgags, and a brand new Voodoo Walrus vlog/podcast/thingog.
Its been a while since the last vlog I know. Unfortunately, no one chimed in with questions or comments or ideas they'd like to see us address in the vlog. Also, we've been terribly busy. So yeah, if you're interested, let us know what you'd like to see us address in the vlog. Be it production methods of the comic. Our opinions on whatever topic you'd like to hear us chime in on, or just miscellaneous questions you have regarding all things Walrus related.
0 thoughts on “Another One of those Mornings 1”
Hmm… questions… opinions… it’s all way too much pressure.
Since we’ve already disproven movement and therefore matter itself cannot exist because atoms cannot exist in the state we understand them without the movement of electrons around the atom, and obviously this consciousness as we perceive it now must be the creation of either our combined awareness’s creating a sort of playground to exist in or we could all be the figment of the imagination of a larger single consciousness (god?) why can’t ostriches achieve flight?
And please respond to graph A.
I love you a little right now.
Don’t encourage him. He’ll just crawl through your window and stroke your face lovingly until you start screaming.
I reserve that for you babycakes. I love sitting outside your window and watching you wake up and wonder where your pants are.
Your face is a graph A!
Ostriches can’t achieve flight because of the Avian Rule of Deliciousness. The more delicious a bird is, the less likely to achieve flight it becomes. Case in point: chickens and turkeys. Ducks can fly, but they are also less delicious than chickens and turkeys. Ostriches are delicious and therefore cannot fly.
Chickens will always hold dominion above turkeys in deliciousness. This is scientific fact.
Of course. Chickens are smaller than turkeys, so all of the deliciousness is more compact, making for a more robust flavor.
Ducks cant fly, if you cut their wings off, which is the only reason chickens and turkeys cant fly, as their wings are clipped so as not to support them in flight, wild chickens and turkeys can fly… (although not nearly as long as ducks) and I Love duck, its super delicious…lol… ostrich on the other hand, I found tasty but a bit to gamy tasting…considering I like gamy meat, thats a pretty gamy bird then
what would the say about the penguin?
if they are truthfully considered a bird
Hey everyone. Just poking my head in the door to let everyone know that the Great Voodoo Walrus archive Remastery Reupload is complete. Each of the first 72 pages have had their remastered versions uploaded along with a number of strips from HoboGeddon! Go back and re-experience old Walrus pages in completely new ways! See Mirth’s intro the way it should have looked!
which pages exactly? the first two pages aren’t i see.
Mirth’s intro and the two floating the void of space strips were all redone.
No offense to your comics awesome greatness, but I much prefer this particular comic: with the original text where Creepknight screams:
Oh sweet merciful gods
… when will you stop taking amusement at my expense and just piss yourselves eternal?!!!
That was fucking hilarious.
No need to preface such things with “no offense”. We welcome critique. Its the only way to know what readers are an aren’t enjoying.
Hey, penguins taste nasty and cannot fly! I’ve run rings ’round your logic!
you do realize that what tastes good is a matter of taste(shudders for making the bad pun withouth wanting to) so my hair is a bird: your argument is invalid
The exception to the rule my friend! Also, I bet if you could breed a penguin to be less blubbery and oily, it would most likely taste better.
just get a starving penguin, one of the males be4 they make it back to the ocean to eat… or a baby penguin be4 the mom gets there…im sure it would be an improvement.
Hm… gotta make sure to grab a couple of eggs too. One for omelette purposes. The other to use to soak the meat in a nice milk and egg combo for proper breading and frying. Nothing like soaking an animal in its own kind’s abortion for maximum taste value!
I think marinading for a good 12 – 16 hrs and BBQ’n would work real nice, myself. make a mix of roughly 5:1 or 2 ratio of soy sauce, a good DARK rum (Meyer’s works very well in this case) honey to taste (1/4 cup depending on quantity) and spice to preference. should settle down that gamyness some.
but then again, I’ve never bbq’d penguin, so idk
Don’t forget to then eat it in front of the mother.
Mercenary Clown
mercenary clown has some interesting logic….
the more ammo you supply me with, the more kills i get…nuff said…
also, khavren, have you tasted penguin?
Mercenary Clown
as a side note…yay for scott pilgrim reference
Uh…. huh…. Not sure where the talk of ammo and kills comes into play but okay…
A friend of mine got into Atkins and found a very adventursome butcher. I joined him for a few of his meals. Racoon was pretty good.
I would like to have an in depth explanation of “sex bob-omb” and if this is a technique likely to get me banished to the garage.
There’s really no in depth explanation to be had. Just pop culture used to scare the bejesus out of people.
Damn…I lack exposure to current pop culture I’ve been too busy crafting and being broke to go to the movies and I only watch movies socially.
check out a movie called Scott pilgrim vs the world…or the comic:/ it will explain everything…sort of…or kill you…im not sure which…
I know watching the movie just about killed me with awesome. Then again I did put it on repeat play over the course of several days while working on deadline art.
hahahahahaha, yeah, its definitely full of win.
I just want to say…Bowler you put me to shame with that outfit, kudos on you, I wish I looked that good~
Me too…
Aw, don’t worry. You look good in your own way sugar-tits.
Sugar tits?! That’s amazing! I never knew there were tits that could affect a whole other sense!! I must see these.
Just look in the mirror Vensik! And be amazed!
Mercenary Clown
i felt random with the ammo to kill ration….idk…im exhausted….
*runs to corner* the voices wont leave me alone!!!!!!
*thinks to self*
i could just kill the voices….
Now I really fancy some warm mead… I’ve finaly managed to draw the strength to crawl to my keyboard and check up on whats been happening here the past few weeks. I’ve been mostly comprised of plague and pain for the past few weeks.
This strip reminds me of a similar bet made a long time ago involving Mortal Kombat and free guitar lessons…
Also Happy New Year! May it bring you many great fortunes and all the usual other great stuff!