Eggrolls 1

Musings of a CreepKnight

I love Hunter S. Thompson. But more importantly than that, I'm pretty goddamn sure that I've had this conversation with Grymm before. I don't know when. I don't know where. I've never even seen the goddamn desert. But I know that I've had this conversation before. It's fucking eerie. Best not to question it. I hate you all.

Grymm Ramblings

This is one of my favorite strips yet. Hands down. All six of them. IMPORTANT NOTE:If you see something in today's strip that looks like a mistake in the art, writing, editing etc... You're wrong. Every thing in today's strip is just as it should be. All errors were corrected before posting. Yes. Even that error. Now the skip-weasels tell me that my eyes are rebelling. That's code for "Go the goddamn-hell to bed Grymm before terrible things occur." So I'm going to bed. Enjoy the new, shiny goodness folks. Also... you should totally buy one of our bitchin' t-shirts and prove that you love us.

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