Wrath of Con 2: Damn Moral Quandries

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0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 2: Damn Moral Quandries

  1. Since the floaty text dealy reminds me of a different VW comic…

    CreepKnight: Did you really just go inside of my computer?

    Vensik: Yes. And you should be ashamed.

    1. Ability to remember to reply to a comment 2 strips ago: priceless

  2. They’re called extras for a reason T-Squared.

    1. Quick! Find a redshirt!

      1. Can’t get anymore redshirts. The blood is hidden but the blaster burns are showing again. That seems to scare potential “recruits”.

        1. More bleach, dammit! We were contracted to train expendable flunkies, and we will!

        2. I don’t see why they don’t switch redshirts to black. No stain shows on red. Except the white powder you mix into drinks to keep them complacent but really. Command should be in red, because they’re supposed to stay behind. Maybe if they painted a red target on them they’d be more inclined to stay on board the ship and you could train more monkeys…I mean flunkies…I mean security personnel.

  3. Me thinks its time for Grimm to get a high power follicular suppressant in his conditioner. The symbiotes living in his scalp might be helpful and wishing us to defeat the evils of dander and intergalactic space monsters but really?

    T-Squared’s t-square is highly important! He needs it to do stuff, heroy stuff.

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