Musings of a CreepKnight
I hate moving, especially when it involves me doing physical labor for no reward (as in no pizza and no beer). I'm tired, sore, cranky, and I smell like a foot. But other than that I'm fantastic. Seriously, it's been very busy down here in the Dungeon. Aside from Voodoo Walrus (so many comics done, but so many more to go!) I'm also working on a number of other projects that I will talk about in more detail when the time is right (translation: when they have taken on a form more cohesive than a little purple blob).
Has anyone out there played Snake Oil? It has replaced Cards Against Humanity as my favorite party game. Total riot fest, even Grymm enjoys it. I keep thinking about checking out Lantern since I haven't heard anything but good things about it. Have any of you played it?
I want a beer and a hot tub, possibly a foot rub. Right now I think I'd settle for a drop in humidity.
Stay awesome!
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 37: Sexy Cannibal Is Not A Reassuring Pet Name”
Hey I can not blame those two… and Grymm… for finding Lord Creepknight sexier. I mean if I was into men.. mmm… He has that jawline, those piercing eyes… and you can feel safe as you bury your face in his chest because you know if slenderman pops up in the middle of the night Creepknight keeps a selection of sharp things just to deal with the bad things… and those that bug him before coffee. Mmmmm.
Umm…thank you. *flashes a flashy grin and a thumbs up*
No….. thank you…..
It really is terribly heartening to see this project moving again. I’ve seen to many good ones fall from the cliffs named “Hiatus”, never to be seen again.
Damn fine to see you gentlemen at work again. Now, let’s get cracking with these fine young cannibals, and their taste in men.