Grymm Ramblings
Greetings to all you future people. Greetings... from the past! I'm communicating to you from the last dregs of 2011 to welcome you to an all new year of Voodoo Walrus. We've got some interesting plans this year and you're seeing one in action right here. That's right, we're finally going to start digging down into the history. These flashbacks are only going to be brief interludes though. Popping up every so often for specific purposes. And we want your input on something in regards to them.
Now, our initial idea was what you see above, to add a filter to the flashback pages to make them instantly stand out. But as you can see below, the unfiltered, au naturale comic is quite gorgeous as well.
So what would you rather see? Flashbacks with the sepia tone filter, or colored normally? Comment below and let us know! Influence a part of the Walrus!
0 thoughts on “Flashback 1!: The Exile 1”
Will B
I think the sepia tone filter gives a bigger sense of drama. But it does make it a bit harder to read. The other selfish reason I might vote for color is so that I have an idea what color rubber to order when I find outfits to add to the V.W. collection. So do we want drama, or latex??? Hmmm will have to get back to you on that.
Is it weird that I imagined them all speaking with an Irish accent?
ANd why the HELL do they only have New Coke!? That stuff was the worst tragedy to ever happen anywhere in the world anywhere!!!
Will B
Nahh the second worst. The first worst was/is Diet Mountain Dew. That stuff should be against the Geneva Convention.
Have to agree with you whole heartedly. Also, they need to make it less easily confused for less toxic mountain dew.
You’re wrong. Know how they make mountain dew knockoffs? Imagine those knockoffs in diet.
Will B
That just tooo vile to imagine.
And THAT was the only drink available at my friend’s house while i was fixing his computer.
Eh could have been worse Lord Creepknight. You could have had a father that never stopped forcing diabetes… I mean baked goods on you and had to lift a safe bigger then you to be considered a man.
I have to say that after considering it the filter does make it clear it’s a flashback…If there hadn’t have been a filter I might have thought they were about to ship us CK’s little brother as a punishment of some sort.
Will B
That raises sooo many questions when put like that. Like how fucked up does one have to be to have both his sons despise him more then dirty diapers? And if he did have two sons with that level of disgust and hatred for the man, how is it that they not killed him yet?
Will B
Keep laughing like that Grymm and you become a zombie character in book I working on. (Slowly oooo so slowly the writing goes.)
You know, I think I need new friends when maniacal laughter only causes me to be MORE curious.
and is it just me… or do Crack and Mumbles look like porn stars…which just makes it creepier… GAH THE MENTAL IMAGES! THEY BURN!!!
Take it one step further. All evidence points towards Crack and Mumbles being Herr CreepKnight’s closest, most dependable men. And it kinda seems like they might be the one’s who will be acting as Lil’ Villemous’ guardians in the States. And they look like porn stars.
What does that say about Herr CreepKnight?