Musings of a CreepKnight
So I just got back from burying someone, hence my long, long absence. It was both a sad and happy occasion, seeing some of the extended members of my family along with the ones I no longer talk to. Ah Richmond, how I've missed thee.
Except for Rook.
When I taught him how to use the internets, it was not my intention that he use it for needless attention begging. But given what Grymm has told me about his actions in my absence, both on this site and... elsewhere, I'm afraid we have no choice but to perma-band his ass. So for those of you who were enjoying your time in Rook space, I apologize. But I have better things to do than deal with his bullshit.
That said...
Rook, I know you're reading this. I don't know in what section of the castle you're currently trespassing, but you have until Monday to get the hell out. Otherwise I'm calling the police and charging you with criminal trespass, as well as going to the local magistrates office to get a restraining order against you.
The CreepKnight has spoken, and he is not in a pleasant mood.
Please enjoy the comic, and continue reading below.
Marron's Stolen Typing Space
Hey, you. Yes, you. You're a Joss Whedon fan, right? Of course you are. You loved Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, right? How could you not, after all. Well, I come to you with a chance for awesome. As some of you know, I am not only the webmistress of Voodoo Walrus, but I also run a little slice of Internet called Geek Life. Well, I'm giving away a free copy of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: The Book, so you should head over to the site and enter to win. Just comment on the giveaway post and you're automatically entered. If you don't know what to say when you comment, enter the following: "Nathan Fillion is a sexy beast." There, no excuses. Go enter to win the most awesome book in the history of awesome books. You, too, Grymm & CreepKnight. Go go go!Grymm Ramblings
In addendum, I'd just like to apologize to any and all of our readers who may have had the misfortune of seeing some of the... more audacious, offensive, abusive, and trollish comments Rook left on Tuesday's update before I managed to delete them all and temp-ban his ass right out the door. Though I'm sure most of you had better things to do than read the 50 some odd comments he spammed the site with.
But all his well now. Oddly enough, this all coincides with the in-comic version of Rook being taken down a peg too. Funny that.
Also, I need to remember to draw Bowler in her skintight rubber dress more often.
0 thoughts on “Hungerous Intents 2”
Will B
Well I can I missed Rook. But then again my aim has been off last couple weeks. Will work on it. That being said wb Creepknight. Madam webmistress I shall try to enter the contest. And Grymm yes you do need to do more bowler in rubber skintight. DAMN!!!!
Will B
And my condolences on your burying someone creep.
I forgive the Rook, if only because I need the good karma.
Marron – Your words ring true in my heart. Thank you.
Hell Gods Please Ozzy Yes! We need more Bowler fashion
No worries. There’s plenty of fashion ideas on the horizon. Just a matter of fleshing things out.
thats what i like t hear! fer bein such a good sport i’ll give ya a 15% discount next time ya want any medium to large supernatural beastys destroyed!
mmm curvy women in skintight clothing.
I missed the bad behavior, never saw the posts climb past 29 for the last comic, so you managed to delete them before I visited to read any new ones. I miss getting email notification when a reply came.
Tis glorious isn’t it?
Excellent! Then my moderation skills achieved exactly what they were meant to!
Bowler in the rubber dress = Happy JAK.
Happy JAK = the world doesn’t get destroyed today.
You’ve saved the world yet again.
I always knew the Walrus would go a long way to bettering the world!
How the hell are you still capable of posting? No. fuck it. I’ll set your comments to be sent to the spam filter.
He has made an alliance with the little red dot! And Creepknight, sorry about the relative. Shit happens and it always seems dark. Grieve for a while and get VERY drunk and feel better.
ya cant stop me natch im everywhere! in ur bases,stealin your catburgers or some shit like that!
by the way i know about trap ya set in the kitchen yer too late i already pillaged half the fridge anyway i can hold up here for days! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
where are you guys? castles too quiet. how can i get my rocks off if yer not here and not checkin comments to see my spittin all over yer ban
i gotta surprise for you boys and its a good one heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeh
rook…. GTFO you creep seriously.. just go.. get back to the fuckin attic where you belong and stop being a nuisance you gutter stain
also loving your dress bowler dear and yes you do looking fucking amazing
oooh you gots yerself some moxy! i likes me the moxy!
Jesus. We’re gone all day for business purposes and this is what we come back to?
I seriously doubt you can surprise us. Outside of you somehow avoiding our best efforts to block your comments, the worst you’ve ever been capable of is losing your pants and passing out, ass up, draped over the couch.
I’ll show you moxie… -mutters to myself shuffling through my trunk of pain full objects pulling out a large rusted machete a few restraints and a large metal wash tub filled with hot water and rose bath salts- c’mere rook s’time fer a shower
no need for the fancy talk i know what yer tryin t say “rook i wanna see you nekkid”
but daddy always said dont give anybody a free show so thats gonna be 10 bucks
-visibly shudders and dies a little inside- that has caused an image that cannot be unseen……
might i have permission to slowly disembowel the rook with a rusted spoon?
Please bear with us everyone. As you can see, attempts to get Rook out of our hair is proving difficult. Especially considering that we seem to be having some weird issues with accessing our site admin functions. Marron’s working on it though so everything should be fine! Feel free to verbally abuse Rook in the meantime though!
Rook, last warning: I’m getting the pool cue and the cell phone. Start packing or start sputtering; it’s your choice.
hey big daddy how many times did you have to log yerself back in before the site stopped givin ya error messages? huh? heh
is that you i hear screamin at your computer? somethin wrong? ya can still make it all right again ya know. not too late. just gimme some smokes and apologize for tryin to smoke me outta the cellar with that tear gas a little while ago
See? this one lines me! hey ticky lets me and you party you provide the booze n smokes and i’ll provide the ROOK!
I already have the booze! And I hear that Creepknight keeps his secret stash of smokes hidden in the cellar, gaurded by the jabberwockee.
Ticker – The balls of destiny don’t need your help, but I love the term.
Grymm, I can only offer you sympathy, and advice a wise man gave me years ago, on a wintery eve: KILL IT OH GOD KILL IT IT’S EATING ME! These words have given me solace for many years, and I hope that they can help you weather this small storm.
And thank you for the invitation. We will…
Will B
Marron have you tried writing program that shuts his computer off when he logs into the sight?? Or perhaps make it so that it goes into continuous restart?? Creepknight sir you requested that the pool cues be cleaned after his last beating. May I suggest the 12 iron instead??
Still experiencing technical difficulties on our end folks. We’re starting to think we underestimated Rook’s net knowledge. Its possible that he’s compromised our operation here. We also think he’s been intercepting all communications between us and Marron.
The Fronkobo has been released through the castle to drag him out of whatever hidey-hole he’s crawled in to.
Rook, dear fellow… I am a gentleman. I am no dilettante, nor hipster, and I am here to give you some friendly advice: desist. You cannot hope to continue without consequence, and the stakes are raised. You are outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed. But, I sense, this has little effect on you. You are likely within sipping distance of the bottom of a bottle of cheap mead, and feeling quite indomitable right now, so let me make this personal: *leans toward the monitor, fingers cruelly steepled, the electric glow defining, rather than dispersing the shadows across my brow* You cannot hope for success, nor bow humbly and beg forgiveness. You are on the razor’s edge, and all bay for you to but slip- and end this farce.
To my fellow commentators, friends: the line for Rook abuse starts here.
your one of them fancy talkers aint ya? sokay. were gonna have fun from here. ROOKS! in charge here now! I’m makin the posts and showin the comics! time for partyin!
*has been watching in amusement these past few posts, leaning forward, hands laced together, peering over them contemplatively* This…has had to have been some of the most interesting Commentator sessions ever. Though Rook…if you keep us from the Voodoo, you do realize you’ll have more than just Creepknight and Grymm and the rest to deal with? You can’t find us all Rook…and we are watching.
dont you worry chicky i’ll give you the voodoo any time you want the voodoo know what im sayin?
rose dear shall we start initializing the network of the walrus? or await further annoyance?
Top three sessions, easy.
I have been watching this duel for some time, amused – yet perturbed.
If Rook interferes with the Voodoo, someone will have to pluck him from his path, like a foul-minded kitten. His technical skills underscore a need to solve this problem physically, say with a gentlemanly duel – with rebar shafts. Can I count on you to hold him down while I riposte his face off?
ill hold him down as long as i can have a has-mat suit so i don;t actually have to touch him..
Noted. Maybe some splash guards are in order…
I am in full agreement on the Hazmat suit, so long as they are radiation graded. I refuse to use anything lesser…
Cera, dear~ Mobilize the forces. We shall figure this out, hook or crook. AS for Splash guards…I feel the need for a full face helmet under my hazmat helmet. Though rebar is far too kind….something with hot iron brands, salt and acid should be far more appropriate… And the aforementioned Rusty machete to remove those pesky hands of his.
You guys are so behind the curve. you totally missed that ive taken my first uh thingy as new grand admiral of the site and posted mondays comic!
*blinks in horrified confusion* I thought someone had duct taped him in a corner for “time-out” maybe next time one should dump a bottle of superglue on him instead.
Do we know he wouldn’t enjoy it?
there was this chick in reno last year who had a mummy fetish and fuggin tons of duct tape. it cost my both my nipples but was totally worth it
The Eddie
Okay, just got to say, never had I thought I’d ever find a readable webcomic while searching for hot drawn porn. Bravo ladies and men*, this is truly readable and enjoyable. I hope to remember this and not just forget it after a week of working, but sadly I suffer the A.D.H.L.A.S. so who knows? Good job, thanks for wasting a crappy week and making it funny. Toodles!
(*so intentional)
Here’s hoping you remember us then! The more readers we have, the stronger we become!
A curvy chick in a red rubber dress with a bowler hat…
Words cannot describe the ecstasy i feel at the moment!