Grymm Ramblings
Nothing like caffeine and alternative fashion sense to shock the system back to life. Here we, let's do this! Let's get back on track with the standard size Walruses again! There's stories to tell, things to see, violence to be wrought, and sinister plans to unveil! To celebrate the return to the usual style, twice the usual work was put into this comic than what usually goes into the full size pieces. You have no idea how much time it takes to properly shade and highlight tight latex clothing. "But Grymm!" you inquire, choking on your bean dip and maple syrup infused pancake sammiches. "If it takes so much time, why do it at all?" To which I respond... "Guards! Grab that one and toss them out the airlock! Everyone else... Enjoy the pretty, pretty comic." Some people just don't get it. But you all. You get it. And we love you for that. Now embrace and squishy, moist love and rejoice! While you do that, CK and I will be down in the Planning Dungeon outlining the brand new season of "Ask CreepKnight a Fucking Question". Join us again on Friday when we finally see the return of someone you've all been missing recently!
0 thoughts on “That Ol’ Walrus Voodoo 1: For Medicinal Purposes”
So if you have the power, you have the remote? And some shit about Grayskull……
What remote? We don’t allow televisions in the work areas. Takes away valuable space better used for computer equipment!
Sorry, typed that without thinking. In my family, TV keeps us on friendly terms nd whoever has the remote, has the ‘power’.
You guys are awesome! Standard comics resuming with a latex clad Mirth is awesome. Fanservice!
Then again… I’m easy to fan service.
i like that nurse outfit. smexy
I COMPLETELY agree with you there.
I just realized that CK just put out a lit cigarette on Grimm’s head and yet has another cigarette in his mouth. Does he usually smoke two of them at a time or did he just put the second one in there because he knew what he was going to do to the first one?
He’s in work mode. Now, some may call what he’s doing “chain smoking”. Other might call it understandable. We just prefer to think that he’s well prepared.
Was it really necessary for CK to put a lit cigarette to your head?
And give me some of that medicinal cola, delivered by Mirth in that nurse outfit!
That is all.
Not only is this comic beautiful. But as a lady, I wish I could wear that nurse outfit. Hot damn.
Well… As a man I don’t want to wear it, but I would like to see a hot chick wearing it.
And yes… The comic is beautiful. the extra work really shows
And here’s me regretting shutting down my surveillance department…
Too baaaad. You missed seeing my in my delightful Halloween ensemble. There was much blood covered cleavage to be had fitted into a floor length gown. The blood was the hardest part, you can only get so many hobos in this town…then I had to move onto the annoying joggers in their neon colored and totally useless jogging suits.
Will B
Don’t worry March my compadria, I had three different angles and four different cameras set up. High def. Will have the usual courier deliver. Give him the best tip you can. (Preferable poison ended.)
You mean the courier my dearest Freyja is currently making a snack of? Terribly sorry about that, I do know how hard it is to find someone willing to carry sensitive things.
Will B
No hard feelings. Can’t blame a boy for trying. Figured such a pretty sight should be shared.
None at all….though there might be a ratty ninja break down or two in your lab.
Noticed that you modified your ramblings since 2 A.M., are you finally bringing Rook! back?
Yep. That’s what happens when I’ve had a chance to clear my head for a couple of hours and actually THINK about something to say.
Also, you earn definite points for remembering to include the ! at the end of Rook!
Wait. Rook! You’re bring Rook back? You modified that indeed. This should prove amusing, to wait and see what antics Rook shall attempt this time. Especially with so many lovely ladies running around in Latex gear.
All I said was that points were rewarded for remembering the exclamation mark. There’s a number of characters that we haven’t brought back in far longer a time than the short window that Rook’s been MIA!
I shall use my points to buy a plushie that devours the hope and goodwill of all sentient beings.
Will B
*picking up jaw* Wow. Welcome back gentleman. And the colors were worth the work. We say thank you. Now to get that pattern. Pet is gonna wear a new outfit. Hmmmmm.
Y’know, after reading this comic again… I feel sorry for CK. Now that Grymm can laser-draw with telekinesis, his workload will be WAY heavier.