The Walrus Sings
It's entirely possible that you've never heard of Amanda Fucking Gaiman Palmer. It's a real shame if you haven't. She's a rockstar. She's awesome. She makes damn glorious music (Grymm would like to add that she has been the only one to ever make a Nirvana song enjoyable to him). She's also married to some guy by the name of Neil Gaiman. She's an independent artist blazing her own trail completely free of a record label. Kinda like us! But of course, as any creative type knows, it takes capital to make awesome stuff happen for fans, that's why she opted to use Kickstarter to fund her next major studio album. It's been an amazing success. It's now funded nearly eight times over. This is what art should be about. A direct conduit between creator and fans. None of this third party corporate backwash that tells the artists and audiences alike what should be made and what should be consumed. Complete with greedy, creatively devoid, cartoonish business types hording all the profits in the end. She's living the dream and we love her and respect her for that. If there's ever a case of us showing what deities Voodoo Walrus characters hail to, AFP has already been marked down as one of the main ones. We here at Voodoo Walrus have already chipped in even though the album's been long since funded proper. We don't care. We know it's all going to a good cause. As always we consider supporting artists to be one of the noblest endeavors one can involve themselves in. Best of all, you can do so for only one little dollar and that still secures the entire digital copy of the new album for you. Help Fund the AFP Kickstarter. Show the Music Industry Where the Real Power Lies. This also makes us consider what we might one day be able to do with the glory of Kickstarter. Like an actual physical run of Voodoo Walrus books. Or maybe on of the other comic projects we have lying in wait. We live in an amazing time.
0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 13: Anyone Can Be A Rock Star”
I love that look of utter terror on the waiter’s face. I smell fear and it make me want to make him uncomfortable in public.
Okay it’s more “wary dread” but he looks like the kind that freaks out when flirted with.
This scene… Is just so perfect…
I should make that t-shirt.
Grymm Grymmowski
Hm. Testing out this Disqus thingum…
Marron Marvel
I had originally set it up with my email address, but now that it’s up and running, I’ve changed it to your email address. You’ll likely get an email asking you to verify the change. Which reminds me, I need to email you the credentials…
Hm. Fascinating this disqus thing is…
Rhaina Kincaid
Rhaina Kincaid
Now I’m no longer Akonite if I want an avatar and don’t want to sign up to their website.
Marron Marvel
Signing up takes like two seconds, though. For reals. Like with 12421472319 other sites, just “sign up with Facebook.” And then you can change your nickname.
Rhaina Kincaid
Meh…it’s not like this is my real name.
You might try logging in via the Guest option and using the email connected to your gravatar. I did so and it pulled my gravatar icon.
Wait. Never mind. I was wrong.
Well, you can always just put your name and email as you have before by posting a comment as a guest.
Epic Entrence is Epic
That is all
P.S. We know you love us. And we love you too.
Epic Enterence is Epic.
That is all.
P.S. We know that you love us. And we all love you.
Villemous CreepKnight
According to my player, I have listened to “Do It With a Rockstar” 121 times in the last four days. I think this may be my new favorite song.