Grymm Ramblings
Sea yetis are a menace. Seriously. You have no idea. We've been getting some questions concerning different Walrus related extras and such as of late so here's the official creator word on a few things: The Volume 1 PDF Collection: Still in the works. Slated for December release. Was put on hiatus due to us being terribly busy the past couple of months and some hardware setbacks. Ask CreepKnight a Fucking Question: The series is coming back, better than ever with a slightly different format. Again, due to hardware failure and time, work on it has been delayed. But there's plenty of questions to be answered and possibly some extra awesome stuff that'll go into them as well. Prints: Prints of the comics are always going to be for sale. They're 8.5" x 11. Glossy. Full color. High resolution. And I know for a fact that they look fantastic since I'm the one that's done the printing. There's a button right right under the comics themselves for buying prints. Or for those of you who don't trust buying things online/via Paypal and the like, you can contact us at and we can work out an alternative method of payment and such via snail mail. T-shirts: We keep getting the occasional comment that our t-shirts are too expensive. Especially since Redbubble just upped their prices. Not much we can do about that folks. Just wait until we have enough people willing to place pre-orders for shirt designs and we can switch over to the much cheaper printer we found a while back. Commissions: I am always open for commissions and I'm capable of doing a wide variety of themes and content. Email me at if you want to run a commission idea by me and want a price quote.
0 thoughts on “How to Make A Comic 8: Ze Piggies Boss, ze piggies!”
Will B
Thanks for the update on pdf. Comic looks good as always. Love how it always evolving both in writing style and art work. Would preorder tee’s but moving to England after the first of the year so gotta save up.
And to be perfectly fair, as far as t-shirts go, we don’t expect too much pre-order action until we roll out the next design anyway.
Also, huzzah for the move to England! Be on the wathc for police boxes near Cardiff.
Damn! Grymm beat me to the Doctor Who reference…
Will B
Well where I living is only an hour away from the Torchwood base. So might be going there with cam.
SU-EY!!!! Couldn’t resist. Will the Mass’s real arch-villain be showing up in any possible future story arcs?
is it okay that I’m afraid to know what The Mass’s Arch enemy shoots energy out of?
Because I am.
I have to say I now want to see a comic where the Walrus cast is playing croquet.