Grymm Ramblings
Hi folks. I have some minor bad news. If you were checking out the site Wednesday-ish, you might have noticed things looking wonky due to Marron working her glorious Web Mistress powers to upgrade the WordPress software that runs the site (I think I used all the right words there. I'm not sure.) Long story short, we all decided we didn't like the new version and reverted things back to about the way they were before. But there was some collateral damage. A great many comments have almost been lost in switching things back. The comments still exist in our backroom control panel, but as far as public viewing goes, everything from April up til now seems to be hiding from your loving gaze. We're not sure how that happened. We're also not sure how to fix it. Honestly, we're surprised that this has happened before now what with the domain switchover and the host migrations and other various upgrades and downgrades. For now, we're just leaving it as is. The site's up, the archive functions. Everything looks right. Also, due to the upgrade/downgrade, it seems like the permalink URL's to the separate archive pages are now different. Didn't realize that until I noticed that the Project Wonderful ads we have up on some other sites out there weren't actually directing back to the proper pages. So there's that too. That's another thing we're likely to leave as is since we don't want to tempt fates. What can I say? It's been a rocky year all around. But the Walrus remains strong in delivering you weekly entertainment! And we plan to continue doing just that despite any issues that might stand in the way. Also, how many of you have been waiting for this page, eh? I know a number of you have been on the edge of your seats waiting for the tables to turn on Lil' Ms. Robot Arm. Join us next week to see how things play out.
0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 3: And An Interruption Soon Followed”
One day they’ll learn…. seriously, don’t fuck with people whose eyes can glow and that have been augmenting reality since before puberty.
Let’s do the math here… one large man who is royalty who was fighting off punks since he was a kid in some strange country where they DON’T EVEN HAVE CLASSIC COKE! Who can call on the power of some elder god voodoo thing and is about three seconds from stabbing people in the face at all times . One small man whose hair can cut through ninja’s like butter as well as concrete, can call upon satan to help him and is apperently a prophet to Mirth’s people. One woman who while she was stabbed has a pet that can bring people back to life, she came into the comic by bursting through the chest of hobo jesus and has a legion of eldritch creatures at her bec and call. One girl friend who is able to keep up with Lord Creepknights madness and is thus far far from ‘normal’ One super science badger, one ex friend who is a living special effect, and bowler.. the one person who mac has cowered in fear from… let’s see… add it together… carry the three…. equals…. … my calculator exploded… huh…
regardless… Mac has no idea… no idea what she has done.
All delusions of grandeur must come to an end. In this case it didn;t just end it crawled whimpering back to what ever void creature spawned it and begged to be put out of its mercy, because Grym will have none when this is said and done. Mac you signed your end in blood and the Eldritch things that spawned these two are calling to collect their dues against you~ And it is /glorious/.
Grymm without hair is very creepy. I did not recognize him.