Grymm Ramblings
Fucking Hell guys. Check this out. We get to see more of the Masked T-Square! And it looks like he's got some interesting friends. Okay got some stuff to cover. First and foremost, the Walrus is worming its ivory tusks of joy into more and more hearts. How do we know this? Same way we discover everything else. Black magic and smug, smug crows. (Also occasionally Bowler,Mirth, and Rook all report interesting things back to us since they go out in public way, way, way, more than we do. ((That's right folks. Our people stalked amongst you. Unnoticed. Telling us all your secrets. Put that ham sammich down Jimmy, it ain't kosher, what would your Rabbi say?))) But yeah, we were polishing one of our many scrying cauldrons when the Fronkobo stumbles into the Cauldron cellar with one of our crows in tow and ethis crow it tells us, in it special little crow language that we've taught ourselves to understand, that someone we don't know has mentioned Voodoo Walrus to a bunch more people we don't know. Later that day, internet sorcery back up the crow's shrill claims. Apparently someone on a panel at a convention known as Arisia mentioned Voodoo Walrus in a discussion concerning "The Best Webcomics You're Not Reading". And goddamn was it nifty to run across such a thing. Also, this is what I've been rewatching for the past half hour or so and giggling like a madman. That's what happens when Jhonen Vasquez and Jimmy Urine get together and create things. Its can instantly make me happy. Jhonen's original animatic for the video is also worth watching. Though I can't help but see the dark figures as the horrible, reality altering Shadow Men from "John Dies at the End" instead of simply dark ninja-y guys. Wow... I had a lot to say... I'm gonna go away now and draw stuff and listen to music. Be back here Friday for a special treat! Possibly. It time permits.Musings of a CreepKnight
Just thought I'd pop in, say hello, and remind you people that I'm not dead yet.
Also, gonna plug a buddy's comic project, more to see if he reads it than anything. So Eric, you magnificent bastard, this one's for you (You can make that check payable to "Cash.").
Seriously folks, I don't normally read sprite comics, especially one panel, but this guys funny as hell. You can go check out some of his other stuff at
Also, this Friday, I will be starting a new video segment called "CreepKnight Answers Your Fucking Questions." If you want to ask me a question, any question at all, please email it to me at (please include "creepknight answers" in the subject heading). If you get it in by Thursday morning, it might just make the video (and by "might" I mean "will" and I will literally answer anything) wherein I will answer it, mock it, or write a song about it. Do not post the question in the comment thread; send it secretly via email and save it for the video. GO YE FORTH AND TRY TO ACHIEVE MINOR INTERNET GLORY POINTS!!! DON'T BE A LAZY MISKATONIC GRAD STUDENT DOOMED TO DIE AT THE HANDS OF NYARLATHOTEP!!!
0 thoughts on “Red Tape and Capes 2”
Sunshine The Destroyer
Oh my god! I never knew my old babysitter Mrs. Wither was a super hero!!! This totally explains that leather costume I found hiding in her hall closet. And I just thought that tic-tic-tic was her pacemaker.
Nope that was just the sound of pure, well timed clockwork! Ticking away… for JUSTICE.
Mister Appleman! Is he drinking an apple martini? Please tell me he’s drinking an apple martini.
He’s drinking an apple martini. He is a cannibal.
Mercenary Clown
cannibalism ftw!
and who says super heroes cant have bad habits/traits
Dear God, Marron is smart, AND Beautiful? awesome!
Huh. I thought we had our legal reps send a memo out about thsi forever ago. Lemme see if I can dig it up.
Here we go!
“To Everyone in Existence:
Villemous CreepKnight and Grymm Grymmowski befriend only the most clever, beautiful, and healthily geeky women and will thrust sharp pointy bits into anyone who tries to alter that fact, or anyone you wrongs said friends. They also tend to know some very hot men. And the same conditions apply.
Grymm has a closet of X-Acto knives for just this occasion.
You wouldn’t believe how many different X-Acto knife blades he has at his disposal.”
-The Law Offices of Abaddon, Belial, and Scratch
This is what happens when you have barons of the infernal plains as your legal counsel. Everything boils down to threats of violence and sharp things. I mean sure, I have a closet full of X-Acto knives like the memo indicates, and CK has that whole room in the castle devoted to his collection of knives and big game hunting rifles, but it doesn’t always have to be about violence…
WTF natch! You guys are holdin out on me!
Mercenary Clown
i could use some of those said X-Acto blades….
good thing im not into wronging women…everything I do with them is as right as it gets ^_^ I am one huge cuddle slut.
…There is mention of hot men. *taps finger on chin* Just how attractive are we speaking here boys?
Sunshine The Destroyer
It may not always be about violence but the threat of such actions sure is effective. I know that when I showed the long list of possible threats you folks where kind enough to provide to my room mate he certainly found it motivating enough. Now he stares at the floor when he talks to me. Oh and last I checked there where about 87 kinds of X-Acto blades, though if he has a closet full i must be woefully under counting.
I’m a junior partner at ‘AB and S’
I’m in charge of snacks – we call it Human Resources.
The rRabbi would ask Jimmy if he would be willing to go halves……..
That ain’t kosher at all!
But it’s SPACE ham! No pigs (from earth) were involved in its making! And why do jews have a problem with pork? I never did get that.
If I remember correctly, its a couple of reasons. Though don’t hold me to either. I have a great, great respect for the people and the religion itself but my knowledge is limited.
The main thing I’ve always heard was that swine is considered unclean. By what standards, I’m not sure. The other thing I’ve heard is something having to do with the eating habits of pigs coupled with the split of their hoofs being representative of something.
If anyone knows better or for sure, chime in.
pigs, especially in the old days, where rife with parasites, its only very recent in history (literally last 10-20 years) that pigs have been made safe to eat in any form less than over cooked, now, at least in the U.S. just about all pig is safe to even eat rare… so it started out as practical, people who ate pig that wasnt cooked well done, died horrible deaths, eventually not eating pig became the norm, then eventually it became tradition… also, most parts of the pig are really bad for human consumption anyway. (although tasty)
It has to do with the cloven hoof being that of the devil, and the fact they will eat and eat and eat, without any shame of their gluttony, and yes~ the parasites lended credence to the idea that these were unholy animals to be eating.
I myself, enjoy a good slab of bacon. No offense to the Jewish, I just take care not to do it in front of them.
It has nothing to do with “cloven hooves being of the devil” as there is no devil in Judaism. The Torah states that animals that both chew their cud and have cloven hooves are kosher; pigs have cloven hooves but don’t chew their cud, so they’re considered “unclean.” This is also why rabbits are unkosher; they chew cud but they don’t have cloven hooves.
Pigs are also notoriously filthy animals that carry all sorts of parasites and other nasty things. During Talmudic times, there was a mention of a plague spreading amongst pigs (a swine flu, if you must), and one of the prominent Rabbis of the time, Rev Yehuda decreed a fast in case the plague could spread from pigs to different livestock that were kosher.
Well I was going to sit here and reply to the various comments. But I’m not feeling particularly wordy today.
So let’s sum up my thoughts.
Judaism is fucking awesome and is one of the only religions I respect.
Pigs are delicious but I’m not found of pork chops. (I dig a nice pork roast though. And bacon.)
We’re friends with all the hotness and keep it selfishly to ourselves without sharing.
I fully support the fact that some poor roommate somewhere has submitted to the power of the Walrus and Respect.
I’m going away now to work on Friday’s comic until something of interest entices me to post again.
I have nothing against Judaism, I just never got what they had againt pork. It’s good to know. Also, I too hate pork chops. But for me, it’s because my dad refused to put seasoning on the when I was growing up. So they were always bland as hell.
See my comment in the thread above. Being the resident Jew, you can take my word for it.
Judaism is, indeed, fucking awesome. Spock is Jewish. I’m just sayin’.
Dear All,
12 hours left until questions for CreepKnight Answers Your Fucking Questions will no longer be accepted. Trust me folks; you don’t want to miss this. Email them to me NOW!
I obey!
Did you answer my fucking question(s)?
MC can be surprisingly intelligent about certain topics…
Congratulations guys, that’s a prestigious list be on. Hell of an accomplishment.
I’d give my right arm to be counted amongst Dirk Tiede and Garth Graham.
Okay, not my right arm, but someone’s right arm.
I’d give up my pinky. It’s a loss because then I wouldn’t be able to give people “The Feather”.
For the record, I only did the one as Dr. Tran because it seemed a good, and funny, moment for him. My only real I.D. is Ticker.
@Marron I was hoping you’d chime in on the proceedings considering that if anyone would know for sure it would be you!
freak with a pen
Shhhh! You don’t want to blow his cover do you?