Grymm Ramblings
Hey everybody. Check this out. We're still alive. We just refuse to die no matter what. I really want to say that you can expect a new page again next Friday, but if I do that, it's akin to promising that something will happen to keep a new page from happening. I can tell you that I'm about to sit down and start the linework refinement on the next page though. So it is progress. Also the next page will be wrapping up this particular bit of the Kill Your Heroes arc. From there we'll be popping over to see what's going on with Bowler and the rest of the rescue team as it were. So make your sacrifices, chant your dread mantras, shed your pantslike coverings, or whatever other rituals you find best result in hurrying the pace of Walrus page production, because there's so very much more messed up fun in store.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 27: Questionable Priorities”
Staying awake WAY past my bedtime for no good reason was worth this! Haza haza! There is an update and for that I will sing for you in the words of my people!
Shake your bon bon, shake shake, shake your bon bon, shake shake, shake your bon bon, shake shake, SHAKE YOUR BON BON!
This has been brought to you by my proud people who are surely not rolling in their graves fast enough to power a generator based on unlife.
On the side note she lied, the vertically challenged fellow doesn’t die. Instead he eats the chair thus gaining it’s hidden power to bestow on someone crazy enough to eat a chair covered in blades the ability to turn into BXUZE the dragon of swords. True story. I swear, I read it in the book I dreamed I read.
Was that Dresden Codak reference I spotted in that comment? if so, well done.
I’ll still be back every Friday to check!
And we will still continue to love you for that level of dedication.
Time delay explosions are awesome.
Even the cell phone was so stunned by the general abuse of physics and causality it had to take a moment to let the effect occur.
*huddles in corner with boxed set of books, desperately believing that the show does not, despite all efforts, exist.*
To be fair, I don’t think the Chair Fight 2020 book series was ever meant to even be a published series much less adapted for television. Especially considering the last book was nothing but 967 pages of cake recipes, pictures of dormant volcanoes, disconcerting “letters to ‘Satna’ (sic), and that manifesto on the evils of spongecake with every instance of the letter ‘M’ removed from the text.
I bought an Elder Tophat shirt I shall proudly wear this mark in public until it becomes threadbare and must be sacrificed to the gods of “Weird shit my kinky friends do”
Wear it well, wear it proud, and may it grant upon you eldritch visions of dapperness.
i wonder if the elder gods would accept an IOU on soul payments, i seem to be fresh out sacrifical souls…
does anyone have the current interest rates?
It’s really variable in the current world economy. Also all dependent on the quality of soul too. Best to scan around on ebay and craigslist and see what the current going rates are.
I’ve been waiting for this question. For so very long.
The average human soul is approximately worth a Snickers bar. The virgin soul market bubble blew back in the ’90s, so they’re a novelty currency at best. To get your average, unspeakably ancient, reality – rending god interested, you’ll need something… shiny. Like magpies, eldritch gods like shiny things, so find a soul that stands out. A charity worker’s, or a brutal militia leader’s. Either end of the moral spectrum works. The trick is to find those souls that reek of power and charisma – and rip those bastards out on a profane altar.
And all eldritch deals are essentially IOUs in the first place. You’re just hoping to die before they call it in.
Has someone been reading my tweets about Tumblr? XD