Grymm Ramblings
While the guys are busy having a crisis, we're going to look in on Bowler for a wee bit, who seems to be suffering from the lack of promptly retrieved groceries. You remember Wallace don't you? You don't? That's okay. He's not important anyway. How about Rip? Remember Rip? Good. Cause he might just end up being a wee bit important. Look at that shit. Rook sleeping on the couch. He knows he shouldn't be there. His ass should be up in the attic. "But its cold and damp and drafty and I can't light my smokes right up there!". Our big bad monster hunting hero everyone. I say a lot, but strap in folks. A lot of exciting stuff coming down the line. As of this past week we have an idea of where we're heading in terms of the next four major story arcs with a few nice surprises strewn through out. Your first extra special surprise is hitting next week! But more on that later this Friday. For now enjoy the Bowlerness. I am currently shredding the dry skin off my thumb with my teeth. It was very important for you to know this. Also, for the record, Friday's comic is done. The entirety of next week is taken care of, and the following Tuesday's page is currently somewhere between the conceptualization and linework refinement stages depending on what I do after typing this. I think both comics for this week feature some of the most beautiful art I've committed to the Walrus yet. Which is nice considering that last week's art was kinda rushed because I was entirely too goddamn stressed out. To be fair, I'm still stressed out. But I'm dealing with it.
0 thoughts on “Hungerous Intents 1”
She should just do the sex bob-omb with him again and get it over with.
I agree with mr. ticky here. Ya gotta show me yer sex bum sweet cheeks. let’s make a love connection. im free now you know. totally cut myself loose from that marron chick. she was smotherin me.
Upcoming Walrus makes me excited. The vibrating-eyes, shivering madness kind of excited. Feel proud, Grymm – feel real proud.
Ah, so it’s Rook that’s been sleeping on my couch. I wondered why the armrest was gone, and my servant-ghouls chatted irritably about ‘the scary, burning one’. Now I know.
Also – Rook, stop sleeping at my place and eating my furniture. Stoppit.
You buy me some smokes, help m figure out how to put my van’s engine back together and loan me a grand and ill get outta yer hair.
til them i’m stayin. now cook me some eggs. over easy. also i clogged the toilet again. dont worry though. its not from shavin my back this time
The Grand Marquis of the Wailing Dark cooks eggs for no one. Except myself. And girls who sleep over. And pagans who use my guest room while hiding from the Baptists. But not you.
right right i no the drill then. lemme put on the wig and the maid outfit and then you can serve me m eggsin the tv room. gonna watch me some antiques road show while i wait. oh yeah. were gonna need bacon too. used it all up on that possessed tv upstairs.
PS the upstairs tv is broken now.
I’m moving to my winter residence. Have this one – do with it what you will.
nooooooooooo dont go! ya burn my eggs. ya need to redo em. right this time.
i love you
That’s it. I’m revoking your comment posting privileges for the rest of the day. Rookie-boy.
Grymm – Hail the Walrus.
If he’s already chewing the furniture that means he’s marked the territory out as his own. CK and I are going to need your mailing address so we can send Rook’s so called “Trunk o’ friggin awesome shit” to him. Its taking up way too much space in the castle.
hey! stop talkin bout me like im not here! and you better not have messed with my stuff natch!
Gods dammit… I’m mailing Rook back to you in a box. Whether said box has air-holes or not is up to him…
And where the Hell is my fridge? He’s like a raccoon – an appliance stealing, chair-molesting raccoon.
Knowing Rook, he probably dismantled your fridge in order to make use of its various parts to make some kind of horrible weapon. That or he sold it on the Craislist.
Dammit, making weapons out of supposedly safe objects is my thing! People still have nightmares about my cuisinart-yo-yo contraption.
that was a weapon? no wonder it did such a crappy job blendin my beer n bacon smoothy this mornin. fuggit it was still good enough
Do you have to? I was really enjoying drop in asshole levels around here.
For you lovely, he gets locked in the cellar.
Will B
*hands Marchosias a bar of soap* This should help get rid of him. Threaten him with a shower. If that don’t work I suggest a marine .50 cal sniper rifle with large explosive rounds.
Tried it. He ate the Barret, stock to barrel. And soap just annoys him. Then again, I just keep squirting it in his eyes.
Will B
Marchosias your doing it wrong. Bleach to the eyes. Not soap. Soap goes in the mouth.
” i see you driving round town with the girl i love and im like.. fuck you and fuck her tooooo”
check it its badass
also bowler dear you are amazing
and rook… get back in the fuckin attic where you belong
Awww.. so finger bats are spawned of apple cores?
Does rook have hair in that panel or is a caterpillar dry-humping his head? I only ask because either is a possibility in this universe.
Aw cmon! dont dis the ‘hawk babe! ive been gorwin out all special for months now!
If its not a monster-pillar he picked up along his travels, its definitely either someone’s missing 70’s porn-stache or a swath of back hair off a pan handler.
I think I already told you how I feel about this comic. So I’ll just leave this pile of awesome here and be on my way.
hey! dont think you can compliment me to get back on my good side! we’re done toots! finished! finito!
I just woke up to eleventy billion new comment notifications in my email. All from you Rook. Do you really have nothing better to do? Also, she was complimenting the comic. Not you. Take off those goddamn glasses and might be able to read better.