Grymm Ramblings
I'm willing to bet that many of you would love to have Billy the Devil all bound up for you. For whatever various reasons you might have. I'm hoping that this may be the last of the single panel strips for the month. The next week or two will most likely be the half page comics like Tuesday's just so we have a little bit of extra wiggle room as we finish up with Creepy Hollow and take the chance to rest up a bit. Seeing as how the last weekend of the month will involved us being out and about Thursday through Monday, don't expect to hear anything from up next week outside of some Twittering or Facebook as we'll be using our time wisely before Thursday and we'll be dog tired any time we're not on site.
0 thoughts on “How to Make A Comic 2: Sympathy for the What Now?”
Will B
Silly Billy, your attempt to confuse the rite with truth shows your true weakness. Stop being a bitch and take it like a demon.
On a separate but almost as interesting note I have returned and body clock has gotten closer to this time zone. March my amigo I was unable to secure the test subject. I’m afraid that security around Prince Charles was more then anticipated. Will have to revisit the plan.
Good to see you.
The Prince slipped the net again, eh? Ah, if only I could get my hands him, I could prove once and for all that he is the first of an invading race of weasel-men. Shaby little fiend… Ah well, in the the end I would only have neural-stripped him, and leased his headspace to the highest bidder. Ce la vie.
What ARE you talking about? We all know he is a werewolf! Ever since Queen Victoria got bitten by one…
So…I suppose crawling around Buckingham Palace disguised as a shrubbery was for nought, then? Okay. Quick question – when’s the full moon, and who would like to get me out of England. Anybody? Dammit…
Gentlemen of the Walrus,
When I first started commenting here, it was to answer a delightful query on the details of human sacrifice. To clarify as to the current Billy sacrifice: You’re doing it right. Please continue. All hail the Walrus.
You know… I always figured the walrus was part insomnitic raving caused by excessive caffine intake… as in a tanker truck filled with the brown necter parked outside their place with a hose leading to their coffee making with a large fat man with rosey cheeks asleep at the wheel waiting for them to run out so they can swap out tanker trucks. The little hula girl at the dashboard missing a face as he melted it off with his dashboard lighter for looking too much like his ex wife who left him for a mime… a mime he later tracked down and drowned in a tanker truck full of coffee… btw. That is what they make non dairy creamer from. Mimes. True story. I have spoken.
Will B
That first tanker truck is good for the morning what about the after 9 am?? Think it gonna need to be a bigger truck. And it mime tears. Not mimes. Mimes are used to make shoe picks.
I’m proud to say that those tankers, and that irate trucker, are owned and operated by Marchosias Heavy Industries, a non-profit shell company. I’m slightly less proud to say that the Legion of Mimes is after me now. It’s hilarious until they do their ‘invisible javelin’ routine.
Billy looks like he’s been tied up and left in the basement for a day pre-ritual. He’s scruffier looking than normal.
That said, when dealing with the devil it’s always a good leveraging point when you have him at knife point and he can’t escape.